The vagus nerve is playing an important role in our body to regulate emotions. This nerve halts stress and provides you with a peaceful refreshing mood. That’s why experts recommend stimulating the vagus nerve so that you can de-stress.

We all are familiar with the calming effects of taking deep breaths. Meditation and yoga also consider deep breaths as a dang relaxation. It is true that this process can force you to slow down which can generate an incredible power and refreshing mood within your body.

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A clinical psychologist Kelly Vincent, “It connects your throat, ear, and facial muscles and travels down both sides of the neck to the heart and lungs, through the stomach and intestines, touching almost every organ on its way down.”

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Clinical psychologist Arielle Schwartz said, “The vagus nerve passes through the inner ear, so you can stimulate it by engaging in active listening to soothing music.”

The vagus nerve is the longest of the cranial nerves. It starts its journey at our brain serves as a communication channel. This superhighway nerve connects our digestive system and the brain. It’s responsible for creating any “gut” feelings and helps you to switch between the sympathetic mode.

However, the vagus nerve is unable to help you when you are under chronic stress. This vagal dysfunction is the main reason to remain stuck on overdrive. As a result, you fall at risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stress, and depression.

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Kelly Vincent explained this situation, “The more you practice something, the more the brain reaches for it when it needs it most. You’re essentially carving out new neural pathways you can access in a time of high anxiety.”