Even if you aren’t a pop culture fan, you will probably know all about Princess Diana’s untimely passing and the controversy which surrounded it afterwards. The people’s princess lost her life in a car accident in Paris, but those close to her are convinced that there is a lot more to the story than meets the eye.


A recent interview with the paramedics first on the scene, has given us new insight into what exactly happened during that tragic night, how the accident could have been avoided and the final words Princess Diana’s uttered before she, sadly, passed away.

Diana’s Destiny

Due to her aristocratic heritage, Lady Diana Spencer became acquainted with the royal family at an early age. Her family lived near the Sandringham House, so she often saw many of the kingdoms nobles and spent some time with them during her younger years.


Academically, however, Spencer wasn’t so fortunate. She later compensated for this by taking on a slew of low-paid jobs in London. However, Diana was destined for a more illustrious future. At 16, her life took an interesting turn that would forever change not only her lifestyle, but also her family’s fortune.

Nuptial Bells

Diana was a real beauty, with a shy and humble nature, which she always retained, in spite of everything. It was this graceful personality of hers that initially attracted Charles, Prince of Wales. At the time, Charles was dating Sarah, her older sister, but soon after, a relationship blossomed between the prince and Diana.


The couple tied the knot in 1981 in a fairytale-like ceremony that was broadcast all over the world. An estimated 700 million people worldwide tuned in to watch the Prince of Wales and Diana exchange vows at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Unfortunately, unlike in fairytales, this couple did not live happily ever after.

The Centre of Attention

Now a member of Britain’s royal family, Diana faced rules and stringent expectations that did not align with her reserved and humble nature. At first, it seemed that having married a prince was the best thing that could have happened to her, but the union quickly became claustrophobic for Diana, especially when she discovered she was pregnant.


For the most part, the void Diana felt within her was because she considered herself undeserving of her new position as a princess. As the media and paparazzi swarmed around her, tracking her every move and even publishing photographs of her and her family in what were supposed to be intimate and private moments, Diana became overwhelmed. But as the years went by, she quickly learned that the stress of constantly being under the public eye would, in fact, be the least of her concerns.

In Secret

From an outsider’s perspective, Prince Charles’s family appeared to be a happy, picture-perfect clan. But on the other side of the royal walls, it was a tumultuous affair (quite literally) and their marriage was breaking down. It was reported that both Charles and Diana cheated on each other, and it was later revealed that she suffered from an eating disorder, as well as episodes of mental breakdowns.


While Diana battled to keep up a happy persona for the public, all was certainly not well. it is widely believed that Charles’s rekindled and brazen love affair with his old flame Camila Parker-Bowles, was the final straw for their marriage. This was done with absolutely no regard for Diana’s feelings.

Separate Ways

Just a little over a decade after their wedding-of-the-century nuptials, Charles’s and Diana’s marriage crumbled irrevocably. They separated in 1992 and their divorce was finalised in 1996. Fans of the couple were devastated, and it was reported that the divorce hurt Diana much more than it did Prince Charles.


Without many friends to confide in, she decided to take a much-needed step back from public life. One tabloid reporter claimed that Diana had very few “true friends” in her life. On the bright side, Diana’s love life thrived after she and Charles split.

Scandalous Affairs

Still young and gorgeous, it was reported that a throng of suitors surrounded the princess. It was also alleged that, during her marriage, she was engaged in several love affairs with men, such as cavalryman James Hewitt and her bodyguard Paul Manakee.


It also came to light that she had to axe her affair with childhood friend James Gilbey, a car dealer, after phone calls, in which he reportedly addressed her using the pet name “Squidgy.” As you can imagine, the media feasted on that one.

Behind Closed Doors

Then, the British-Pakistani heart surgeon Hasnat Khan came along and stole the princess’s heart. It appeared their relationship brought joy back into her life. The romance was kept a secret, since Diana decided to distance herself from the public eye.


She disclosed to friends that she had never met anyone like Khan. The princess had become completely enamoured by the surgeon when she first met him while on a visit with a friend to London’s Royal Brompton Hospital.

Head Over Heels

What’s more, Khan and Diana’s romance continued to progress, to the point that they had started to discuss marriage, according to Vanity Fair. Though the princess tried to persuade Khan to agree to a private wedding, he reportedly dismissed the idea.


Hasnat was never a fan of all the publicity that came with dating the world’s most famous woman. Instead, he proposed that they both move to Pakistan, where they’d be free of the media meddling in their affairs. Diana reportedly actually gave the idea some genuine consideration.

Nearly Wed

On top of that, the princess also reportedly shared her feelings about Hasnat with her close friend, Imran Khan, now prime minister of Pakistan. Khan later revealed that the conversations he had with her convinced him that she was in love with Hasnat.


The relationship eventually started to fall apart. In spite of this, Diana continued to work tirelessly for the causes she supported. She attended the English National Ballet and visited Mother Theresa before being featured on the 1997 cover of Vanity Fair.

Someone New

That very month, Egyptian billionaire Mohammed Al-Fayed invited Diana to holiday in St. Tropez in the south of France. Al-Fayed first met Diana and Prince Charles in July 1986, when they were introduced at a polo tournament.


Diana accepted his invitation and went on the trip with her two sons, Princes William and Harry, and they stayed in the billionaire’s villa. It came as little surprise when reports started flying around that it was there that Diana became romantically involved with Al Fayed’s son, Dodi.

New Romance

Even while on vacation in France, the People’s Princess and her brood were still not free from the prying eyes of the press. She was stalked by the paparazzi, and many still haven’t forgotten the time when pictures of her kissing Dodi aboard the Al Fayed family’s yacht made front-page news.


During an unplanned press briefing, later on, Diana told the reporters present that she would stun them with her next move. Unbeknownst to her or anyone else, her statement would actually end up being eerily prophetic.

Dodi Al Fayed

Princess Diana and Dodi’s relationship strengthened in the weeks before they were tragically killed. He is actually said to have admired the princess from afar and had his eyes set on her long before his father invited her on a luxury trip to France.

Bob’s Hideout

Dodi was the eldest son of five children. He had two half-brothers and two half-sisters. They were a very affluent family. He had also made a name for himself as a movie producer and earned credits on Hook, Chariots of Fire, and The Scarlet Letter.

It’s Over

Upon returning to London, Diana called off her two year relationship with Hasnat Khan, the man she had once referred to as “Mr Wonderful,” as he later told the police. He quickly presumed she had opened up her heart to someone new⁠ – may be a member of the Al Fayed family.


Khan did not hold the Egyptian businessman in high regard and let the princess know that he felt the new affair would end up hurting her. Although Diana was, undeniably, heartbroken that things hadn’t worked out with Khan, her mind was made up about Dodi.

Head Over Heels

Dodi was clearly smitten with Diana⁠, despite the fact that he was, at that time engaged to American model, Kelly Fisher. To make the princess aware of his intentions, he reportedly showered her with expensive gifts, including exotic tropical fruits, a Cartier watch, and flowers that filled her entire room.


He would, at last, receive a positive response to his expressions of love when Diana agreed to start a relationship with him. Dodi had earned a harmless playboy status before getting involved with Diana and was known to have dated a string of celebs, including Brooke Shields and Julia Roberts.

Engagement Rumours

Views differed concerning the strength of Diana and Dodi’s relationship as the summer of 1997 came to an end. Vanity Fair, for example, stated that Dodi intended to buy the princess a ring. This news didn’t come as a surprise to anyone.


The princess had told her close friend Rosa Monckton that she was going to wear this ring on a finger on her right hand. Monckton felt that Diana just wanted to make Khan jealous. Dodi’s dad, on the contrary, strongly believed that the ring was meant to mark the pair’s engagement.

Happy Days

Whatever the reality of the situation was between Diana and Dodi, it was evident that the pair enjoyed spending time with each other. And at the end of July 1997, the couple decided to embark on a cruise together to Sardinia.


But, being the hottest couple on the planet meant the paparazzi was once again hot on their heels. In August of that year, Diana was present at an anti-landmine event in Bosnia. While she was there, photographs of her and Dodi snuggling on his yacht hit news-stands.

Ready for the Next Step

The pair were already back in France at the end of the month, following their wonderful vacation in Sardinia. This time, they chose to spend some time in the romantic city of Paris, checking into the Hôtel Ritz, which is, in fact, oowned by Dodi’s father.


In 2019, The Daily Mirror reported that whilst Diana remained in their suite, Dodi headed out to a jeweller to secure the ring that the princess was anticipating. Then, during the night of August 30, 1997, they decided to eat out at the extravagant Benoit restaurant.

Paparazzi Trouble

The couple had planned on an intimate dinner together, but the paparazzi threatened to ruin their night out. As they hit the road on their way to Benoit, they were followed by about 30 photographers. So the pair made a u-turn back to the Ritz, deciding instead to dine at the hotel’s L’Espadon restaurant.


But as they settled down to their meal, Dodi became increasingly concerned that some of the guests around them were actually paparazzi in a cunning disguise. This left he and Diana with no other alternative but to return to their hotel suite.

Being Trailed

As soon as they were finished with their dinner, Diana and Dodi decided to retire to his luxurious apartment on the Rue Arsène Houssaye for the rest of the night. But once more, they faced big problems with regard to the ruthless paparazzi.


The paparazzi had tailed the couple from the minute they left the Ritz, earlier that evening. Consequently, the couple were almost certain that photographers were lurking around, waiting for them to make a move. Eventually, they came up with an idea to avoid being confrontation with the paparazzi.

A Simple Plan

The plan involved Henri Paul, the deputy head of security at the hotel. Although he was actually supposed to be having a night off, Paul was called back in to drive Dodi, the princess, and her bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones to Dodi’s apartment.


It was arranged that two decoy cars would leave from the main entrance of the hotel in order to fool the paparazzi, while Paul and the others would exit through the back in a hired black Mercedes Benz. This all took place in the early hours of August 31, 1997.

Just After Midnight

They all got in the car and Paul zoomed down the road. However, the swarm of paparazzi had somehow become aware of the plan and began aggressively tailing the limo. Sitting in front of Paul was Rees-Jones, Diana’s bodyguard.


Subsequently, an inquest heard that the paparazzi, who had earlier on been goaded by Paul outside the hotel, had attempted to “block” the vehicle to force Paul to slow down, but their efforts were futile. Instead, the Mercedes proceeded on its journey, travelling at about 65 mph before disaster struck.

A Sad Fate

The limo continued to travel at speed. Just three minutes after departing the hotel, right as he was entering the tunnel under Pont d’Alma, Paul lost control of the vehicle. There were no paparazzi close by at the time that could have been blamed for the mishap, so ultimately, the inquest would lay the blame on Paul.


Not only was he driving with a lot of alcohol in his system (in fact, he was more than three times over the legal limit), but he was also found to be under the effects of prescription drugs. The circumstances certainly did not look good for Paul.

The Tragic Crash

The vehicle hit the wall of the tunnel, swerved left, and with great force, rammed into one of the pillars that supported the roof. It was a brutal and fatal crash that claimed Paul’s life instantly. As the mangled remains of the black limo lay in the tunnel, the paparazzi, who had been pursuing the car on motorbikes, arrived at the scene.


However, they made little effort to help the affected passengers, opting instead to photograph the wreckage. Someone eventually called the emergency services, and a team of firefighters hurried out from the Malar station close by.

Rescuers Arrive

The team of heroic firefighters was headed by Gourmelon, the duty officer on that tragic night. Now, 20 years after his encounter with the victims, he has revealed to The Sun the details of what he and his team discovered.


Recalling details about the accident involving the world’s, at the time, most famous couple , Gourmelon said, “The car was in a mess, and we just dealt with it like any road accident. We got straight to work to see who needed help and who was alive.”

Helping the Victims

As an experienced firefighter, the horrific crash Gourmelon witnessed was not new to him, and he did what he knew best: analyse the situation and provide help. “For me, this was simply a banal traffic accident⁠ – one of many that emergency services have to deal with⁠ – and it was the usual causes: speed and a drunk driver,” Gourmelon went on.


He also immediately knew that nothing could be done to save Paul. In his interview with The Sun, Gourmelon said, “When I got to the car, I could see the driver was already dead, and there was nothing that could be done for him.”


Unfortunately, Dodi’s fate in the back seat of the limo wasn’t much better. While still inside, he had suffered a heart attack. Gourmelon was familiar with such traumas, and Dodi’s situation was not looking good at all. He did not survive and died shortly after impact.


Once he’d been extracted from the vehicle, the paramedics noted his time of death. For bodyguard Rees-Jones, there was still hope. Despite severe injuries, including several major facial injuries, he fortunately went on to make a full recovery.

The Princess’s Bodyguard

Even though he was in great danger, Rees-Jones’s major concern was clearly Diana. In a state of panic, he repeatedly asked for the princess. As Gourmelon recalled, “He kept asking for the princess, saying, ‘Where is she? Where is she?’”


“But my team told him to keep calm and not speak. I told him that none of my men spoke English so it was better for him to keep still and not move. I told him there was no need to worry since we were looking after everyone,” he added.

Diana Spencer

In the meantime, Gourmelon took care of Diana, but at the time, had no idea who she was and identified her as the mystery “blonde woman.” The princess was lying, sprawled on the floor beside the back seat of the car, where she had been sitting.


She was conscious and her eyes were open, so the hero firefighter felt she might have a chance at survival. Diana was also reportedly able to make some small movements. But despite her state, crucial seconds were ticking by, and she needed to be moved to a hospital immediately.

The Princess of Wales

Gourmelon gave Diana oxygen and she grasped his hand as he prepared to bring her out of the limo. He had no idea at the time that he was actually attending to the Princess of Wales. This, he later revealed in his interview with the newspaper.


He told The Sun, “It was only when she had been put into the ambulance that one of the paramedics told me it was [Princess Diana].” In addition, the firefighter also decided to disclose the chilling words she spoke to him on that night.

The Words

While Gourmelon cared for the princess, ensuring that she didn’t suffer anymore harm, she uttered some words to him that may have been the last words she ever spoke. Apparently, in shock at the mess of the wrecked car, she reportedly said to the man who had rescued her, “My God, what’s happened?”


Although Gourmelon did not disclose in his interview whether he responded to the princess or not, it is assumed that he would have spoken to Diana about the accident and tried to reassure her that everything was going to be fine.

Saving a Life

Diana was certainly in good hands with Gourmelon and the rest of the first responders as they worked tirelessly to save her and Rees-Jones after their horrific ordeal. But, given the circumstances, there was only so much they could do.


Gourmelon said, “I gave [Diana] some oxygen, and my team and I stayed by her side as she was taken out of the car. It was very quick because we didn’t have to cut any of the wreckage.” But sadly, as she was placed on a stretcher, she suffered a heart attack.

Cardiac Arrest

Diana, who had been sitting in the right-back passenger seat when the crash occurred, was reported to have had no visible serious injuries. But the nightmare wasn’t over yet for the princess. She went into cardiac arrest at about 1:00 am, so Gourmelon quickly gave her aid.


At first, it appeared to work. He said in his interview, “I massaged her heart, and a few seconds later she started breathing again. It was a relief, of course, because as a first responder you want to save lives⁠ – and that’s what I thought I had done.”

No Visible Major Injury

After Diana’s heart started beating again, Gourmelon strongly believed that she would be fine. He had good reason to think so. Firstly, there wasn’t any blood on her. This was quite surprising considering the severity of the crash.


And what’s more, it appeared she had only sustained a minor injury to her right shoulder. This was all the firefighter noticed anyway. In addition, Gourmelon and his team may have thought that they had effectively protected Diana from any more danger. But little did they know the worst was yet to come for her.

It Appeared She Would Live

Hopes were high when Diana was being moved into the emergency vehicle. She appeared to be stable and was on her way to meet the best hands at Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital. Gourmelon thought the princess had a good chance at survival.


He told The Sun, “To be honest, I thought she would live.” But it would be hours after the devastating crash and Diana’s transportation to the hospital that he would receive news that, not only shocked him, but also rocked the entire world.

Hospital Care

Shortly after 2:00 a.m., the ambulance arrived at the hospital, and Diana was immediately rushed into surgery. Doctors raced against time and fought hard to keep the princess conscious. She had to be revived several times, but their efforts were ultimately futile.


Diana, Princess of Wales, passed on after succumbing to her injuries. She had suffered, amongst other things, a ruptured blood vessel close to her heart. The damage was inconspicuous but extensive. Unfortunately, the night wasn’t yet over for Gourmelon.

Princess Diana Is No More

After Diana had been transported to the hospital, Gourmelon returned to the fire station. He was working a double weekend shift and recalled how he immediately called his wife to tell her what had happened that night.


The lead firefighter said, “[My wife] was asleep, and I told her about the accident and Princess Diana. I said that she had suffered a cardiac arrest, but I’d managed to revive her.” Sadly, though, at around 04:00 a.m., the princess passed away.

The 20-Year-Old Secret

Fondly known as the People’s Princess, the death of Diana shook the world. An unprecedented outpouring of emotion from the public followed the tragic event. For Gourmelon, back in France, the events of that fateful night in August remained fresh in his memory.


Despite the media frenzy, he did not speak about the tragedy for two decades⁠, until he was no longer part of the fire service. In his interview with The Sun, the hero firefighter said, “I can still picture the whole scene. It’s something I’ll never forget and that I always think about at this time of year.”