When it comes to getting a car, people usually put a lot of thought into it. It is not an impulse buy that you immediately purchase when you see one. It is a purchase that you have to research and sleep on before you decide.

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What makes a car perfect for its owner is if it matches the owner’s personality. Some car owners do not realize this but some generalizations come with the type of car you get. Read on to find out what your car choice can say about your personality.

Sports car = Daring

This is a no-brainer. It is no secret that people buy sports cars for their speed and they just love the thrill. Sportscars can be dangerously fast and their owners are almost obsessed with them.

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So, it is no surprise that the majority of sports car owners are considered to be daring and most likely the ones who are willing to take risks. It has also been shown that sports car owners have strong leadership skills and are all about living life to the fullest.

White car = Honest

According to Hot Cars, white cars have the tendency to stand out. However, it is noticeable that there has been less demand for white-colored cars lately. If you own one, then you should know that most people would think you are an honest person.

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The color white symbolizes purity. Which explains why white car owners are considered to be honest. The color also symbolizes elegance, perfection, and freshness. White is also considered to be a very modern color for cars.

Toyota = Reliable

Toyota is a popular automobile brand and has the reputation of giving the most reliable and safest car models in the market. Their cars are also great fuel-wise, allowing car owners to save on gas money.

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If you own a Toyota, you are most likely a person who is reliable and wants to play it safe. Toyota car owners are perceived to be more frugal. They are also considered loyal as Toyota owners tend to stick to the company than explore other car brands.

Minivan = Great parent

Minivans are the vehicle of choice for families – especially ones with young kids. It has a lot of space and it is considered to be a safe and reliable vehicle model. Minivan owners are considered to be great parents who are devoted to their kids.

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This shows in their car choice as minivans are considered to be a safe choice for passengers. According to a psychology professor, Susan Henney, minivans tell the world that “I’m the carpool mom. I’m very involved and important.”

Bright LED headlights = Selfish

Headlights are created to keep drivers safe on a dark and empty road. But using them while there are other cars nearby makes you the dangerous one on the road. It is perceived that car owners who install ultra-bright LED headlights are selfish.

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They have a personality that tends to put themselves first before others. And just like what they show on the road, they will always put their comfort first at the expense of risking the safety of others.

BMW = Arrogant

Unfortunately, BMW owners do not have the best reputation. A survey found that people find BMW owners to be very arrogant. Of course, this does not speak true for all BMW owners.

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Research shows that most BMW owners are under the age of 30 and are working in architecture or accounting. It is also known that BMW owners consider themselves to be smarter than everyone.

Honor roll stickers = Competitive

Part of being a parent is being proud of the achievement of your kids. But there is a difference between acknowledging your kids’ good work and flaunting the achievement of your kids to others.

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If you see a car with an honor roll sticker, you would expect the owner to be a competitive parent. This kind of driver would never pass up a chance to show off not only to people they know but also to strangers.

Compact car = Environment warrior

The majority of car owners who drive a compact car are doing so for the love of the environment. They are conscious of their carbon footprint and prefer smaller cars because bigger cars mean more pollution.

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Research conducted by UC Davis also found that a majority of those who buy compact cars live in highly populated neighborhoods. Compact car drivers are also loving the fact that they can park easier.

Lexus = Analytical

Lexus is the luxury brand of Toyota. Their models are known to be as reliable as Toyota cars but in a more luxurious package. And as it turns out, most Lexus owners share certain personalities.

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The majority of Lexus drivers are found to be analytical and sensible. Other similar characteristics are working in the finance industry, being a city dweller, and a baby boomer, and enjoying eating sushi.

Red car = Risk-takers

Red is considered to be a bold color for cars. It is flashy and it definitely calls for attention. According to Citywide Law, cars that are painted red have more accidents and have the tendency to be pulled over the most.

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Because red is a bold color, it definitely catches the eye, and as such, red cars have the tendency to be vulnerable to car theft. It is believed that red car owners tend to be risk-takers and they also are not afraid to spend their money.

4×4 = Aggressive

When a person owns a 4×4 vehicle, you would assume that the owner is an adventurous one since they are mostly made for off-roading. But the consensus is that 4×4 owners have the tendency to be aggressive.

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It’s an aggression that does not show in social situations but comes out most likely while they are on the road. If you know someone who owns a 4×4, maybe now is the time to observe them while they drive.

Trash and junk in car = Multitaskers

When you see a car with trash and junk in it you would most likely think that the car owner is a slob or someone so disorganized. People would also think that the car owner is someone who does not care much about their health or personal hygiene.

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But who would have thought that owning a dirty car has a deeper meaning behind it? According to Nicole Cutts, a psychologist, people who have a lot of trash and junk in their cars are multitaskers.

SUV = Safety first

SUVs are popular because they have more space. They also grant more road visibility to the driver since the driver’s seat can go higher. It’s a car type that is all about safety and space.

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It helps that passengers and drivers of SUVs are less likely to get serious injuries in an accident too. If you own an SUV, you are more likely considered to be a person who puts safety first.

Black car = Professional

Almost every car model released in the market has a black color because it is a color that goes with anything and any profession. According to a study conducted by Hot Cars, most professionals prefer to own a black car.

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Businessmen and women have a preference for black cars because they are elegant and signify a level of sophistication and maturity. If you want to be taken seriously in your industry, you should choose a black-colored car.

Ford = Friendly

Ford is an in-demand and reliable car brand. Millions of people all over the world own a car from Ford. It has been found that a typical Ford driver belongs to Gen X and baby boomer generations.

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Researchers who looked into Ford drivers found that most of them were very friendly. Also, it has been found that the majority of Ford owners are working in the construction or property industries. No wonder their pickup models are the most popular.

Personalized character sticker = family-oriented

Some people love to add fun stickers to their cars. It is one way to personalize them and make their car stand out from the rest. Of course, the type of sticker you use says a lot about your personality.

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Well, if you spot this kind of sticker, you can expect the car owner to be family-oriented. This type of sticker is getting more personalized with some even showing professions and hobbies for each family member.

Convertibles = extrovert

Convertibles are the type of cars that allows you to expose yourself and your passengers. It is basically why people who own convertibles are considered to be extroverts and people who want to get the best out of life.

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Aside from enjoying the exposure, convertible drivers are also more likely to love adventure and exploring. They satisfy this need through road trips and preferably, the scenic route.

Lincoln = Polite

When Hot Cars did research on Lincoln owners, they found a lot of similarities. For one, Lincoln car owners tend to be very polite and kind. They have a great memory, are extremely empathetic, and do not really care for the nightlife.

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Lincoln drivers are also most likely to be fond of steak and roast chicken, work in the consulting industry, and is a fans of college football. So ladies, if you are looking for someone who is husband material, you should check out Lincoln drivers.

Green car = nature lover

Green is a color associated with nature so it is no surprise that car owners who choose the color green are often assumed to be nature lovers. After all, people want to be surrounded by the things they love.

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The color green reminds them of nature and the great outdoors and they apply that to their vehicles – especially for those who live in the city. Green car drivers are also found to be more environmentally conscious too.

Pickup truck = Self-conscious

You read that right. The majority of pickup truck owners are considered to be self-conscious. One would want to think that pickup truck owners are adventurous first but who knows, right?

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Apparently, most pickup truck owners buy one to get an ego boost. They consider their pickup trucks to be a tool that would make up for whatever it is they think they are lacking. I guess this can be true for young men who are still immature.