Say Hi To Bobby

Meet Bobby. Bobby was part of a loving family who were fond of cute, little puppies. Bobby was part of a huge family consisting of two older brothers, three older sister, and himself. He was the youngest and, therefore, the baby in the family.

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Sadly, Bobby was weaker than his siblings and it became obvious he was the runt. Shortly after he was born, it became obvious he had no place in the family. His parents eventually paid less and less attention to him.

Choosing  to Leave

As a puppy, it must have been sad for Bobby when it finally started to sink in that there could be no room for him in the family. His parents did not care about him and his siblings refused to welcome him into their circle.

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Bobby had to make a tough choice. Should he just stay and continue to hope his family will eventually welcome him with open arms, or should he just leave? In the end, Bobby chose to set off on his own. Will he ever meet his family in the future?

The Streets

After Bobby made the choice of setting off on his own, he had to start figuring out where he would live. Because he now had no family and no home of his own, Bobby lived on the streets instead. He became a stray dog.

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Before, Bobby had a roof over his head to keep him safe and cozy and good food to eat. Now, all he had for a bed was a cardboard box and food from the garbage cans of a restaurant. Little did he know, something unexpected would happen to him.

A Different Morning

Like any other day, Bobby woke up to the loud noises from the street and the warm sunshine. As soon as he woke up, he started looking for something to eat. There was one place he usually went to get food and that’s where he was headed.

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Bobby was headed to the restaurant that had lots of food inside the garbage cans. On his way there, there was a well he passed. As he was passing right by it, strange sounds coming from the well could be heard.

Strange Sounds

Bobby was extremely hungry, but he did not mind putting his hunger aside for a while. He approached the well to see what the source of the sound was. He wanted to jump, but the well was sealed so he couldn’t clearly see what was in it.

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Despite Bobby not seeing what was inside the well, he was certain that there was something going on inside that well. So, he did one thing that nobody would expect from a stray dog like Bobby.

Asking for Help

Because Bobby could not see what was really going on inside the well with the strange noises, he knew that the best course of action to take was to ask for help from random people on the street.

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He quickly ran towards the group of people standing on the busy street. Bobby knew he needed to attract their attention, and he knew deep down he needed to do it now or else it could be too late.

To No Avail

Bobby did everything he could to attract anyone’s attention. He tried showing people the cutest puppy dog face he could muster. He tried jumping onto people. He tried barking at anyone close to him. No one paid attention.

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Bobby kept looking back to where the well was, hoping someone could understand what he was trying to do and figure out something was wrong. Still, it didn’t work. Finally, as a last resort, he tugged on someone’s pants.

They Ignored Him

The group of people stood at the corner of the street. They were all busy chatting away and surely saw Bobby and his futile attempts, but they chose to ignore him completely. They went on talking, paying no attention to poor Bobby.

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The people assumed Bobby was just a stray dog trying to get their attention so he could ask for some food to eat. But we all know this wasn’t the case. Would Bobby ever manage to catch someone’s attention.

Pulling Out Their Phone

Eventually, the people on the street began to lose their patience and bean to get annoyed of Bobby and his antics. They tried to shoo him away so he would stop bothering them. Luckily, Bobby wasn’t going to back down just yet.

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Bobby was getting distraught. He didn’t know what to do! He just knew there was something going on inside the well and someone needed to go and have a look at it. Why couldn’t these people understand that?

The Phone Call

Bobby’s loud barks started to ruin the group’s morning and their patience had finally run out. They wanted to contact animal control so Bobby could be taken care of. Then, somebody took their phone out to make that call.

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Poor Bobby was completely clueless of what was going on. All he wanted was for someone to notice him and check out the well. He continued barking, hoping this time they would finally understand what he was trying to say.

Here Comes Animal Control

Animal Control soon arrived after someone made the phone call. Out of the car went a ginormous man carrying a huge net and metal collar, both items meant for taking Bobby away from the street and into the pound.

Because Bobby was fairly young, this was his first time being faced with a situation like this. He felt confused and frightened, but he was set on luring the scary-looking man all the way to the well.

Stray Dog Experience

The tall animal control man was called Peter, and he was quite experienced in dealing with stray dogs. Carrying his net and metal collar in his hand, he slowly approached Bobby, trying to capture him and take him away.

The people who called animal control looked on as Peter attempted to seize Bobby, but Bobby was good at dodging Peter’s attempts. Both dog and human circled each other, trying to anticipate each other’s moves. Then, Peter did something.

A Moment of Shock

Unexpectedly, Peter did something. After many failed attempts at capturing Bobby, Peter was faced with a moment of realization. Instantly, he let go of the net and metal collar in his hand. Why did he not realize this sooner?

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When he dropped his equipment, people looked at him with a hint of confusion. What is he doing? Why did he drop his gear? Without anything to help him, how was he going to catch this annoying stray dog then?

Job Experience

Due to Peter’s many years of experience with animal control, he began to understand what Bobby was trying to tell him. He had seen behavior like this in many dogs before. This kind of behavior always meant something was going on.

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Peter stopped caring about what the onlookers were saying to him or doing. He just knew something important was going on and he needed to do something about it. Bobby was trying to show him something, and he needed to know what it was.

Bobby Leads Peter

Once Peter realized Bobby was trying to tell him something, he didn’t wait any minute longer. He motioned for Bobby to go lead him to whatever Bobby wanted to show him. Some of the onlookers made a sound of disappoint.

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However, for Bobby, it was finally a huge sigh of relief knowing someone was finally paying attention to him after many unsuccessful attempts. The adorable dog started to run and Peter followed suit.

Trusting the Puppy

Peter was clueless as to where Bobby was leading him, but he trusted the puppy would lead him somewhere important. Peter wanted to experience a moment like this. His gut was telling him this was going to be an important event.

Peter may have recognized the behavior, but he had never experienced it first-hand. With all the bravery he could muster, he tailed Bobby through a narrow alley until they reached the back of a building where the puppy finally stopped.

Finally Someone Listened

The cute puppy still couldn’t believe someone had finally paid attention to him after all his antics. Not only that, he managed to convince a human to follow him all the way to the well where he heard the strange noises.

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Bobby ran back to the well as quickly as his little legs would carry him. Would they get back to the well in time or would it be too late for them? Bobby was nervous about what they would see when they got to the well.

Pounding Heart

Bobby felt really worried that he was away from the well much longer than needed or that Peter actually didn’t understand what he was trying to do after all. Bobby came to a halt as soon as they both arrived at the well.

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He barked a few times at no one in particular and sat down next to where he heard those strange noises. His loud barks soon became cries and whines. Would Peter finally get what he was trying to say?

Curiosity Killed The Cat

Even though some people booed at the animal control guy and were disappointed that Peter did not catch Bobby, they did become curious about the situation that was unfolding right before their eyes.

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After Peter left and followed Bobby, some of the curious onlookers went after Bobby, too. After all, it wasn’t everyday that something weird like this happened. What was going on? Why was Peter following Bobby?

What Was Going On?

Finally, everyone arrived at the well. When they got there, sounds of soft cries could be heard. It was as if a dog was in trouble and needed help. Weirdly enough, Bobby had stopped crying and was just sitting next to the well.

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It became clear that the sounds were not produced by Bobby. But if the sounds weren’t coming from him, who was making them then? Was there another dog nearby who may have heard Bobby and wanted to help?

Who Made Those Noises?

The people tried to look for the source of the noise, but all they could see were the tall buildings surrounding them. Surely, the noises didn’t come from the buildings. Where could it be coming from then?

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Not one of them noticed the well Bobby was sitting next to. They were too busy looking around to see there was a well right under their noises. Bobby began to get worried that none of them understood what Bobby was doing.

Confusion Ensues

People were puzzled. They turned to Peter and asked him if he knew where the sound was coming from. Peter was also completely clueless, and he shrugged his shoulders in response. They didn’t see anything that would answer their questions.

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When they were following him, Bobby had just stopped running and stopped at this particular area. He also stopped whining and quieted down. What were the going to do now that they ran out of clues?

What To Do Now?

Peter stared at Bobby and approached him. The onlookers who followed Peter and Bobby out to this place stared at them with a growing curiosity. They all knew Bobby wasn’t making the sound, so what was going on?

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By and by, Peter approached Bobby. Finally, he realized where the sounds of crying were coming from. It was coming from inside the well! Was there another dog that was inside? Peter grew more curious and concerned.

Using His Authority

Peter took advantage of the authority he had and used his animal control voice to tell people to move back. He wanted to open the well and see what was inside it that was making these sounds.

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He warned the crowd, “We don’t know what could be inside the well. It’s better you all take a few steps back.” He took a crowbar and opened one part of the well. Everyone held their breath in concern.


Peter continued to work with the crowbar and finally opened the well. Slowly, he bent over to take a peek. He quickly realized it was too dark for him to see, and he needed a flashlight. He pulled one off his belt and turned it on.

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He angled his flashlight down into the well so he could clearly see what was inside. Even cute little Bobby looked, too. As soon as Peter saw what was inside the well, he was completely caught by surprise!

What Is Inside?

To everybody’s surprise, there were puppies stuck inside the well! Finally, everyone understood why Bobby acted the way he did earlier. Peter saw not one, or two, but four puppies stuck inside the well!


Peter stared at the puppies and they stared back at him with the most pitiful eyes. Everyone began to wonder how these puppies got stuck there in the first place. Was someone responsible for doing it?

Bobby Is A Hero!

Bobby did the right thing by luring people all the way to the well. Seeing that he was also a puppy, he was naturally attuned to the strange sounds he heard coming from the well. He wanted to save his fellow puppies, too.

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What he did was understandable and admirable. At the moment, Bobby was more than just a stray dog. Bobby was also a hero! But they still faced one problem, how were they going to take the puppies out?

Peter to the Rescue

With his gear in hand, Peter slowly went down into the well. He initiated rescue by gently lifting the tiny puppies out of the well one by one. The poor puppies were even smaller than the hero of the day, Bobby.

Bobby started sniffing the puppies one by one to make sure they were all okay. Everyone who bore witness to the events unfolding were taken aback at how these puppies looked! What was the matter with them?

For How Long?

It looked as if it had been a very long time since the poor puppies ate. They were completely skin and bones! Then, when the puppies were safely recovered, Peter saw something else that shocked him!

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It turns out the puppies weren’t trapped alone. Lying in the well was the mother, too! Peter gently lifted her out of the well and the crowd of people took him by surprise. What happened that surprised Peter?

A Wonderful Moment

The people who Bobby approached were initially not pleased with his barking earlier. However, now as they watched the whole situation unfold, they felt amazed to be experiencing this moment.

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Everyone was teary-eyed as they watched these events unfold. Bobby was the hero of the day. By then, the puppies and their mother had been rescued from the well and were safe. What should they do now?

Animal Rescue

Peter carried the mother and her puppies and brought them to his car. They would be safe and sound inside. The crowd continued to have tears in their eyes as they watched Peter and Bobby doing their heroic deeds.

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Eventually, the crowd was getting too tight so Peter asked them to break apart so he could bring both the mother and the puppies to the animal shelter where they will surely be taken care of.

At The Shelter

When Peter got to the animal shelter, he was set on making sure that the mother and her puppies would be given the best possible care there is. They look like they haven’t been cared for in a long time so they deserve the best care.

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Peter brought them to the vet. When they arrived, the veterinarian was very surprised and instantly asked Peter where he got all of these poor dogs. She looked enraged. These dogs were in bad condition and did not deserve this.

A Surprised Vet

The vet was enraged and surprised at how hungry the mother and her puppies were. It was a surprise they survived this long. She was furious at the people who treated their pet like these. Who would do such a horrible thing?

She was more furious at the fact that these dogs were abandoned and left to die in the well. Thankfully, the dogs were rescued and are now safe. The vet promised Peter they would do everything to help the dogs.

Good News!

After many weeks of being cared for by the vet and her team, the mother and her puppies slowly eased into recovery. Day after day, they started looking healthier and healthier. The puppies even began playing around again!

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Every single day, Peter never missed an opportunity to visit the dogs at the vet because he had grown attached to these sweet little animals. He constantly thought about where they would go once they were back in shape.

Another Chance At Happiness

Soon enough, the mother and her sweet, little puppies were ready to go out into the world once more. With Peter’s efforts, a loving family was very ready to adopt them and welcome them into the family.

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The dogs would have a huge backyard where they could run around freely and grow up together happily. But Peter never forgot Bobby. A few weeks had passed since the incident. What happened to our hero, Bobby?

Where Is Bobby?

Aside from checking up on the mother and her puppies from time to time, Peter also kept going back to where he had last seen Bobby. He wanted to show Bobby how much  he appreciated what Bobby did for him.

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Unfortunately, each time he went, Bobby was nowhere to be found. Peter kept looking around for Bobby. Alas, Bobby was gone. Where could our brave little hero have gone off to? Did he still live in the area?

Searching for Bobby

Peter kept coming back to that area, determined to find Bobby once more. With every passing day, he started losing hope and began believing Bobby had finally found a loving home and was completely fine.

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But then something unexpected happened. One day, Peter passed by a restaurant during his free time, and he noticed something. What he saw made him feel both elated and a bit sad at the same time.


After days of searching, Peter saw Bobby again! What Bobby was doing made Peter sad, though. Bobby was eating food straight from the garbage can behind the restaurant. After his heroic deed, Bobby was still a stray.

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Peter felt sad at the sight of Bobby. After what they had been through during the rescue of the puppies and their mommy, Peter felt he had a connection with Bobby. So, Peter decided to do something heartwarming.

His Forever Home

Peter brought Bobby to the vet to have him examined. The vet told Peter that with all things considered, Bobby was in good health. Because Bobby was still a stray dog with no home and family, Peter took Bobby in.

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Bobby finally had a roof over his head again. He had a home! More importantly, he had a family again that truly loved him! Bobby could not have asked for a better owner. Now, Bobby didn’t have to sleep on the streets and eat trash from a garbage can.