You may like to check a brief list of the most charming and hottest men of all time. Here is a list for you:

James Dean

Though James Dean’s life and career were both cut tragically short, he can be considered one of the hottest men of all time. James is the most notable for his role in the movie Rebel Without A Cause. He was a cultural icon as the ultimate bad boy of his time. This actor died in a car crash in 1955 at the age of 24.


Marlon Brando

Marlon Brando played different roles in several movies and was known as the most good-looking guy. Brando’s diversified role as Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire to Vito Corleone in The Godfather helped him to build a gorgeous career in the film industry. He is also considered one of the greatest screen actors of all time.

Rock Hudson

Rock Hudson was best known for his romantic comedies of the 1950s and 1960s. This heartthrob actor performed in several movies like Giant, Magnificent Obsession, and Pillow Talk. However, he was the first major celebrity who die from AIDS.

Paul Newman

Paul Newman is an unforgettable on-screen for his philanthropist’s bright blue eyes. This classic actor was also familiar with the transcending flawlessly career life. He played diversified roles in his real life such as race car driver to film actor.