There is no one right technique to stop drinking; it all depends on what suits your needs and way of life. And a plan is where it all begins. Here are some ideas you should think about and concrete actions you can do.


Set a target

Good goals are clear, somewhat difficult, but also attainable. Write down your objectives once you’ve made up your mind about them. You may always make your goals more challenging and work toward quitting drinking entirely if you find that they are too simple or complex.


Credit: sobarecovery


Follow your development

Tracking your progress by keeping an eye on how much you’re drinking using a drinking journal is one of the best things you can do to help you reach your objectives. You can track your drinking and drinking habits in a number of ways, such as keeping a daily journal or using one of the many apps that are available.


Credit: bicyclehealth


Consider your triggers

You might find it helpful to consider your drinking triggers. These could be emotional states like happiness or anxiety, or social or environmental conditions like going out with friends or coming home alone. You can create particular preparations for those scenarios by identifying the times when you are most likely to drink more alcohol than you intended.


Credit: bengreenfieldlife