Show off your passive-aggressive personality or straight-up aggression with these funny and sarcastic bumper stickers which will have everyone in the neighbourhood doing double-and triple-takes.

Heck, you might even become facebook-famous around your city, like some of the folks featured on our list! Click next and see if your new car bumper sticker is hiding around the next corner.

1. Straight To The Point

This one is for all the drivers out there who refuse to ask for or receive directions, even when they themselves know they should! Well, remind the car behind you of your innate stubbornness with this bumper sticker.

In between throwing curses your way, the driver behind you might laugh out loud- no promises though! Well, anything is worth a try so Order this funny bumper sticker from Amazon.

2. Precious Cargo

Most ” Honk If….” bumper stickers are the butt of many jokes and while most are pretty annoying, both for the owner of the sticker and also anyone who has to suffer their sense of humour.

Whereas the first bumper sticker on the list was potentially beneficial, this one is just for comic relief. Unless any beer actually does fall out, then we’ve got a serious situation on our hands. Get this bumper sticker right here.

3. Smart Works

If you can read this, you should probably go ahead and buy this bumper sticker in order to make someone else laugh while you’re out on the road! We also hope no one ever gets in a situation where this bumper sticker might have to come in handy.

Though we do have to say, if you are slapping on a bumper sticker on your car this has to be one of the funnier ones which will allow you to show off your personality as well as get everyone else to giggle.

4. A Stick What?

As you go through the list, you will see that the poor stick shift and its drivers have found quite a few slogans to either mock anyone who can’t drive a stick shift or well, themselves who are learning to drive one.

Either way, the message is pretty clear – Stay away! This one makes for the perfect gift for new drivers who are just venturing on the road and will have everyone around them vary and slightly worried! Get yours, right here.

5. Officer Please!

As funny as this bumper sticker is, you should hope and pray that no one and by no one we mean an officer catches you with this on your bumper because, well do we even need to explain why?

You can get your very own sticker right here… and just imagine the look on the officer’s face when he sees this, probably will follow a hefty speeding ticket to follow but for some, it might be worth it.

6. Yikes!

We’ve seen a bumper sticker telling you to honk if a vehicle part falls off the car, and we’ve seen a bumper sticker telling you to honk if beer falls out but this one has to take the cake and the car!

Make someone who is driving behind you howl with laughter by getting your very own sticker from here! And after you have it slapped on your car, you better hope that no one ever honks at you!

7. Stay In School Kids!

We love this one because not only does it a) remind everyone of the obvious that education is important and b) throws in a little grammar humour for all of the grammar-freaks out there!

Even if you don’t care for fishing- which who really does, to be honest? You can still, grab this hilarious bumper sticker and end up making everyone around you smile and remind them that ” Importanter” is not a word!

8. The Truth!

Being conscious and caring towards planet earth is important but sometimes all the over-the-top slogans, hashtags, and signs get to be a little too much. So, casually poke fun at all of it with this bumper sticker.

Although we aren’t 100 per cent positive how that works…we still think it’s a pretty funny bumper sticker. Check it out, from Amazon. All jokes aside though, you should really think about sustainable fuel and yes, you can do that even with this sticker on your car.

9. Warn Others

Sheesh. Well, at least they know they’re an awful driver? Hopefully, this doesn’t describe you. If it does, maybe don’t drive? But if this describes you and you just HAVE to get out on the road, do us all a favour and have this disclaimer of a funny bumper sticker on your car. Much appreciated.

This bumper sticker also makes for the perfect jokey gift to give to anyone who just started learning how to drive and even for those, who have been driving for years but well, it doesn’t look like it!

10. Scare Tactics

We audibly laughed out loud when we saw this one! This is too funny. very scary, but funny. You need to have a certain level of confidence and love for dark humour to be rocking this on your car!

Buy this one and always be the one who makes other drivers on the road smile and simultaneously frown as well whenever they see your bumper sticker. Bonus points, if you actually own a big freezer!

11. Dino-Dinner

Stick figure families are so played out and thankfully you won’t find one in our list! The best is that we’re starting to understand that making fun of them is an entire genre of funny bumper stickers in itself.

Get this one from Amazon, which features a ferocious t-rex chomping down on said family! This will make anyone wanted to put a stick figure bumper sticker on their car second though and allow all us who hate them, to have a quiet chuckle or two.

12.  Zombie-Prepared

Call us crazy, but we have no desire to be on this particular team – if or should we say, when a zombie apocalypse does happen we would like to be sipping pina coladas in a secluded island!

But hey, that’s just us. Would you want to be a part of this team? If so, join them right here by grabbing one of these bumper stickers! Who knows any potential zombies might be deterred to come knocking at your door once they see the sticker.

13. Well-Deserved

Road rage is real and while most people on the road seem to understand the basic laws they usually forget courtesy and manners, so remind everyone that you are not to be messed with through this bumper sticker.

Can’t say the driver didn’t warn you. Personally, we don’t like this particular type of attitude out of a driver. But in the name of safety, you can’t argue against it. If this is you, then by all means – let the world know.

14. Not Like Anyone Else

Okay, yes before you say it out loud – we know, this isn’t a bumper sticker but a car decal but that doesn’t mean you should overlook it. These decals are the funnier cousin of the bumper sticker and we love them!

This one is great. Timely, funny, and it has to be in a specific spot in order for it to make complete sense. We’d probably give the driver a thumbs up on this one if we saw it out in traffic. Do you like it? If so, feel free to add it to your collection – right here from Amazon.

15. Keep A Look-Out

Not sure if you knew this or not, but there really are people out there that believe in Bigfoot. Are you a Bigfoot believer? Get this bumper sticker from Amazon if you are and show off your appreciation for the very “real” beast!

Even if you aren’t a huge fan of the mythical creature, you can still add one to your car if you love all things nature! Though we should warn you – we won’t be responsible if any Bigfoots do actually come around looking for help!

16. Out Of This World

Don’t we all? Show off your love for the big unknown- aka space as well as physically requesting everyone to just get back by grabbing this bumper sticker and adding it to your car.

We really love this bumper sticker because at first glance it seems to have an ordinary design but its only when you look closer do you get the joke and that just is the real beauty of this decal.

17.  Pointing The Obvious

Oh, boy. A bumper sticker that is making fun of bumper stickers. Look out, everyone. This one is smarter than it looks! Don’t kid yourself, we know You want this one, so get it now and drive away!

This one really calls out to all the cynics and you might even make a friend or two, who seems to share your feelings towards bumper stickers and what better place to express your distaste for them then in a bumper sticker…

18. The Jokes On You!

This one makes for the perfect gift to your grumpy old grandpa who just can’t seem to get their heads around bumper stickers and while we hate corny bumper stickers, we do think they are rather fun like this one!

So rather than a bunch of trashy bumper sticker – you could instead just have this one, massive, wordy bumper sticker. That doesn’t look trashy at all. Not at all, right? Anyways, if you’re wild enough to want it…get it here!

19. Kinda Rude

Woah, Woah, Woah. Now, that’s uncalled for. We mean, it’s hilarious…but uncalled for! If you want to make someone behind you in traffic laugh – then you need this funny bumper sticker.

Though, fair warning – if you add it to your car your boss might just second guess their decision of hiring you and well, say goodbye to ever impressing anyone in a professional capacity ever again.

20. Bathroom Break

We would pay good money to see an officer’s reaction to this bumper sticker. Honestly, there’s probably a few out there who would have to laugh when they saw this one! Get this funny bumper sticker right here.

And ensure that you let the entire world know why you are breaking the law! Most would understand and chuckle away- the only thing is that this bumper sticker will look rather odd when you aren’t speeding!