Construction worker’s don’t have it easy. Their hours can be long and the work gruelling. They deserve more praise than we give them. Not everyone would be willing to do this job, but it has to be done. We should show some appreciation for them every now and again. One woman had absolutely no desire to do this. Some people are just out for themselves…

A construction worker recently posted a story on Reddit, under the name BBQ LUNCH, about an experience he’d had at work with an extremely rude woman. Not to worry though, he soon got his revenge…

Restricted access

The construction worker, at the time, was working as the foreman on a new housing project. The house was located 250 feet up a hill, which, in order to access, they had to use a footpath. This was quite problematic, as it meant that the construction crew had to physically carry all of their equipment up the hill.

Fortunately, however, there were a couple of parking spaces at the bottom of the hill. They were marked with “No Parking” signs, but the workers were given permission to use these spots. This meant that they could bring materials up the hill more easily. Unfortunately, there was one issue.

Illegal parking

The construction worker explained: “There is an elementary school about half a block away and the parents of children seem to regularly (at least twice a day) think it’s ok to park in our spots.” They choose to ignore the sign that quite clearly says “no parking.”

He continued: “Now I consider myself a reasonable person, so if someone is parked in spots and we don’t have a delivery or need to park a truck, I will let it go. If we need the spots and there’s someone parked there, however, I will ask them to move nicely and most of the time they do so immediately.”

That was until one woman decided to be particularly difficult…

Lumber delivery

One day while he was on the job, the construction worker received a call from a delivery man who was transporting lumber to the building site. He said that he would be arriving imminently, so the construction worker headed down to the parking spot to make sure that there was a space available.

He explained on Reddit: “He was carrying all of the material to frame the roof of our house, which is a lot of really big lumber and will take easily an hour to bring up the hill, so naturally I didn’t want him parked in the middle of the street with his hazards on for an hour, when we have a perfectly good parking spot for him.”

Spot occupied

On approaching the parking space, the worker noticed there was a car parked in one of the spaces. A woman was sitting in the car. He assumed that it was a parent, waiting to pick up her child from school.

The worker decided to go and speak to her, as was his custom. He headed over to the vehicle and politely explained to her that she was parked in a “no parking” zone. The worker was astounded by her response…

Refusing to move

The woman showed no sign of moving. In fact, she flat out refused. Instead, she turned to him and said: “I’ll just be a few minutes, and your truck isn’t here, take a chill pill dude.”

The construction worker could not believe his ears. He didn’t understand how his polite request for her to move, had warranted such a rude response. It certainly wasn’t the construction worker who needed to take the chill pill…

Tricky situation

Before the construction worker had the opportunity to respond to the woman, the lumber delivery man pulled up beside the job site. Using gestures, he communicated to him that this woman refused to move. What should he do to solve this difficult situation?

He decided to smile at her, in an attempt to win her over. He politely asked her to move and pointed to the truck, explaining that a delivery had just arrived. He, again, pointed out that she was in a tow away zone. Her response was infuriating.

Refusing to cooperate

The woman rolled down her window and suggested that they unload the truck with her still parked there and just work around here. The most unnerving thing about this was that, as she said this, she had a very fake smile on he face.

The worker couldn’t believe how rude she was being. He was appalled at her suggestion, especially after he’d been so polite. He reflected for a moment and then an idea came to him. He decided that he would get revenge on her.


His idea was to block her in so that she couldn’t get out of the parking space. Seeing as she was clearly so keen to stay in that spot, he decided to make sure that she did stay in that spot.

The worker gestured to the truck driver to park as close to the woman’s car as possible. The truck driver, when he realised what the worker was suggesting, willingly obliged, with a cheeky grin on his face.

Totally oblivious

The workers continued as usual, unloading the lumber, while the foreman called parking enforcement to inform them of the situation. While this was all going on around her, the woman seemed totally oblivious to it.

“At this point in time I wasn’t trying to get her in trouble, I just wanted a record of why we were blocking part of the street so we don’t get in trouble with the city,” he explains. The parking officer told him that she would be there within the next half an hour.

The penny drops

It wasn’t long before the woman’s daughter turned up. It was at this point that she realised she had been boxed in and she couldn’t even physically get out of the car, not on her side anyway.

She had to clamber over to the other side of the car, so that she could get out of the passenger door instead. She shot some death stares at the construction worker and delivery driver. Of course, the situation was only going to get worse from here…


When the woman realised that she would not be able to get out of the parking space, she saw red. She aggressively demanded that the truck driver move out of her way, as she needed to get somewhere. Unfortunately for her, that wasn’t going to happen. She should have thought of the consequences before being so rude and uncooperative.

The truck driver responded in telling her that there were certain rules that had to be followed: “Ma’am in order to unload the lumber on the truck we had to unstrap it, and as per our company policy, I’m not allowed to move the truck with an unsecured load on it. Sorry,” he informed her.

A terrible decision

The woman was absolutely furious at this. She went berserk and hurriedly jumped back into her car. At this point, the construction worker noticed the police officer had arrived, but decided against pointing this out to the woman. He could see that she was about to make a terrible decision.

She slammed the car into reverse, knocking over a portable toilet that had been sitting in the space next to the car. She then proceeded to mount the curb, in an attempt to manoeuvre out of the space. She was unsuccessful and the car ended up getting stuck.

Unfortunate timing

The woman was effing and blinding like nobody’s business, as she struggled to drive off the curb. She was extremely unfortunate, as a police officer had watched the whole scene play out.

He headed over to the car and demanded that she get out. The officer called for back-up, as the woman was out of control. They put her in handcuffs and told her to sit on the curb. Justice was about to be served…


The woman ended up being arrested and charged with Child Endangerment, Reckless Driving, Destruction of Property and Driving on a Suspended License. It seems she got what she well and truly deserved. She should have considered the consequences of her actions…

In the end, the construction worker had the last laugh. This story is a lesson in not parking illegally and in respecting the wishes of others, especially when you are in the wrong. If the woman had done this in the first place, this would never have happened. What goes around comes around!