Most of us fail to connect leg problems with heart problems. But some warning signs can tell you about your heart trouble. So, we all need to be aware of health conditions like diabetes, and blood pressure. These health conditions can cause issues with the feet, calves, and thighs. You can also identify some symptoms that can spell danger for your heart.

Leg swelling

Swelling can occur in any area of your body. Sometimes you feel swelling in your feet. It also starts from the lower legs. It indicates that you might have some blood circulation problems. When the heart is unable to circulate blood properly, it creates a vein blockage in your leg. As a result, you can experience congestive heart failure or CHF. Cardiologist Edo Paz said, “CHF is a chronic condition where the heart does not pump blood as well as it should. One of the classic findings of CHF is swelling of the legs, often associated with other symptoms like shortness of breath.”

Volunteer of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Movement Jennifer Lewey explained, “With venous insufficiency, swelling is usually worse at the end of the day and improves with elevating the legs or wearing compression socks. People with leg swelling must be also evaluated for congestive heart failure, which is when the heart muscle becomes weak or stiff and therefore cannot pump blood as effectively.”


Cramping in your calves, thighs, and feet can be a very painful experience. Never underestimate this pain. Because it can be a sign of peripheral artery disease. This disease is a serious condition involving narrowing blood vessels. Consequently, you may experience poor circulation to the legs. When excessive cholesterol and plaque build up on the walls of arteries it can increase the risk of a heart attack.

Edo Paz explained, “PAD is a chronic condition where the blood vessels that carry blood to your organs and limbs become blocked, resulting in decreased blood flow. One of the classic symptoms of PAD is pain or cramping in the leg muscles with walking which improves with rest. Other PAD symptoms may include sores on the legs, poor hair growth, or changes in skin color.”

Furthermore, you may have painful lumps in your toes which can cause potentially life-threatening damage to heart valves. Dermatologist Geeta Yadav said, “Osler’s nodes can appear on the fingers and toes of those with endocarditis. They’re often small and painful, with the discomfort that’s felt before the bump is visible.”