The one thing I hate during summer is always smelling barbecue from the neighbours. Not that I don’t hate; it’s that they smell so good it makes my mouth water every time. But there’s no denying that barbecue parties bring everyone together.

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Even vegetarians and vegans can enjoy grilled veggie patties or veggie skewers, which is why we’ve compiled 20 tips that will make the whole process smoother. We’ve also added hacks that will have your neighbours coming back for seconds and thirds.

The Onion Is Your Best Friend

If you want to clean your grill, then the onion is your new best friend. Brushes are now becoming a thing of the past since the bristles pose a safety hazard. If you want to clean your grill without dealing with safety hazards, use an onion instead.

All you have to do is slice the onion in half and put it facedown on the grill. Then, glide it along your grate with the help of a fork or prong. Not only do onions have antibacterial properties, but they’re also loaded with flavour.

Check Propane Levels Using This Trick

It can be rather difficult to estimate how full or empty your propane tank is. Here’s one trick that savvy grillers do to solve that problem—they use hot water! First, take a cup of boiling water and pour it all over your tank.

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Then, slowly and gently place your hand on the side of the tank, starting from the bottom. When it’s hot to the touch, that means that part is empty. When it’s cold, this means that part is still full. The part where the hot and cold levels meet is your propane level.

Prevent Twisting By Using Two Sticks

Many of us have come face-to-face with the thin wooden skewers mostly found at our local grocery stores. While these sticks are affordable, they’re not really known for their strong grip on food, which often results in your kebabs twisting.

In addition to this small issue, it often results in unevenly-cooked kebabs. Instead of buying expensive special ones, save yourself some money and pierce your food with two skewers instead. This way, the food doesn’t twist together with the skewer.

Ice Cubes Help Your Meat

If you’re starting to lose hope because your meat keeps on drying out, try placing an ice cube on top of it. The ice cube slowly releases liquid into the meat as it gradually melts, keeping your meat full of moisture.

To turn it up a notch, make some ice cubes using beef broth to keep your beef moist while loading it with flavour. Alternatively, you could freeze garlic butter and use that to infuse your meat. Just make sure you time it so the ice cube or butter doesn’t burn off.

Keep Your Food Moist And Stick-Free Using This Condiment

The LA Times found out this one trick renowned chefs use that may surprise you. Apparently, they use mayonnaise to cook their meats! This is because mayo has a certain composition that allows it to stick to food better than oil alone.

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Furthermore, mayonnaise lets out oil while sticking to the meat, which locks the moisture in and prevents it from sticking. This trick is especially helpful for lean meats like chicken and fish. With this, you’ll get a soft brown fillet that won’t put off your guests.

Allow The Grill To Heat Up First

Depending on how patient you’re willing to be, you may have tried popping something in the oven even though it hasn’t completely been preheated. When it comes to grilling, it may take time, but waiting for the coal to properly heat up is well worth it.

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We know you don’t want to wait that long, but hear us out. If the charcoal isn’t fully heated, the meat is more likely to stick to the grate, which might make it taste a bit off. Instead, have some patience, close your grill, and let it heat up until the coals are ready.

Put Your Condiments In A Muffin Tin

Of course, no barbecue meal is complete without some condiments to add that extra flavour. Instead of cluttering your table with lots of bottles and jars, place your condiments in a muffin tin to give it a more organized look.


Place one condiment in each compartment and add a serving spoon. Since the muffin tin has a lot of space, you can add chopped vegetables and homemade sauces. Plus, cleanup takes less time since you can just sweep it in one go.

Use Ketchup To Write Temperatures

When it comes to throwing barbecue parties, it can often get confusing cooking so many things at once. Different guests mean different preferences. To keep track of these preferences, write the temperature on the bun in the ketchup.


To make it extra helpful, you can also use shorthand notes, especially if you’ve got vegan or vegetarian guests. You can also use this trick on steaks, except you have to write it directly on the plate using a toothpick.

Egg Cartons Come In Handy For This Hack

If you’re finding it difficult to light the charcoal, follow this hack and try using an egg carton. To do this, place each piece of charcoal in an egg spot. Then, place the entire carton into the grill. The carton will then catch fire and spread easily throughout the coals.

Since the coals are surrounded by the heat, they’re more likely to catch fire. Should you decide to use lighter fluid, you’ll likely use less with a carton than without one. If you want optimal results, close the carton before you put it in the grill.

This Is How You Get Juicier Cuts

You’ve probably had that experience already where the person barbecuing will pick the meat from the grill and put it on your plate for you to enjoy. A freshly grilled steak may seem appetizing, but you may want to hold off cutting into it.

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Meat constricts when it is which in turn causes the juices to move to the centre. If you were to cut it instantly, that moisture will most likely just pour out. Allow the meat to rest for a bit so that the juices are redistributed evenly and it doesn’t dry out as quick.

This Helps You Get That Smoky Taste

The one thing that sets grilled meat apart from other types of cooked meat is the taste of smoke. If you want to elevate that smoky flavour without the help of a smoker, take some wood chips and throw them into your grill.

Before you throw in those wood chips, you have to make sure the coals are fully heated first. Make sure that the initial fires die down, too, so that it doesn’t get too high. When the chips are in the grill, that extra smoke will infuse into the meat, giving it that signature smoky taste.

Take The Meat Off Early So This Happens

Regardless if you want your steak well done or rare, you should take it off about a minute or two before it seems ready. The reason for this is because the meat keeps in the heat for some time even after it has been removed from the grill.

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Because of this, the meat may become overcooked if you only remove it as soon as it seems ready. Anyway, if the meat seems undone, you can always cook it again, but you can’t cook it back down.

Make Brie A Loved Dip By Grilling It

Grilled cheese is probably one of the most superior comfort foods out there, but this trick takes grilled cheese to heavenly heights. Soft cheese that has a rind, such as brie, isn’t liquid enough to be used as a dip.

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However, if you throw the wheel of brie on the grill, it may just be the answer to your problem. Thie rind is tough enough to ensure it holds its shape and also creates a pocket for the soft inside to melt. Once it’s done, cut off the rind to reveal soft and creamy cheese perfect for a dip.

Make A Two-Zone Grill With This Trick

If you’re grilling more than one type of food or you want to use the other side as a warmer, a two-zone grill is perfect for you. You can achieve this by simply placing your coals on just one side of the grill.


Place your raw food on one side of the grill, and then transfer them to the other side to keep them warm or cook them less intensely. Just make sure you transfer them a bit sooner since they will continue to cook on the other side.

Make A Glaze Out Of Leftover Marinade

When you have to marinate your meat, try making a bit of extra marinade or storing a portion of it that hasn’t touched anything raw. That way you’ll have some leftover marinade to glaze your meat as it’s cooking or when it’s done.

By using the same marinade as a dipping sauce or glaze, it ensures that your flavour is consistent throughout. And the good thing is, if you accidentally dry out your meat, you won’t really have to worry about the flavours disappearing.

Allow Your Steak To Reach Room Temperature First

It’s no secret that you should let your frozen meat defrost in the refrigerator first before grilling. But did you know that even when meat is chilled in your refrigerator it can still result in uneven cooking?

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This is because the inside of the meat takes longer to heat and begin cooking, which results in an undercooked inside and cooked outside. To solve this problem, let the meat sit on the counter for about 20 minutes first or until it reaches room temperature.

Stop Your Skewers From Burning By Soaking Them In Water

Although it may seem counterintuitive to use wooden skewers since they are made of wood and can catch on fire, they are the cheapest and most readily available option. So to ensure that the skewers don’t get burnt or dry out, just soak them in water for about an hour or so.

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Since wood is naturally porous, it soaks up the water and retains it throughout the entire grilling process. The longer you soak the wood, the more likely they are to stay moist until your food is done.

Up The Smoke Flavour By Burning Herbs

Yes, we know you’ve already spiced your meat. But, if you wanna kick the flavours up an even higher notch, throw in some herbs into the coals. Adding herbs and spices to your coals gives your food a powerful smoky taste that will have your guests’ mouths watering.

For the most wonderful results, try using fresh herbs and spices as opposed to those ground ones that come in a bottle. Not only will they burn strongly, but they also last longer. The burning herbs will surely smell wonderful as they elevate those flavours.

Keep Food Moist Using This

As soon as you take food from your grill, you will see the steam rising off. When steam is released, this is a sign that the food is losing both heat and moisture. To avoid this from happening, wrap your food in aluminium foil.

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To do this, simply take a piece of aluminium foil and fold it in half. Then, put the folded foil over the food to catch the steam without trapping it. Aside from catching steam, this trick is also helpful in blocking insects.

Wrap A Brick In Foil And Flatten Uneven Meat

It can be hard to grill meat evenly when cooking foods that are still on the bone. Since their awkward shapes can cause some parts to be closer to the grill than others, you may want to consider flattening your meat.

Rather than pressing on the meat yourself, try wrapping a brick in foil and placing it on top. The brick holds the right amount of weight to ensure that that it holds the food against the grates without sucking out the moisture.