Cuteness Overload

I don’t think there isn’t any person in the world who can say no to animals, especially when they’re as cute as your heart can take. These tiny creatures are simply part of the world we live in and each serve a purpose that no other animal can do, just as we humans were made for a reason.


Part of the charm they put out is also the fact that they are naïve and curious little beings. Just like toddlers, these animals too have their fair share of cognitive and social development growing up. You will be surprised at how some of the terrifying and most dangerous creatures look so innocent as babies.

Baby Hedgehog

Hedgehogs are very versatile and yet very sensitive creatures. As babies, they are born without the spikes on their back but as they grow, these spikes start showing. They are often times mistaken as another breed of porcupine, but truly, they are not. Their quills, as you would call it, do not shoot out.

Oregon Zoo

Though as with any other animal, hedgehogs are temperamental creatures but often times, they are very calm. They just don’t like it when they are being manhandled. They curl up into a ball when they’re threatened, which acts like a defense mechanism in the wild so other predators don’t eat them.

Baby Dolphins

It’s already common knowledge to us that dolphins by nature are very smart and playful animals. They have this sense of awareness that is not present in any other sea creature. And they also make for the cutest babies ever.


One thing that people are not aware of is that these baby dolphins actually develop hind legs in utero and then later on those legs are retracted and disappear before the mother dolphin gives birth to them. This is one way to tell that they have evolved over time from being four-legged terrestrial mammals.

Baby Kangaroo

Kangaroos are marsupials. The babies that they have are called joeys. They have these small front legs that adds plus points to the cuteness level they possess as babies. Although they can get very big as adults, there is no denying that a baby counterpart of this strong animal is one for the books.

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Joeys spend months inside their mother’s pouch until they can no longer fit in them. Picture out a mother kangaroo hopping around with two long hind legs sticking out from it’s front pouch. It’s like a scene from a comedy movie. But these hind feet serve a purpose, one that makes the kangaroo more notable – their ability to leap very high in a single bound.

Baby Stingrays

Stingrays have had such a bad reputation, probably because people don’t deal with them on a daily basis, so their behavior is yet to be learned. However, one interesting tidbit about these fish is that they actually have eyes situated at the bottom of their body.


It’s not what you would expect as eyes are supposed to see forward and not bottom, right? Well, they need these so they can hunt for food. They have electroreceptors all around their body and they also have a great sense of smell. They’re like a shark’s cousin, but much more pleasant looking.

Baby Squirrel

In most of the Americas and the UK, people are really familiar with these creatures. It’s like every house you go to on a street with trees and lush greenery, you will find that it’s inhabited by squirrels. What this means is, you get a higher chance to witness what a baby squirrel looks like.

Jim Combs

Just like the stereotypical notion of these cute animals, they do love acorn and they do love being on a tree and coming down to find something to nibble on. Baby squirrels often times get weaned by the seventh or eighth week after birth and they are forced to leave their mother’s nest, leading them to venture out on their own.

Baby Sloth

Sloths are popular for being slow creatures. Yes, literally slow as in it’s like they are living in slow motion. They take their sweet time in everything that they do, which of course, is a plus for us because it gives us more time to see them in action and marvel at how adorable they look.

National Geographic

Sloth babies are born eyes wide open and ready to conquer the world. They are also born in a body full of fur, kind of like a teddy bear. As soon as they are born, they have the ability of clinging on to and climbing on to their mother’s back. Talk about strong arms!

Baby Crocodile

Okay, so this list of cute baby animals is not only limited to those that are harmless in nature. This list also covers what some of the world’s dangerous predators look like as babies – and the crocodile is no exception to this. Baby crocodiles hatch from eggs and come out looking like a drunk gecko.


The crocodile is one of the Earth’s prehistoric animals still alive to date. However, despite their reputation, as babies they are still susceptible to predators which is why most of the crocodiles that hatch in the wild don’t make it past a few days because they are either eaten by birds or other bigger aquatic animals when momma isn’t watching.

Baby Fennec Fox

The Fennec fox is not quite the fox you would imagine. When we say fox, we picture this orange animal straight from the forest. It’s face obviously cunning and it’s eyes wide in curiousity. However, the Fennec fox is a dozen times more adorable than your regular fox.


These adorable foxes are native to the Sahara Desert. They are able to survive the harsh heat even though they are such small creatures. In order to adapt to the kind of environment they live in, their ears help dissipate the heat to keep themselves cool despite the conditions. They can also tilt their heads to the side to detect prey.

Baby Tortoise

Tortoises can live a very long life and can grow large and heavy enough that you would need the strength of two or three other people to help you carry them. They can witness the passing of time because they just live like there’s no end in sight.

My Turtle Store

One other more notable thing about this animal is its need to eat fruits and vegetables. The tortoise also loves basking in the sun and absorbing the heat however, it should be noted that these animals are very sensitive to a change in temperature. What this means is, you cannot take them from a hot and humid type of weather to a cold one without the necessary means to keep them at a stable temperature because they will die from stress.

Baby Tapir

This animal in question belongs to a scarce exotic species. There are about only 3,000 left in the world to this day. However, as most scarce animals, you would think that they were being hunted and killed all the time. Fortunately, this isn’t the case with this animal.


Tapirs are a whole mix of an elephant, a deer and a pig which makes for a very exotic and adorable animal. They also have a unique pattern on their bodies that work as incredible camouflage in the wild. One other contributing factor that will throw them into extinction is their ability to provide only one offspring in their entire life.

Baby Chameleon

There are about 171 species of chameleon in the whole world, and probably more that we have yet to discover and all of these species come in different sizes, shapes and color. Over the years when scientists began to study them, they have proven to be quite the versatile reptiles we now know today.


If you think one skill was enough, then you’re about to be amazed at what these animals can do. They give birth instead of laying eggs and wait until the babies hatch. They also have special eyes that not only move in independent directions but the same eyes can also zoom in and out of things they are looking at. Amazing huh!?

Baby Alpaca

This animal is native to South America, however, they have become overly popular throughout the years because if its appearance. They are warm and fuzzy just like a sheep, but they have elongated necks which sometimes people mistake for as llamas.

Animal Hype

Alpacas are being exported all over the world mainly because of their appearance. No one can deny that these animals are cute and cuddly. The best thing about them is that they are calm and very social animals. They can even learn tricks as you teach them. Plus points for beauty and brains!

Baby Owl

Owls have been popularized over the years because of the movie Harry Potter. They have hard to miss big and round glass-like eyes, and their body is covered in fluffy feathers. As babies, these animals easily get attached to their carer which is not really such a good thing.

Animal Hype

Owlets tend to rely on their mothers for food and warmth, just like how a hen is with her chicks. But the thing is, it’s way above some of us to deprive these cute little babies the attention they deserve. Although they would need to learn survival skills in order to thrive on their own, it would be next to impossible to deprive them of cuddles.

Baby Pygmy Hippo

We have often seen adult hippos as very dangerous and volatile. They have these big wide mouths and have such long sharp teeth and usually stay in the water to wait for prey. However, seeing baby hippos is a very different story. They are not quite what you would expect.

Live Science

A mother hippo holds a record of one of the longest pregnancies in the entire animal kingdom. The gestational period is eight months and they only are able to deliver a single baby. Once a baby is born, the mother then joins the rest of the females in the herd to protect their young from predators.

Baby Platypus

Some children see a platypus and they think that it’s straight out of a storybook and that’s totally understandable because they can be so unreal, especially the babies. They look like ducks but at the same time, they are four-legged creatures with a wide tail and webbed feet.


These platypus are mostly found in Easter Australia including Tasmania and are the only living species in its own genus and family. In short, this animal is pretty rare and is the only one in the world. They live mostly in water but can go on land to also hunt for food. Did I mention they’re also a mammal that lays eggs?

Baby Bison

Bisons are only find in North America and in the Europe region. Most people mistake them for buffalos and while they do look a little bit similar, they are in no way closely related. These animals also make for cute little babies. An American Bison calf weighs about 30 to 70 pounds and will live for as long as 24 years in a healthy ecological habitat.


But this animal unfortunately has a very sad story attached to it. Unfortunately for these guys, they are now facing extinction. If it weren’t for the sanctuaries that protect the precious lives of these animals, a small number of them would no longer be here today.

Baby Okapi

If you ask a bunch of people, most of them would tell you that they have never heard of this animal. And truth be told, they are not as common. They look more like a cousin of the zebra but in truth, it’s far from that. They are herbivores and are more related to the giraffe!

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This animal is native to the northeastern part of the Congo. They have these markings that are similar to a zebra but they are actually called the forest giraffe. Although, you might ask, if it’s a giraffe then why hasn’t it got a long neck? Well, only nature could answer that.

Baby Elephant

Elephants are such majestic creatures. In some parts of the world, they are revered and are treated as gods because of their demeanor and overall existence in this world. Because of this, scientists have taken an interest in them and have therefore conducted countless studies.


In this picture, you will see a young calf just a few hours after birth. It’s so amazing how these animals adapt very well to their environment. A calf is able to walk within an hour or two after birth and in two days, they are already strong enough to join the herd.

Baby Seal

Seals are such cute little furry creatures. They have these big glass-like eyes and a thick fur to keep them warm. As babies, they are very fluffy and have a white coat which they will eventually shed as they mature. They are just so precious and innocent.

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Seals are born in the Arctic and the North Atlantic Oceans. Baby seals are born without blubber and they are called pups. These pups nurse from their mothers and the milk content is the reason why they gain weight because it contains high-fat milk. Just the perfect amount to keep them big, healthy and strong enough to overcome the cold.