Dogs make good pets because they are the most compassionate, lovable, and expressive animals that you can take under your wing. But it is also a fact that man’s best friend communicates their thoughts differently.

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For one, dogs mostly use their bodies to communicate. Here is a list of common behaviors and what they really mean. Even veteran dog lovers would find something surprising on this list.

Bark volume

There are a lot of reasons why dogs bark. What you need to pay attention to is how loud it is. If it is really loud and the barks are frequent, it means they are warning you about something or there is an emergency.

Source: Gloriousa

But if your dog is barking in a short and soft manner, it means that they are just calling your attention and want to have fun. As you can see, even the way they bark expresses different things.

Pacing back and forth

When you notice your dog pacing back and forth in a certain area of your house, it could mean different things. For one, it could indicate nervousness if the pacing is slow and excitement if the pacing is fast.

Source: Gloriousa

A dog pacing back and forth could also be a bored dog. They are most likely looking for attention or something to do. They are most likely to stop when you start playing around with them or cuddling them.

Kicks and wiggles

It is always a delight to see your dog kicking up their legs and wiggling its back. They look so full of energy and it can be so adorable. If your dog is wiggling into a surface, it could mean they want to scratch an itch.

Source: Gloriousa

But most of the time, dogs behave this way because they are very excited to see you. They want your attention right away! So the next time your dog does this, make sure you shower them with a lot of affection.

Flicking ears

When a dog starts flicking their ears, this is an indication that it hears a sound that is unfamiliar. They are focusing on the sound to try to identify it or where the sound is coming from.

Source: Gloriousa

When this happens, do not call for their attention. Let them be and allow them to play detective. Who knows, they may have caught up to something interesting. It is actually quite fascinating to watch a dog on an investigation.

Running around wildly after a bath

It can be a real headache when your dog runs around after you just gave them a bath – especially when they reach outdoors. It is usually hard to keep up with them because it is as if the bath gave them an energy boost.

Source: Gloriousa

This is an indicator that they absolutely hate baths or they do not like being wet. They are actually running around like a maniac because they want to dry off as soon as possible. Just let them be and make sure they do not go outdoors – they’ll get dirty again.

Bringing you their toys

Dogs always have that one special toy they love. When a dog brings their favorite toy to you, it is their way of expressing their faith and confidence in you. This means they trust you enough to give you their prized possession.

Source: Gloriousa

You may notice times when you want to play but they simply put a toy in their jaws. It means they do not want to play but they are just holding the toy up to please you because you are the alpha.

Bringing you strange gifts

Cats are known to bring their owners strange gifts like dead animals, stolen laundry, a piece of slipper or shoe, or something shiny. It turns out that some dogs behave this way too. But what does this all mean?

Source: Gloriousa

You should not be freaked out by this. This behavior usually means that they value your opinion and want to please you. It is actually an endearing behavior that lets you know they want you to be happy.

Chewing on furniture

Just like babies during their teething phase, you will find that puppies will start gnawing on different objects. This is understandable. But what if grown dogs start chewing on your furniture?

Source: Gloriousa

When adult dogs do this, it would have nothing to do with teething. This may be a sign that they lack physical exercise. To improve this behavior, all you have to do is take your dog for regular walks.

Grass eating

Have you noticed your dog trying to eat the grass when you take them outside? Most dog owners wonder if this is normal. If this happens frequently, then you should take your dog to the vet.

Source: Gloriousa

Usually, a dog that eats grass could be suffering from different things. It can indicate that they have vitamin shortages, intestinal worms, or digestive problems. You should try also to give them water because it is also an indicator of dehydration.

Standing on hind legs

When a dog greets a human while standing up on its hind legs, this is a way for them to express their affection. So when a dog does this to you, do not be taken aback. They are asking for hugs and cuddles from you.

Source: Gloriousa

When they see other dogs and they are standing on their hind legs, this means that they are showing off their playful side to their fellow dogs. As long as your dog is not acting aggressively, there is nothing to worry about.

Staring at you

Have you noticed your dog staring at you in such a way that they see nothing else? It looks like they are obsessed with you and it could just melt anyone’s heart. That’s one look you can’t say “no” to.

Source: Gloriousa

If you find yourself wondering what these stares mean, it is most likely they are staring at you with the expectation that you will react so lovingly towards them. It is the same way they look at you when they expect you to give them a treat.

Head tilts

We often find it adorable when dogs tilt their heads to the side. Most dog owners think they do it to look charming and adorable. But there is actually a meaning behind all these cute and irresistible head tilts.

Source: Gloriousa

If you notice, they only happen when you talk to them. People often use a higher pitch when talking to dogs. They are actually tilting their heads to the side so that they can hear you better.


Sometimes we catch our dog winking at us while we play with them. You immediately think it is a special moment as if you are sharing an inside joke with each other just like humans do.

Source: Gloriousa

But a dog winking actually means something else. The reality is not as cute as what you first thought. When a dog winks, it is just most likely because something got into its eye and it is bothersome.

Licking you

Dogs are known to lick people’s hands or faces. Not everyone is comfortable with this but a lot of dog owners love it. This is because this is the way a dog shows their love for you. Think of licking as a dog’s way of kissing you.

Source: Gloriousa

Licking for dogs can also mean different when they do it to other things like inanimate objects, plants, or whenever they encounter something new. They use their tongue as a sensory aid.

Curling up while sleeping

Do you notice your dog doing a curled-up position when they sleep? It’s like how a fox would sleep – all curled up with their paws covered up and their tail wrapped around their body.

Source: Gloriousa

You may think this is cute and may snap up a few photos but what you should really be doing is to make sure they are warmed up. They are all curled up that way because they feel cold. It helps to have a dog blanket to wrap over them.

Kicking during belly scratches

Belly scratches are one of the best things you can give your dog. Ever notice how your dog kicks their legs upwards whenever you rub its tummy? It can be so amusing and adorable to look at but in reality, there is a reason behind this.

Source: Gloriousa

Kicking is the way they express themselves when they feel that there is something itchy and they want you to reach that spot. When you notice your dog doing this, move your hand around until they stop kicking.


When humans yawn, it is a way to express how bored, sleepy, or tired we are. For dogs, it is a way to express fatigue as well but there is also another reason why they would yawn around you.

AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND – APRIL 02: Guide dog puppy Halo yawns during a visit by Prime Minister John Key as the PM lends his support for the Red Puppy Appeal at the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind National Office on April 2, 2009 in Auckland, New Zealand. The Red Puppy Appeal raises money to breed, raise, train puppies as guide dogs. (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images)

Source: Gloriousa

Dogs also use yawning as a way to let you know they feel safe and comfortable. It is also considered a sign of submission. Experts believe that a dog that yawns often during the day may be in a good mood because they feel so satisfied.


Ever notice your dog kind of giving you a bow? It is when they retain their posture but they lower their heads a little while maintaining eye contact with you. It is not a sign of fear or respect like the way humans would bow their heads to someone.

Source: Gloriousa

Dogs bow their heads to indicate that they are having a good time. In fact, there is also something experts calls the “play bow” where they would wag their tails and do a little dance around.

Sleeping in the kennel

There are days when you have to drag your dog inside their kennel or crate like when you have visitors around or you have to take them to the vet. But there are also some times when they willingly go in there to sleep.

Source: Gloriousa

Although it is true that most of the time, dogs prefer to roam around free and be around their owners, there are also times when they prefer to be left alone. Sleeping is one of them. In fact, they do acknowledge that their crate or kennel is a space that is their own.

Tackling you

Pet tackles can result in injuries – especially when you have a big dog. But you should know that they do not mean to harm you when they do this. It is actually a good thing plus they could not just stop the feeling.

Source: Gloriousa

Dogs tackle you because they are excited to see you. If you notice, they usually do this when you get home from work or when you get home from a vacation. It is actually a touching moment between the dog and the owner.

Barking at nothing outside the window

Dogs love to watch the outside world through the window. But ever notice how they would suddenly bark and you come over and there is nothing? It turns out there is a reason they do this.

Source: Gloriousa

They actually are doing their duty as guard dogs. Barking at nothing is a way to let potential intruders know that there is a dog in the house. Apparently, dogs take their duty of protecting your home seriously.


Have you heard a dog howl? It can be an eerie sound and could cause goosebumps to show on your skin. When dogs howl, people assume that they do so because they are scared and attempt to calm them down.

Source: Gloriousa

But for dogs, howling is just an expression like yelling and crying. They usually only do so when they need to release some repressed emotions. So the next time your dog howls, let them be.

Digging after doing their thing

Ever notice that every time you take your dog out for their bathroom time, they always want to dig up some dirt and grass right after? New dog owners often stop them but is actually a natural thing for them.

Source: Gloriousa

Dogs do this because they want to cover their droppings. It is a natural instinct for most animals. Also, it is a way to mark their territory. It is to let other animals know that they were there and that the area is theirs.

Eating feces

This can be gross and terrifying the first time you witness it. But there are times when dogs would eat feces – even if it is not theirs. This is called coprophagia and it is actually a common dog behavior.

Source: Gloriousa

But why do dogs do it? It is an indication of malnutrition, meaning they would eat anything. If your dog does this regularly, you should take them to a vet and start feeding them accordingly.

Sniffing each other’s rear ends

It is not uncommon to see dogs sniff each other’s rear ends when they first meet. Dogs have a better sense of smell than we do and they use it to assess everything. Even when it comes to making friends.

Source: Gloriousa

By sniffing the rear end of another dog, they can learn about the other dog’s gender, diet, and temperament. They also do this to humans. If they move closer to you for a sniff, just relax. They are unlikely to bite at that moment.

Humping inanimate objects

When animals start humping inanimate objects, we can find it amusing at first. But if it becomes a constant thing, it can get annoying and embarrassing. Usually, it means they are in heat.

Source: Gloriousa

But did you know that dogs do this just for attention? They know that it is one of the fastest and most guaranteed ways to grab your attention. Sometimes, it is just a desperate way to make you notice them

Licking themselves

When dogs lick themselves, most people would think that they are doing this for hygienic purposes. Just like the way a cat licks itself clean. This can be true but this behavior can also be an indicator of something else.

Source: Gloriousa

Dogs also lick themselves when they are injured. If you notice your dog licking their paws or legs all the time – especially near the joints – you should take them to the vet right away.


This should be pretty much common sense but for those who are new to owning a dog, here is an important reminder. If your dog starts panting, give them water. But you should also know that it’s not always about dehydration.

Source: Gloriousa

Dogs do not have sweat glands as humans do. Panting is the best way for them to lower their body temperature. Take note also that panting may be an indicator of discomfort and stress.

Stiff tail and ears up

Sometimes it can be shocking when you see your dog suddenly freeze up with its tail stiffened upwards and its ears up. It can be very concerning since dogs are hardly ever still when they are outdoors.

Source: Gloriousa

Dogs behave this way when they are concentrating on something. It means they are intrigued by something or someone and are assessing whether they are a threat or not. You should let them be until they reach a conclusion.

Snarling and showing teeth

When your dog starts snarling and showing their teeth, it is probably best for you to take them away from the current situation. It obviously indicates that they are about to be aggressive.

Source: Gloriousa

Just like us, dogs can feel negative emotions too and one of them is anger. When they get angry, they become aggressive. But unlike humans, dogs can give off warning signs that they are about to attack.

Chasing their tail

A common behavior most dogs do is when go around in circles to chase their tail. It is an indicator of their playfulness but if it bothers you, you can give them a toy to divert their attention from their tail.

Source: Gloriousa

But you should also be worried. If they chase their tail all the time, it could be an indicator that they are suffering from a behavioral or health issue. You should take them to the vet to see if there is a problem.

Yowling and yapping

You know that high-pitched way they communicate that is not really a bark? It can be painful to the ears sometimes but it is actually a dog’s way of trying to communicate. This yowling and yapping are their attempts to “talk.”

Source: Gloriousa

If you listen carefully, you can even tell that there is a tone like they are making a request, complaining, or expressing anger. Huskies are known to be very expressive through their yowling and yapping.

Puppy eyes

The cutest thing about dogs? Puppy dog eyes! You know those big wide eyes that look like they are about to cry but in a good way? It’s probably one of the most adorable things that they can do.

Source: Gloriousa

When your dog does the puppy dog eyes, it means they are wanting something from you. It could be affection, treats, and sometimes – forgiveness. It is also a look of adoration and they want to express their affection for you.

Showing empathy

New dog owners are often surprised when their dogs show them empathy. It is usually the moment where they are thankful they took them in as pets. But do they really have empathy?

Source: Gloriousa

It turns out dogs do understand human emotions and they can detect the mood in the air. When they see you crying or upset, they usually stick by your side to show you comfort and consolation.