The famous singer Nick Jonas was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 13 years old. Now he is working to help people who are living with diabetes. He is inspiring people with diabetes to know they can lead happy and healthy lives.

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Jonas joined “The Global Movement for Time in Range” and now working to raise awareness among the people who have diabetes to live their happiest and healthiest lives. He is talking about the benefits of time in range. It is the duration of time during which a person’s glucose levels are in the goal range. This diabetes management technique can help people living with diabetes to monitor it accurately.

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In 2005, pop star Nick Jonas was on tour with his band the Jonas Brothers, and was first diagnosed with diabetes. The pop star said, “I was in really bad shape, actually. I lost about 20 pounds in 2 weeks. I couldn’t drink enough water, was going to the bathroom all the time; very irritable, which is a symptom of high blood sugar.”

He also said, “That was alarming and the start to my life with this disease. It’s pretty wild to think back that had it gone untreated just a few more days, it could have been really, really bad, but I got the care I needed when I needed it,” Then he added, “I’ve always been very determined and passionate about the work that I do. This was a scary kind of reality that I had to face, but not something where I was going to, for a single second, let it slow me down.”

The endocrinologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, Dr. Minisha Sood explained the time in range metric. Dr. Sood said, “We know that increasing time in range lowers hemoglobin A1c, and lower A1C is associated with a decrease in complications from diabetes. Most health practitioners and patients use A1C to gauge someone’s glucose control, but time in range and using glycemic variability are important tools to give us the whole picture.”

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Jonas said about the great “Life-changing, in fact, to have a better sense where I’m at and where I’m headed in real-time, and a bigger, broader view of my life with diabetes and how to live my happiest and healthiest life.”