As the pandemic continues to reshape the way we work, employers are rethinking office spaces to make in-person work more appealing, productive, and healthy for their employees. With the rise of remote work, it’s crucial to create office environments that support mental health and foster productivity. One way to achieve this is by incorporating biophilic design principles into the workspace.

Biophilic Design: The Connection to Nature

Biophilic design seeks to connect building occupants more closely to nature for human health and productivity. Research shows that natural connections measurably enhance human productivity, creativity, and well-being. For example, Tiscareno Associates’ Spark project in Redmond features an urban forest design, which not only fulfills open-space requirements but also enhances the quality of life for residents.

Creating a Restorative Workspace

Restorative environments, such as those that incorporate natural elements, can help evoke positive moods and restore attention. Attention restoration is a human need that workplaces should prioritize, as it can help combat stress, mental fatigue, and poor performance. Thoughtfully chosen colors, textures, and finishes can bring nature indoors, while low-maintenance greenery options like succulents and ferns can be easily incorporated into the workspace.

Interior Design for Productivity and Collaboration

Interior design plays a crucial role in fostering productivity and personal interactions among co-workers. An open design encourages productive encounters between employees, while organization and planning help avoid a cluttered office that hinders communication. Customized workstations, featuring personal touches like family photos or mementos, can remind employees of their life outside of work and contribute to their well-being.

Embracing the Future of Work with Biophilic Design

With remote and hybrid work set to remain popular in the coming years, it’s essential to create workspaces that cater to employees’ needs and well-being. Biophilic-inspired interiors with natural materials like wood and rattan are predicted to be popular in 2023, while access to natural light and views of the outdoors can further improve the workspace. By incorporating biophilic design principles, employers can create office environments that reduce stress levels, increase well-being, and boost productivity by up to 15%.