While most restaurants focus on their food and ambiance to stand out, a restaurant in Texas brilliantly went a different direction. They started putting up hilarious signs and it has made them a household name.

Source: El Arroyo

El Arroyo has been putting up funny signs since it opened in 1975. And these signs never fail to cheer up the locals. In fact, their signs have become quite the tourist spot. Read on to see some of the public’s most favorite signs from recent years.

Losing track of time

The COVID-19 pandemic put the world on lockdown. People were not allowed to go out for health and safety reasons. Students studied from home. Adults started to work from home. And kids and the elderly were to be protected at all costs.

Source: 12up

Stuck at home, most of us have lost track of time since the lockdown started. We did not know what day it was and some of us were crazy bored as the world stopped for a moment to take a breather. This sign captures the feeling exactly.

God’s voice

This sign was a hit because admit it – there are a lot of moments when we think life would be so much easier if there was a narrator around to explain what is going on. Maybe we would not feel that lost or stupid.


And when it comes to narrators, Morgan Freeman is the best. It is no wonder he is often hired to be God’s voice in movies. And during the pandemic, we definitely needed him to look over us and tell us what the hell is going on.

Moms can find anything

Almost everyone can relate to this. Mothers seem to have a sixth sense and they seem to know where everything is located in your house. It is no wonder kids and dads have relied on moms to keep track of everything.

Source: 12up

So if you are looking for something, yell for mom. If she is also clueless, start worrying. There is a great chance that the item is not in the house and that you probably have lost it for good.

Binge-watching madness

Could you imagine what a lockdown would be like if COVID-19 came at an earlier time? Like the time when the Internet was non-existent? Everyone will surely be bored out of their minds!

Source: 12up

Thankfully, the lockdown came at a time when Netflix is available to everyone. And so, it was a great time to binge-watch TV series that you could have missed when the world was still functioning.

Anything can happen

There is no doubt that 2020 was a scary time. The COVID-19 virus crept up on us and has grown into a worldwide pandemic. Little was known about it so there was no choice but to implement a lockdown.

Source: 12up

Just as the sign implies, in this time of uncertainty, anything can happen now and we are more likely to believe it – even the arrival of Godzilla! Who would have thought we would see a virus that paralyzed the world?

Cookie monster

Don’t you hate all those cookie reminders that pop up every time you visit a website? You have to admit that you do not even read the whole thing. But did you know that it actually contains something so relatable?

Source: 12up

This sign from El Arroyo points it out. And now that we read it, we see how important cookies really are for these websites. Because we would totally do the same to improve our lives. Who would not say no to cookies?

The era of facemasks

With the COVID-19 pandemic going on, everyone in the world was required to put on face masks that covered up half of their face. This is for health and safety reasons. And because of that, everybody seems to be fair game in the attraction factor.

Source: 12up

Of course with face masks on, the only way people can stand out is if they have great eyes, lashes, and brows. Some people even started experimenting with contact lenses to stand out even with a face mask on.

Antisocial season

We have to admit, that this pandemic has made everyone antisocial. It’s scary to go out and the thought of exposing your family to the virus is enough to give you anxiety. Therefore, a lot of us have resorted to avoiding any meetups.

Source: 12up

Thankfully, we now know more about this virus and we have vaccines that can give us some form of protection when we go out in public. But if you still hate people, that’s okay. After all, staying at home saves lives.

The public fart

Ah… the shame that goes with farting in public. Farting in front of a loved one is a sign that you are now comfortable with each other but farting in public is a totally different thing. Most of us have had the misfortune of releasing bad air in public at some point in our lives.

Source: 12up

One of the worst places that you can release one is inside a closed area like an elevator. People around you would definitely react. If people do not suspect it’s you, good for you. But sometimes, it can be quite obvious where it came from.

Decluttering season

In recent years, decluttering has been a trending thing to keep a house clean and orderly. To maintain an organized space, you have to get rid of some things. The fewer things you have, the less mess to deal with.

Source: 12up

But for some people, all you have to do is hide the mess. If the pandemic taught us something, one of these lessons is to stay clean and take care of ourselves. And that starts with living in a clean house.

Super long weekend

Remember the days when we used to wish for a long weekend so we have an extra day of rest? With the pandemic and the lockdown going on, everything feels like a weekend that will never end.

Source: 12up

Soon, we start wanting to go back to the office even if it means facing that annoying workmate. Or going back to school even if you have to do assignments and projects again. Suddenly, we have that urge to do anything for a chance to get out of the house.

Homeschooling is not easy

With the pandemic going on, schools have shut down to avoid contamination among the kids since they are vulnerable to the virus. Teachers try to do their work from afar but the bulk of the work has to be between you and your child.

Source: 12up

More parents are starting to realize how hard a teacher’s job is once homeschooling starts and they have to teach their children. It makes you want to appreciate teachers and schools more.

Cooking is a lost art

This is a fast-paced world and everybody is busy. With the economy going up and down, most of us are working double shifts or handling multiple jobs. Some are even too busy to cook their own meals.

Source: 12up

There is no doubt that this is the age of food delivery. It may be an unhealthy habit but it does save you when you have a very long day. If you do love cooking, consider yourself blessed!

Zoom in, zoom out

Now that everybody is doing their classes and working from home, having a stable internet connection and a functioning laptop is a must. And everyone found a way to go on with their classes and work meetings through Zoom.

Source: 12up

Zoom is indeed a blessing to have around during the pandemic. And it has proved that the world can still go on and function even with everyone else doing their thing from home. The best thing about Zoom sessions? The mute button!

Pajama party all day

The best part about working from home? You no longer have to worry about what to wear – which is good news for those who hate their uniforms. Some people would not even take a bath before they tackle their tasks for the day.

Source: 12up

And when a conference call comes up? All you have to do is just dress up your top cause that’s the only thing people will see! A lot of us have shared our funny work-from-home outfits and each one is a blast.

Spice Yodas

You do not have to be a big fan of the Star Wars franchise to gush over how cute baby Yoda is. The character was introduced when the Mandalorian series came out and El Arroyo took a swipe at it.

Source: 12up

They suggested that there should be a scary Yoda, posh Yoda, sporty Yoda, and ginger Yoda. Who would have thought that a crossover between Star Wars and the Spice Girls would be a good idea?

Marriage on the rocks

Ever felt pressured that the people around you are starting to get married and have kids? Or are you getting tired of the ladies humble bragging how blessed they are that they have found the one? You’d probably have a good laugh over this sign.

Source: 12up

The lockdown is forcing married people to be around each other for 24 hours and some of them are suddenly noticing the little irritating things about their partners. If you are married, we do hope that your marriage survived the lockdown!

Review your driving lessons

If you know how to drive, chances are that one of your pet peeves would be sharing the road with bad drivers. And we mean drivers who barely know the basics and end up causing traffic.

Source: 12up

The lockdown confined everybody to stay at home and this has definitely affected the driving skills of some people – especially those who were just starting when the pandemic hit. It’s probably a good idea to take a refresher course if you are one of these people.

That figures

Don’t you just hate it when people make a comment about your weight? It’s probably one of the rudest things people can do. As it turns out, this is not just a pet peeve for females. Even males feel conscious about their body.

Source: 12up

For one, men who have big tummies are referred to as having “Dad bods” and over the years, it has turned into the other way to say a guy is fat. So if you know someone, pass on this witty line to him. And yes, “father figure” definitely sounds better!

Stealing the Tiger King’s thunder

There was a time when all people could talk about was Tiger King, a popular documentary released by Netflix. The documentary became a hot topic around the world given that it was all about a bunch of unusual yet creepily interesting people.

Source: 12up

At that time, some of us thought we would never stop hearing about the people in Tiger King. And when we eventually did, it was because there was a larger problem. It took a worldwide pandemic to make people finally shut up about the documentary.

Less vanity

Ladies, let’s admit this. Going through a lockdown made us realize how comfortable we are in our own skin. No need to wear makeup, dress up, or wear uncomfortable heels. And the more comfortable we got in our PJs all day look, the more we stopped making an effort.

Source: 12up

And without the routine of putting your make-up on and getting ready each day, you probably realized how much more time you have in your hands now. Getting back out in the world may be a shock to you right now.


You can just imagine how many people stopped to take a picture of this sign. It’s not only hilarious – it is relatable and true! And that is why the locals make it a point to pass by El Arroyo’s famous sign.

Source: 12up

Think about it – when we were young, we could not wait to be adults. But now we’re here, we realize how much responsibility it is, and the worst part? Schools do not really prepare you for it!

Salute to frontliners

Although El Arroyo is known for their hilarious and witty signs, the atmosphere changed during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The people behind the iconic restaurant took the time to let the front liners know they are doing a great job.

Source: 12up

There is no doubt that front liners are spending a lot of time keeping their own lives at risk just to keep the public healthy and safe. And they definitely deserve more acknowledgment.