As Europe’s monarchies continue to evolve and adapt to the modern world, the upcoming coronation of King Charles III in Britain is making headlines for breaking traditions and setting new precedents. While other European monarchies, such as Denmark, Belgium,
Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, have never had a coronation, and Britain remains the final European monarchy to retain the practice.

King Charles III’s Coronation: A Modern Take on Tradition

Historian Ed Owens suggests that this coronation should be the last big one, as it is an acknowledgment that the Britain of Elizabeth II is long gone. However, author Gyles Brandreth believes that there could be another coronation in a quarter of a century or so when William V succeeds Charles III. The 2023 coronation will feature the St Edward’s Crown and a 17th-century scepter made from ivory, but the sacred chrism oil will be vegan. The King and Queen will not travel to Westminster Abbey in the Gold State Coach but in one boasting electric windows and air-conditioning.

Cost of Europe’s Royal Dynasties

Each royal family is unique and has different ways of being funded. Some royal budgets cover the cost of maintaining palaces, staff, and security, while others are limited to annual stipends to individual kings or queens. Tax is paid by some European royals but not others. The UK’s royal family, the Windsors, is the most famous and probably the richest and most powerful. The UK taxpayer gave£86.3m towards the cost of the British royal family last year. The new king and his heir, Prince William, also receive income from two hereditary estates which pay no corporation tax or capital gains tax.

Breaking Royal Tradition: Inviting International Monarchs

For the first time in 900 years of British history, King Charles III is breaking royal tradition by inviting international monarchs to his coronation. The tradition of not inviting international monarchs had been followed previously in coronations. The coronation is set to take place at Westminster Abbey on May 6. The ceremony represents a sacred connection between the monarch, their people, and God. The Times of London reported on the news of international royals attending the coronation. King Charles III has already shown he’s not afraid of breaking royal traditions. Spain’s King Felipe VI has already met with King Charles III during an audience at Clarence House in London on November 21, 2022.

Transparency and the Royal Finances

The royal family is unenthusiastic to talk about their finances, and the team reporting on it has frequently been met with royal silence. Investigative reporter David Pegg discusses why transparency on the royal finances has gone backward and what we do know about the subject they are reluctant to talk about. Since Elizabeth became queen, she and Charles received more than £1.2bn in income. The Duchy of Cornwall alone is worth more than £1bn, and the duchies pay no corporation tax or capital gains tax on their investment portfolios.