Does size really matter? I guess it depends on what you are comparing at the moment. Some items are better when they are bigger while we prefer some items to be small and portable.

Source: Pixabay

But some things become out of the ordinary because of their unbelievable size. When compared with their normal-sized equivalents, it can definitely change your perspective. Here, we have a wide variety of comparisons that will blow your mind.

A penny’s past and present

Here is a comparison of a penny from the 1800s beside the version that we have today. Of course, the modern penny is more appealing and portable although its size, like its value, have decreased as well.

Source: Noteably

Back then, pennies were produced to be big to give people a sense of holding something valuable. It gives it a more tangible value. Shall we give a penny for your thoughts on this fact?

Bigger than what you think

Not a lot of people know this but a moose is actually bigger than what you think. This is because pictures of a moose are usually taken from afar so their normal size is not actually delivered.

Source: Noteably

But in reality, a moose is actually taller and bigger. Thanks to this picture, you now have an idea of how tall or big they are. They are actually bigger than an SUV! You might be shocked when you see one up close.

Traffic lights are huge

Who would have thought traffic lights are gigantic? When you look at them from afar, they look small. But of course, that’s all because the poles are so tall and they are hung up so high for easy visibility.

Source: Noteably

This just shows you how deceiving elevation can be. Most traffic lights are actually taller than the average man – and in bigger cities, they can be bigger. Take note that traffic lights in small areas are of course, smaller than the ones in this picture.

Gigantic jellyfish

As the Destiny’s Child song goes – I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly! This is the lion’s mane jellyfish, considered to be the world’s largest jellyfish. They can reach up to 120 feet and they thrive in the deep open ocean.

Source: Noteably

Human interaction with one is very rare but one should be very careful around them. Like most jellyfish, the tentacles are full of neurotoxins. Just imagine how much damage a jellyfish of this size could do.

Store-bought vs. Garden grown

One look at this picture and you can see the glaring difference between the two strawberries. The conventional-shaped strawberry was bought from Walmart while the other came from a garden.

Source: Noteably

That’s a huge difference! There could be a couple of factors that affect the shape of strawberries such as climate or soil type. One thing is for sure – we wish all strawberries came in that bigger size.

Flame on earth vs. space

When we think of flames, we often picture one with blue, red, and orange hues and associate them with warmth. But who would have thought that a flame looks different when you light a candle in space?

Source: Noteably

As you can see from this picture, the flame in space is pure blue and the shape is also different. The shape of the flame in space resembles a dome. We wonder if it would be as hot too?

Overgrowth is possible

Not many people are aware of how big a cactus grows. They usually think they can grow up to the waist or as tall as a person but this image shows us otherwise. Turns out they can grow even higher than some trees.

Source: Noteably

Cactus is very common in places with low water content since it is a plant that can thrive even with minimum water supply. Can you imagine wandering around the desert and seeing a cactus of this size?

David is a giant

The statue of David is probably one of the most famous statues in the world. It has often been used in movies and TV shows to be as tall as the average man but this picture says otherwise.

Source: Noteably

The real statue of David sculpted by Michelangelo is actually 17 feet tall. That’s more than three times the height of an average man. As you can see in this picture, you have to be on an elevated platform to reach the top of the sculpture.

Huge hailstones

When one says hailstones, we usually picture them as pebble-sized ice. But this picture shows us how big they can get. Imagine what damage they can do if they come falling from the sky at this size!

Source: Noteably

Hailstones are not that common and they only occur during cold surface temperatures. In fact, there are some areas in the world where they never occur. If you live in an area where you get hailstones, car insurance is a great idea.

Tomato evolution

Here is a comparison of the crop from a modern tomato seed vs. a tomato seed from about 150 years ago. A group of scientists conducted this experiment and to everyone’s surprise, the end results were so different come harvest time.

Source: Noteably

The tomato from the 150-year-old seed turned out to be a purple-colored one and it was so much bigger in size. Some places in Europe still grow this kind of tomato although they are not that common.

Shaq’s shoe

Basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal is one of the biggest NBA players – literally. Here is his shoe compared to a basketball. While most people needs two hands to fully hold a basketball, we can see that the basketball shrinks in comparison to Shaq’s shoe!

Source: Noteably

In case you are wondering, Shaq has a shoe size of 22. This just goes to show how long and large feet can be – especially when it comes to basketball players. They do not only have exceptionally large feet – even their hands are bigger than the average person’s.

A wombat’s weight

When you look up a wombat, you may view them as cuddly and chubby rats. They are actually marsupials native to Australia. But most people do not realize how big and heavy they can get. The biggest wombat on record weighed 88 pounds!

Source: Noteably

Take note though that they do not make the best pets. Wombats are only great to be around when they are still babies. As they grow into adults, they turn into aggressive creatures that can be hard to control.

Maximum mushrooms

Most of us think that mushrooms are small in size and can be found close to the ground. But as pictured here, there is a mushroom variant that grows almost higher than a person’s ankles.

Source: Noteably

The height is not the only surprising thing about this mushroom. The thickness and the size of it are also huge compared to other variants. It’s like looking at pancakes sprouting from the ground.

Elephant seals are enormous

Take a look at this picture of an elephant seal next to a full-grown adult. Now you see why they are called that way – they are just as enormous as elephants! But really – they are called that way because they resemble an elephant’s trunk.

Source: Noteably

Elephant seals can grow up to 16 feet long. Although elephant seals look awkward on land, they are very graceful underwater. Despite their large size, they glide through the water effortlessly.

The biggest and smallest tires produced

Here is a comparison of the biggest and smallest tires Michelin has ever produced for automobiles. This wheel has 3,850 kg 0f rubber – enough to produce tires for 600 cars. It kind of makes you wonder what type of vehicle uses a tire that huge.

Source: Noteably

The world’s largest tire is known as the MICHELIN XDR 59/80R63. They say it was designed for gigantic trucks that are being used in open-pit mines. One tire can carry a load of over 100 tons.

Climate change is real

Still think climate change is not real? Here’s a comparison of the condition of the arctic a century ago versus now. Back then, the arctic was full of ice and the sky was foggy and gloomy. The waters are also icy cold.

Source: Noteably

But as you can see, a lot has changed. The majority of the ice has melted, the sky is brighter, and the water is now at a tolerable temperature. This is basically evidence of how bad global warming is.

Enormous eagle

The Harpy eagle is considered to be one of the largest eagles in the world. As you can see, they can grow as tall as half a man’s height. And the one in the picture is not even the largest one around.

Source: Noteably

It is said that female harpy eagles can grow to be more than 3 feet tall and weigh 20 pounds. These large birds have five-inch-long talons that help them snatch small mammals from trees for their meal.

Video recording devices

Technology has a way of making things more portable and easy. Just take a look at this picture of video recording devices. Back in the 90s, you need to use multiple devices to produce a high-quality video.

Source: Noteably

Today, all we need to do is take out our smartphones and we can get clear and good footage. And all of this can be done with just a simple push of a button.

Astonishing antlers

These antlers are massive! They belong to an Irish elk or Irish deer – an ancient deer species. The antlers in this picture are about seven feet long and 1,500 pounds heavy. And the astonishing part is that these are not the biggest Irish deer antlers.

Source: Noteably

Irish deer antlers can grow up to 12 feet across! The Irish deer is considered to be one of the largest deer species to ever walk this earth. Chances of running into one these days would be zero since they are considered to be extinct.

Bird’s eye view

We all have heard of the phrase “Bird’s Eye view” but have you ever wondered what it’s like to view the world as a bird? It turns out a bird sees things differently compared to what we humans see.

Source: Noteably

If we were cameras, we could say that birds have higher megapixels. And what makes it more fascinating is that they see colors differently. Imagine if we viewed the world in those bright colors, maybe we would all be in a lighter mood.

Tiny Titanic

We all have heard the tragic story of the Titanic. There was a point in time when the Titanic was considered to be the biggest ship in history. The legendary ship was over 800 feet long and as heavy as 53,000 tons.

Source: Noteably

But today, the Titanic is tiny compared to the modern-day cruise ships that we have now. The tragedy of Titanic has inspired engineers to do a better job and now we have bigger ships able to travel around the world successfully.

Ancient shark’s jaw

If Jaws gave you a nightmare then see how big this ancient shark’s jaw is. Your own jaw will literally drop! This is from a Carcharocles Megalodon, believed to be the largest shark that ever existed.

Source: Noteably

Take notice of those rows of teeth! The megalodon’s teeth could be about seven inches long! That is a powerful bite. Thankfully, this specie has been an instinct for more than two million years.

Killer thorns

Ever seen thorns longer than a person’s hand? That could do you some damage. These are the thorns of a plant called Acacia Erioloba and its thorns can grow as long as 5 inches. If thorns could kill, this would probably it.

Source: Noteably

The Acacia Erioloba is not a common plant that you can find anywhere. You can find them mostly in South Africa. But when it does grow in an area, it comes in a dense bush and you definitely need to look out around one.

Enormous eggs

It is quite known that an ostrich egg is oversized. It is one of the largest eggs in the world. But not everyone gets to compare one to a chicken egg. And thanks to this picture, you can now see the huge difference in size.

Source: Noteably

Considering that an ostrich egg can weigh about 3 pounds, it would take about 25 times as long to hard-boil one compared to a chicken egg. But considering its size, it would definitely be worth the wait.

Big toes

The big toe is called that way because of all the five toes, it is the biggest. Pretty common sense, right? But how big can big toes get? Here is comparison of two big toes put together. You can easily see the size difference!

Source: Noteably

Imagine how much work it would take to do a pedicure on this one. The comparison is quite funny since the smaller big toe can easily count as another toe on the other foot. We wonder what size shoe the other foot has.

Keeping up with the kiwis

A lot of people have heard about the kiwi bird but many have not seen one so they have no idea how big it really is. A lot of people are surprised to know that they are as big as a domestic chicken.

Source: Noteably

Not only is it a big bird but its beak can grow as long as 5 inches. The kiwi is a flightless bird from New Zealand and is recognized as an icon of the country. In fact, the term Kiwi is used to refer to New Zealanders.

The tide that comes and go

Ever heard of a place where the tide comes and go as it pleases in a matter of hours? This is a picture of the Novia Scotia tide taken 12 hours apart. Believe it or not, this is an everyday occurrence in the area.

Source: Noteably

You pass by and the tide is high and the next time you come around, the water is entirely gone. Isn’t that amazing? It would be unbelievable but locals would swear that this is the norm.

Library vs. Kindle

Imagine owning 1500 books. You probably need a separate room to convert it to a library. That is a lot of space and a lot of stuff. And let’s admit it – you do not get to re-read every book you own. They end up becoming clutter.

Source: Noteably

But now, we have the Kindle that can store thousands of ebooks. It is lightweight, portable, and makes it possible for you to read your books even in the dark. Once you are done with a book and you know it’s a one-read kind of story, all you have to do is delete it.

Paws vs. hands

Polar bears look cute and cuddly. It is no wonder that they are often a child’s favorite animal. But if you knew how big a polar bear was, you would not want your child to be anywhere near it.

Source: Noteably

The human hand is so small in comparison to a polar bear’s paw! And look at how long their nails are! Those nails can easily rip through anything! Even a human with big hands could not compare to these gigantic paws.

Calculating comparison

Believe it or not, all those machineries is what one would need for a calculator in 1946. Basically, a calculator back then can fill up one big room. Can you just imagine how people do their computations back then?

Source: Noteably

Of course today, the calculator is now a small device and every smartphone has one. Comparing the two pictures above, it is quite a mind-blowing improvement. Thanks to technology, our Math classes can be dealt with easily.

Storage device evolution

Back in the 90s, the only way you could save your files and other data is through floppy disks. And each floppy disk can only handle 134 MB of space. So, you could imagine people having hundreds of these disks around.

Source: Noteably

Fast forward to today and we now have the flash drive which can hold as much as 2 TB! All that memory space in one small device – what an improvement! Whoever pulled this off truly deserves the best in life since it has made our lives a lot easier.

Mini monkey

When we think about monkeys, we visualize them as usually large creatures, jumping from one tree branch to another. But who would have thought these creatures could be so tiny as babies?

Source: Noteably

As you can see from this picture, a baby monkey can be as little as an index finger. It’s hard to think that they can grow so big as the years go by. Doesn’t this show how fascinating growth can be?

Father and son

Genetics can be quite unpredictable sometimes. Take the special case of this father and son. When people look at them, nobody would have guessed that they are father and son since the son is almost twice as tall as the father.

Source: Noteably

Of course, this probably means that the son got his height from his mother, who is probably also tall. This is actually quite normal – that also is the same reason why some kids look more like one parent too.

T-rex tooth

The Tyrannosaurus rex is considered to be the most famous dinosaur and is often referred to as the king of dinosaurs. This is simply because it was the first large carnivorous dinosaur to be discovered.

Source: Noteably

Although it was discovered later that the T-rex is not the largest dinosaur that walked the earth, its size is still astounding. Just take a look at the length of this tooth – it is just as long as a human arm!

Game of Thrones in paperback vs. braille

The Game of Thrones book series is quite a long read. One book from the series is already thicker than most paperback books. Just imagine how much it would take in the braille version.

Source: Noteably

From this picture, it takes about 12 boxes to deliver the whole Game of Thrones set in braille. It looks like a very expensive shipment considering the cost it would take to get this delivered to your doorstep.