The Greatest Showman filmmaker Michael Gracey is working on a biopic focusing on the life of Robbie Williams. It is heard that the Silver Screen project is in the early stages of development.

The biopic is based on the life of Robbie Williams. It will tell the story of his rise to global fame. It may explore his darker days as he battled substance abuse too. Director Michael Gracey has already spent several hours with this singer. Their discussion might be helpful for this project which is tentatively titled Better Man.

Michael Gracey said, “As for how we represent Robbie in the film, that bit is top secret. I want to do this originally. I remember going to the cinema as a kid and some films blew me away and made me say as I sat there in the cinema, ‘I’ve never seen this before. I just want the audience to have that feeling.’

He also stated, “All I can say is the approach is top secret, but the goal is to generate that feeling I just described. It’s this fantastical story, and I want to represent it in its harsh reality to these moments of pure fantasy. Unlike some people who were born prodigies or musical geniuses and you follow the narrative of the world catching up to their brilliance, this isn’t that story.”

Fans may get a chance to hear some of Williams’ hit tracks in the film. However, the release date for the project is yet to be confirmed.