Seasonal depression is one of the common issues in the USA. Nearly 4 to 6 percent of people in the United States experience SAD. But there are some ways to reduce or eradicate this problem.

Firstly, you need to consult with your doctor and proceed accordingly. You can also take the preparation for this situation during fall time. You can also consider preventive methods like taking antidepressants, using dawn simulators, and applying light from the box.

In most cases, SAD appears during late fall or early winter. Conversely, people with opposite patterns experience SAD during spring and summer. As the season progresses symptoms may become more severe. The most common symptoms are feeling depressed most of the day, having low energy, and experiencing changes in appetite.

Though the specific cause of seasonal affective disorder remains unknown, scientists have identified some factors behind this human behavior. One of the main causes of SAD might be our biological clock. It is assumed that the reduced level of sunlight in fall and winter may cause SAD during winter. A drop in serotonin could also be responsible for changing moods and play an important role in increasing depression.