While digging up the soil in his garden for the construction of a small guest house, a man hit a strange yellow object. As he retrieved the object, it immediately glowed underneath the sunlight.

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He could not believe what he was seeing. He hurriedly went inside the house to show his wife what he had found. She had also seen nothing like it before. They could not tell if it had value or not.

A public post

The two immediately looked on the Internet for some answers. The keywords they typed in were not pulling up anything close to the strange yellow object. One thing was for sure – it did not look like something that grows from the earth.

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The wife decided to take a picture of it and made a public post online to see if anybody can give them answers. But of course, she never thought of the dangers that this means everybody can also see what she posted.

The cops came

The next day, the couple woke up to a loud knocking on the door. They were surprised to see a group of cops waiting outside their front door. The cops said they were there for the yellow stone that the couple had

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The couple said they did not have it anymore but the cops still insisted on searching the premises. What was that yellow object and why does the police want it so badly? Will this couple end up in jail?

It started with a construction plan

Ken and Erica were a happily married couple who are enjoying their life in the city. They were able to buy land a few years back and slowly built their own house. They were both from nearby small towns and living in the big city was a dream come true.

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Their location meant they have a lot of family visits than usual. After all, they were living in the city while the rest of their families were out of town. Because of this, they decided to make a small guest house in the garden to accommodate their guests comfortably.

Something odd in the ground

When they had the cash, they started planning to construct a one-bedroom and one toilet mini guesthouse in their garden. So, Ken had been keeping himself busy digging up the part of their garden that would be used.

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One day, he was digging mindlessly when he felt his shovel hit something hard. Ken assumed it was just another hard rock but when he knelt down and looked, he could not believe his eyes. Something was glowing inside the ground.

A strange object

Ken knelt down, ready to remove a large rock. But as the sunlight hit the object, Ken could see that the object was yellow and it gleamed whenever the light hit it. He reached in to touch it and found that the surface was smooth and hard.

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Since he could not grab it yet, Ken took the time to dig carefully around it until he was able to get it out of the ground. Now that the strange object was in his hands, it became more impossible to tell what it was.

They had no idea what it is

The strange, yellow object was as huge as an American football and it was heavier than it looked. Despite the dirt on its surface, it looked like a really unique stone. It was not a diamond or a crystal but somehow, it had a regal look.

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Ken hurriedly went back into the house to show Erica what he found in their backyard. At first, she thought he was pranking her – after all, she had never seen anything like it. But she could tell from the way Ken was so fascinated about it that this was serious.

Posting it online

Erica could not imagine that the yellow object would have value. But she took some pictures of it and posted it online in the hopes that they could get some answers. Maybe somebody has seen something like this before.

Source: PDF Wonder

Erica posted the picture on her Instagram account. It was a long shot since she only had 200 followers so she decided to turn her privacy settings from private to public for more exposure. Her friends started commenting but it was to ask more questions.

A home invasion

Ken and Erica then spent the rest of the day indoors as it was nearly dinner time. After dinner, they snuggled on the couch and watched a movie. For a while, the couple forgot about the strange yellow rock that was now hidden in a cabinet in their garage.

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Later that night, Ken and Erica woke up when they heard a loud crashing noise from somewhere in the house. Both of them sat up and looked at each other nervously. They could hear footsteps on the first floor and it sounded like two people had broken into their home.

Thieves in the house

Ken got out of bed quietly and signaled Erica to hide. He grabbed his old baseball bat and went downstairs, bracing himself for a fight. Ken found that the living room was a mess. He was shocked to see that even parts of the floor rug were torn apart.

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Then, there was a noise from the garage. Ken quickly opened the door to the garage. He was there to see in time that one of the thieves got the strange yellow object in his arms. Once they saw him, they started running away.

They only had one target

Ken called out to Erica that the robbers were gone and started checking all the doors and windows. Erica went down and was shocked to see the mess the intruders made. They both went through their belongings and found that nothing was missing.

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It seemed like their only target was the strange yellow object that Ken had found in the yard as everything else was ignored. Ken started to become more curious about what he had unearthed in his garden.

Her mistake

Ken wondered how they knew the mysterious object was with them. Erica realized that she made a mistake by posting the object online. She was basically advertising it when she made her profile public. Feeling ashamed, she pleaded with Ken not to call the cops.

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Erica assumed that the cops would probably just blame her for her stupidity and ask them a million questions that they did not have the answers to. After all, they did not really lose any precious possession during the break-in.

A surprise visit

Ken agreed that it was not worth the hassle so they just cleaned up a little and then went back to bed. The two were so exhausted that they immediately went to sleep. But the two would not get enough rest. By 8 in the morning, they were disturbed again by a loud knock on the door.

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Ken went downstairs to answer the door, feeling irritated that his sleep was interrupted. The past 24 hours had been a rollercoaster ride from it and he needed some more time to get over the whole thing.

It was the cops

But when he opened the door, his eyes grew wide when he saw five police officers on his front porch. One of them asked if he was the owner of his house. Ken was confused and nodded. The cop then gave him the warrant to search the premises.

Source: PDF Wonder

Ken asked the cops what the warrant was for. Another cop told him that they received a tip that a valuable stolen object was in his home. Ken tried to say that he had never stolen anything in his life but the officers moved past him and into the house.

An interrogation takes place

When they saw the mess and the ruined floor, they stopped in their tracks. They asked Ken what was going on. This time, Erica followed Ken downstairs and told the cops that they were victims of a robbery the previous night.

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They were then interrogated and Ken explained everything. He found a yellow object buried in his garden and how Erica posted the item online to see if anyone can recognize what it is. Curious, he asked the cops what the yellow object was.

The lost gemstone

It turned out that the yellow object Ken found was a gigantic gemstone that went missing from their town’s art museum 10 years ago. There were no leads as to who stole it until the case had gone cold. When someone came across Erica’s photo, they immediately tipped the police.

Source: Crystal Earth

When the police received the tip, they looked up Erica’s Instagram account and were astonished to see the gemstone. The police officer presiding over the case could not believe it. He had given up hopes of solving the case a long time ago.

Letting them do their job

And this was how they got a warrant to search their home for the missing gemstone. Although the police believed Erica and Ken, they told them it was still their responsibility to search the premises. Ken understood and allowed them to do their job without any objections.

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The cops confirmed that the gemstone was nowhere to be found in their residence and that they tried to recover any evidence that would lead them to the thieves. They then left and told Ken to contact them if he heard anything about the thieves.

They were anxious

Ken was hoping that the criminals who broke into their house would be found immediately. What he and Erica had gone through was a bit traumatic and he had trouble sleeping at night. Days had passed and they heard no news.

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Ken and Erica were able to do the necessary repairs and changed all locks just in case. Erica was afraid of being home alone although the police assured them that the chances the criminals would come back is very slim since they had already taken what they needed.

Justice is served

A few days later, Ken and Erica received a call. It was the cops. They informed the couple that they were able to catch the criminals. The gemstone was recovered safely and will be returned to the art museum where it belonged.

Source: PDF Wonder

Ken and Erica were relieved. The cops also informed the couple that they were going to be given a hefty reward for the roles they played in retrieving the gemstone. This made Ken and Erica extremely happy as they could really use the cash for their guest house.

Peace of mind

Who would have thought that something strange and unique can be found buried in your garden? As to how the gemstone ended up in their garden, nobody knows yet. The cops are looking into the history of the previous owner of the house.

Source: PDF Wonder

Now, Ken and Erica can sleep more soundly at night knowing that nobody would want to break into their home anymore. And they are also happy to be able to help close a 10-year-old cold case mystery in their town.