It is a method of eating that places more emphasis on paying attention to what your body needs than on adhering to a particular diet or set of rules to improve your relationship with food. When you eat intuitively, you become more aware of your body’s signals of hunger and fullness.


Credit: healthyfood


Don’t adopt a diet mentality

Throw away any diet books and magazine articles that give you the impression that it will be simple and easy to lose weight permanently. Get enraged at the false information provided by the diet industry that encourages weight loss and the lies that have made you feel inadequate each time a new diet failed and you ended up gaining all the weight back.


Credit: maxhealthcare


Keep a dietary diary

To keep track of what you eat, when you consume it, and how much you eat, keep a journal. This aids in giving you back control over your eating patterns. Food journaling can help you identify what’s making you feel sick to your stomach, keeping you up at night, or making you crash in the afternoon. When we record our meals, we become more aware of our consumption.


Credit: earth


Control hunger

To function, the body needs nourishment. A balanced diet gives the body the nutrients and energy it needs to operate correctly. Eat a variety of well-balanced foods until you feel full. Restricting or avoiding food increases the desire to eat later, as numerous studies have demonstrated.