As multiple crises are affecting around the world, the stress levels are rising day by day. Especially those who are in practice to search news on 24-hour news channels as well as different social media platforms. That’s why experts are suggesting some ways to stay informed without being overwhelmed with the stressful news.

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First of all, you have to learn how to face the reality. Whatever happen think about it logically and act accordingly. When you watch the news in moderation, you will not feel hopeless or overly stressed. A psychiatrist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York Dr. Ami Baxi said, “Living during a pandemic the last 2 years have been emotionally draining for most people around the world, resulting in an increased incidence of depression, anxiety, and substance use. This more recent conflict is only worsening people’s mental health.”

Some sort of stress is common. These are part of our daily life. But if it is overloaded it becomes a cause of depression. In this current world, the news of multiple crises is contributing to some of the stress. Repeatedly checking the news or social media may make our stress and anxiety levels worse.

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Clinical associate professor, Dr. Amanda Spray said, “Due to near-constant access to the news 24/7, it can be challenging to moderate our consumption, particularly when there are critical, important, major world events taking place that the media is covering.” 

In this situation, taking care of yourself should be a priority. When you start taking care of yourself and concentrating on your passion, you will feel better. You need to remember that news and information are important. But these shouldn’t be the only part of your life. You have to cut the stress off at the source and to do this it is better to turn off the news. 

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Dr. Spray said, “It is crucially important to engage in self-awareness and check-in with yourself regarding how much news you are currently consuming, how repetitive it is versus presenting new information, and the impact it is having on your mental health.”