High school student Tom Hu is developing a mental-health evaluation tool called Nicely, which aims to analyze an individual’s social media use and deliver data to professionals to inform and improve client evaluation, diagnosis, and care. Tom was inspired to create Nicely after a friend attempted suicide, and he realized the role of social media in affecting the mental state of young adults.

Nicely: A Real-Time Negative Mood Indicator

Nicely is a real-time negative mood indicator based on someone’s social media results. Emotions are subjective and cannot be quantified over time, but Nicely can quantify emotion through data analytics. Nicely aims to help Gen Z regulate and monitor their social media usage, which can be a double-edged sword that promotes both positive and negative emotions.

Understanding the Role of Social Media in Mental Health

Healthcare professionals may not fully understand the role of social media in mental health, but studies have shown that institutions can play a crucial role in reducing stress by providing necessary information and support. The impact of social media on mental health is an area that requires further exploration and understanding.

Addressing Stigma, Anxiety, and Depression in Prostate Cancer Patients

Prostate cancer patients often feel restrained by their disease, which can lead to feelings of frustration, loss of dignity, and perceived stigma. Chinese culture values forbearance, humility, and harmony, which can exacerbate psychological distress and negatively influence help-seeking behaviors. Stigma affects mental health, such as anxiety and depression, and leads to poorer health-related quality of life.

Improving Mental Health through Patient Education and Support

Attempts have been made to cope with mental illness, such as stigma, anxiety, and depression, through counseling services and open communication among prostate cancer patients. Necessary patient education should be given high priority, and medical institutions or units are expected to cultivate an open and harmonious treatment atmosphere to improve mental health outcomes.