Handling kids can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to making them interested in studying. Every child responds differently. Making them interested in study will also take different incentives.

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Rewarding them

It is human nature to be motivated by reward. For younger kids, some snacks of their liking are the best way to reward them after they have accomplished a task. Providing them with different gifts will encourage them to take on new tasks and complete them.

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Make it fun

Kids lose attention very quickly. For some kids, it is hard to retain the focus for the entirety of the work. But, if the study activity is fun and interesting, they can have a good time and finish the work. Try to make the session interactive.

Compliment them

Complimenting your child will work in favor of you. Kids are motivated by the compliment. It boosts up your confidence level in a way that turns them into a confident soul. Always compliment your child for every correct answer they give. Even if it is wrong, you should complement the child for the effort made.

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Encourage them to ask questions

It is never good to make them feel ashamed for asking any sort of questions. Moreover, as a parent, you should encourage them to ask every type of question that comes to mind. This is a way to learn new things.