We perform an anti-aging diet to extend our lifespan. But are these types of diets helpful? Experts’ research on anti-aging diets has been done mainly in animals and data on the benefits of these diets for people is limited. So, further research needs to be conducted to draw any concluding remarks. Here we have tried to find how effective these anti-aging diets are to us.

Some common vegetables and fruits are considered the key to a long and healthy life. These anti-aging diets don’t focus on what you should eat. Rather anti-aging diets focus on limiting your intake of food overall. This is a way of restricting your meals to certain days or times of the day.

calorie-restricted diet can extend the number of years you’re in good health. However, some researchers think that data on the benefits of calorie-restricted diets for people is limited.

Scientist Matt Kaeberlein wrote, “Despite their recent popularization, there is not yet strong evidence that any of the anti-aging diets studied in laboratory animals have substantial long-term health benefits in non-obese humans.”

Scientist of the University of North Texas Health Science Center Michael J. Foster said, “One could argue from the rodent studies that the difference in life expectancy [between animals] due to caloric intake is up to 50 percent.”

Forster also said, “The evidence is poor that any current dietary practice other than [calorie restriction] will significantly and broadly influence health and longevity.”