There are so many productive apps that can help us to be more focused, steady, and organized.


Todolist is an app that helps to manage daily important tasks and organize the worklist. It provides the benefits for the users to set goals, timelines, deadlines, and project reminders. Additionally, this app keeps the work record and publishes the improvement chart. This location-based reminder app is free on IOS and Android.

Credit: theverge


This app allows its users to make lists and contain miscellaneous thoughts. People often have thoughts that are important but don’t fit into their work. This app can hold those thoughts and flourish your unpublished ideas and keep life organized. This app is available on both IOS and Android-operated devices.

Be Focused

If you are the kind of person who needs a time break after little work or in between work, this app will help you keep organized. It breaks your workday into a few 25-minute-long pieces and allows you to take a 5-minute break. There is also the chance of creating personalized time breaks. This app is only available on IOS.

Credit: mashable


It is very easy to be distracted by social media and other apps while working in-home or office. Freedom will make sure that you can be more focused on work by temporarily blocking those websites with time limits. Block time can be set by the user. One or multiple apps can be blocked at the same time limited time on the device. This app is available for both IOS and Android users.

Credit: lifehack


Trello is primarily for official work where users can collaborate with colleagues. It helps to organize marketing and communication tasks. There are different sections for different work. This app is also available for both Android and IOS.