Deep in the heart of a secluded village, nestled amidst an ancient and mystical forest, lived a man named Harold, the village forester. With the forest as his companion, Harold dedicated his days to preserving and guarding the woods.

Source: Everyday Tricks

Within his quiet existence, he became intimately acquainted with every tree, every creature, and every secret that whispered through the rustling leaves. Little did he know that a fateful discovery would soon plunge him into a remarkable journey of mystery, courage, and unexpected alliances.

Harold’s Solitary Life

Harold was quiet and solitary, dedicating most of his days to tending the woods. He diligently maintained safe and clear trails while ensuring the thriving existence of flora and fauna.

Source: Everyday Tricks

This wasn’t something he had stumbled upon; in fact, he had always loved nature since he was a child. And now, spending hours in the forest for work made him feel like he was living the dream.


While Harold enjoyed the solace and tranquility he found within the embrace of the forest, the villagers harbored a different perception of the ancient woodland. The dense expanse of trees and foliage was a place of mystery and danger to them.

Source: Everyday Tricks

The tales passed down through generations painted the forest as a sinister and even cursed realm. However, for Harold, the forester who had dedicated his life to the guardianship of these woods, his experiences were in stark contrast.


Whenever he ventured into the depths of the forest, a sense of serenity washed over him as if the very spirit of the woods welcomed him with open arms. The calmness he felt amidst the towering trees and sunlight defied the legends that held the villagers in their grip.

Source: Everyday Tricks

During his forays into the forest’s heart, Herold felt at home. To him, the forest was a way to hide from the complexities of everyday life; it was an old friend who greeted him with open arms and a welcoming embrace.

Caught His Eye

Though, this soft perception was soon about to change. One day, during Harold’s routine survey of the forest, his sharp eyes caught a glimmer of metal at the foot of a towering oak tree.

Source: Everyday Tricks

Intrigued, he approached with measured caution. As he drew nearer, the glint became more distinct, revealing the unmistakable form of a pipe emerging from the soft earth. Its presence puzzled Harold; the forester had walked this path many times, but this was the first time he had noticed the pipe.


The metal frame stood out amidst the lush green foliage, puzzling him. It was covered in moss and dirt and bore witness to its age. It was clear the pipe had been here for a long time. Doubt seeped into Harald’s mind—had he been an inadequate forester?

Source: Everyday Tricks

How many other things had he overlooked? Herold searched around and noticed that the pipe had been intentionally covered by moss, and due to the heavy rains over the last weeks, it had become exposed. So someone had gone to great lengths to hide the pipe. But why?

Doubts and Reflections

Just as Herold was lost in thought, a voice emerged from beneath the ground—a sharp, unintelligible cry for help. At first, the forester thought it was just the wind whistling through the pipe.

Source: Everyday Tricks

He was sure he was imagining things. But as he got closer to the pipe, the cry got louder, and a chill ran down his spine. He looked around, hoping the sound was coming from around him and not from underneath him, but when he found nobody, it became inevitable that something or someone was calling out to Herold.


While Herald wasn’t a man to be easily spooked, the shrill cry made him get goosebumps. He got closer to the pipe, and the sound got louder. All the stories he had been told by locals about the forest being haunted came back to Herald.

Source: Everyday Tricks

And he didn’t know what to do. His logical mind told him to leave and get help, but his instincts pushed him to act fast and now. Intrigued, he explored further, tracing the pipe’s path through the forest.


Indeed the pipe, which was roughly buried, was part of a more extensive system. And following it would lead Herald to an opening. But hours passed, and the pipe’s journey seemed never-ending, disappearing into the undergrowth.

Source: Everyday Tricks

The pipe re-emerged in unexpected places and weaved across the forest floor like the veins of a colossal beast. And while Herald claimed to have known every inch of the forest, he noticed that he had never been to this location.

An Intricate Network

But what Herold thought was a simple pipe was part of an intricate network of ventilation systems, and the more he explored, the more concerned he became. Whatever structure the pipe was connected to had to be massive.

Source: Everyday Tricks

And as if on queue, the pipe abruptly ended over a small hill. Herold slowly climbed down the side and was met with an astonishing sight—an entrance concealed by dense foliage and imperceptible.

A Hidden Entrance

The entrance was a large round door that was rusted in several places. To Herold, it seemed like an abandoned tunnel, and as he slowly opened the door, he felt the cold air rushing toward him.

Source: Everyday Tricks

He looked around, trying to get a better lay of the land but was forced to continue forward as another shriek filled the air. Whoever was inside the tunnel seemed to be in dire need of help. So, despite the foreboding scent of decay and darkness, Herold walked into the tunnel.

Venturing Deeper

Thankfully, he had a small flashlight, which he used to make his way through the tunnels. And what seemed to be a straight path turned out to be a labyrinth. And while most people would have aimlessly gone on, Herold had an idea.

Source: Everyday Tricks

He tore the side of his trouser and started marking the way back. He knew he could easily get disoriented in this space, and with no light, he needed another way to get out. Then, satisfied with himself, the forester walked deeper into the tunnels.


Abruptly, the path led Harold into a large chamber adorned with deteriorating machinery and pipes. At the center of the room, a massive cylindrical device with intricate gears, levers, and dials, stood as the heart of the underground network.

Source: Everyday Tricks

As Harold reached out to touch the cold metal, the woman’s voice echoed again through the chamber, more desperate than ever. His heart raced; he looked around, hoping to see any signs of the woman but saw only darkness.


While Herold had made all the right decisions ever since he had found the pipe, he was about to make his most important and decisive move yet. He grabbed his intercom radio and called in for help.

Source: Everyday Tricks

While the reception underground was terrible, he still tried to reach out to anyone. He explained all that had happened and requested backup. Although he didn’t respond, Herold hoped someone had heard him on the other end.


But just to be safe, he also dialed the emergency number. Thankfully, someone picked up immediately, and again; the forester explained his whereabouts and the sound. The person on the phone assured Herold that authorities were on the way.

Source: Everyday Tricks

And recommended that he wait outside the tunnel, but Herold knew it would take a leisurely hour for help to arrive and pressed forward. And as he walked deeper, the wailing voice persisted, confirming that he had made the right choice.

Not Alone

Graffiti, plastic wrappers, and decaying animal remains littered the tunnels, revealing signs of life. And amidst the scene, a loud bang echoed in the distance, confirming to Harold that he was getting closer.

Source: Everyday Tricks

But as he took a turn, he noticed that the ground underneath started becoming wet. And as he walked further into the tunnel, the water level rose. At one point, he was submerged up to his knees.

Burst Pipe

Herold noticed that one of the pipes in the ceiling had burst, causing the hallway to flood. And with the voice still wailing further ahead, Herold increased the urgency of his search. The singer, now nearer, pleaded for help.

Source: Everyday Tricks

Harold waded through the rising water without hesitation, determined to aid the distressed woman. Then, opening a door, he confronted an unexpected sight—an entrance resembling a submarine door leading to another door surrounded by an intricate network of passages.

Found Her

And as he opened the second door, he saw a sight he would never forget. A woman was tied to one of the old pipes and looked in terrible condition. And as Harold and her locked eyes, the woman began wailing for help.

Source: Everyday Tricks

The woman begged Herlad to hurry and get her out of the restraints before the other men returned. And ever the resourceful person, Herald had a sharp pocket knife and quickly freed the woman.

Wrong Way

He assumed the woman would want to leave the tunnels as soon as she was free, but to her surprise, she started running deeper into the tunnels. Herald ran after her, begging her to stop.

Source: Everyday Tricks

And it was only when she saw Herlad out of breath and desperately trying to help her, did the woman finally reveal her identity. Her name was Jung Lee, and she and her husband became fugitives from a Chinese crime syndicate.


They were seeking refuge in the United States and were forced underground due to persistent threats to their life. But a few weeks ago, the men from the syndicate had caught up to the couple, and she and her husband were separated.

Source: Everyday Tricks

Lee was sure her husband was hiding in the tunnels and needed help. And despite Herald explaining to her that he had called for help and the authorities should take over, the frantic wife refused to stop her search.


In the end, Herald had no choice but to help Jung, and after navigating the dark tunnels for what seemed like an eternity, the duo heard the faint cries for help. They were confident that it could only be Tao, Jung’s husband, and they were right. Tao had accidentally locked himself inside a room that only opened from the outside, and the minute the couple saw each other, they fell into each other’s arms.

Source: Everyday Tricks

And just as they were embracing, the sounds of heavy footsteps and flashlights approached the trio from another tunnel. Thankfully, it was officers and paramedics who rushed to everyone’s aid. And after treating everyone’s injuries and confirming Jung and Tao’s story, the couple was placed under witness protection in exchange for Tao’s invaluable information on the syndicate. In addition, Herald became a local hero, responsible for saving the couple and inadvertently helping bring down an extensive crime ring.