A recent study revealed that artificial sweeteners can be responsible to develop heart problems. Researchers mentioned developing evidence linking sweeteners to heart disease. Research directly examines how a person’s overall dietary intake of artificial sweeteners affects their risk of developing heart disease. Prior research mainly focused on how artificially sweetened beverages affect the risk of heart disease.

Credit: technologynetworks

Artificial sweeteners are expected to reach a global market value of $9.7 billion by 2028, up from their current $7.2 billion market value and a 5% annual growth. The recommended daily intake of each artificial sweetener is not supported by sufficient data.

Credit: hindustantimes

Soft drinks accounted for more than half of the participants’ artificial sweetener consumption, while tabletop sweeteners made up 30%. Another 8% came from dairy products with added sugar, such as fruit-topped yogurt or cottage cheese. The study also mentioned that sucrose is the most widely used artificial sweetener in the world, while aspartame “has kind of fallen out of favor, so people aren’t consuming it as much.”

Artificial sweeteners may cause a rise in blood sugar. The current study reported specific effects on the microbiome and plasma metabolite profile. Sucralose and saccharin also produced subpar glycemic responses.

Credit: everydayhealth

Utilizing continuous glucose monitoring technology, glucose tolerance was evaluated. This helped the author comprehend how, during the two weeks of the trial, glycemic responses changed in a free-living environment.