Some people experience stomach aches after eating. Stomach pain or discomfort might have numerous causes. When a stomach ache appears after eating and then disappears, food is typically to blame. A person can avoid stomach pain by eating a balanced, healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables. Cutting back on sugary beverages, caffeine, and fatty or spicy foods may also be beneficial.



In gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Your stomach acid backs up into your esophagus over an extended period. This acid reflux might harm your esophagus by irritating the lining there. Heartburn and the sensation that food is re-entering your mouth after being eaten are usually the predominant symptoms, however, chest pain can also occur.



Irritable bowel syndrome affects you (IBS)

IBS is an intestinal illness that can produce stomach pain after eating as well as gas, diarrhea, and constipation can manifest itself in various ways.



Indigestion can be brought on by consuming too much coffee, alcohol, spicy meals, and acidic foods. This implies that certain foods can make it more difficult for your body to break down the food and convert it to glucose. You can have bloating and nausea as a result. Some individuals may even have indigestion as a result of underlying medical disorders including postprandial distress syndrome (PPDS) and epigastric pain syndrome (EPS).


Stifled wind

Inconvenience might result from digestive tract wind obstruction. There can be a sharp ache or a stretched-out, uncomfortable feeling in the stomach. Air can be swallowed when someone chews gum, suckers candy, or eats with their mouth open. This may also contribute to wind.



Celiac illness

Gluten, a protein included in wheat, barley, and rye, causes an immunological reaction in some people, known as celiac disease. Because the immune system is engaged in the reaction, this is distinct from gluten intolerance. When exposed repeatedly, it harms the small intestine’s lining.