Road Block

During an early morning journey through the serene countryside, Dalton encountered an unexpected obstacle. A massive bison stood squarely in the middle of the road, its imposing figure casting a shadow across the asphalt. Dalton, no stranger to the wildlife that frequented these parts, felt a mixture of respect and familiarity towards these majestic creatures. With a calm demeanor, he exited his vehicle, intending to gently persuade the bison to clear the path. However, as he cautiously approached, he couldn’t help but notice something peculiar about the way the bison held itself, its behavior not quite matching the norm he was accustomed to.

As Dalton drew nearer, his keen eye for detail began to pick up on subtle cues that all was not well with the animal. The bison’s posture was off, and there was a visible strain in its movements, a stark contrast to the effortless grace these creatures typically exhibited. His initial curiosity quickly morphed into genuine concern as he pieced together the troubling signs. It dawned on him that there was a significant reason behind the bison’s refusal to move, a realization that shifted his approach from one of coaxing to one of figuring out how to assist the distressed animal.