You can find tons of helpful material on parenting. After all, raising a human being is not easy at all but no one really tells you exactly how hard it is, except these brave parents who have decided to give us all a glimpse into their everyday struggles.

And while we shouldn’t be laughing at these parenting fails, some of them just are so bad they end up being good and of course, by good we mean hilarious. So, watch out parents to be because this list will genuinely make you reconsider your life choices!

We are starting this list out with one of the worst! What happens when your child loves to colour and you decide to look away for one minute? This! This photo gives one lesson loud and clear: never let your child use your laptop.


Although the laptop looks a mess and probably won’t even turn on, in a weird way it somewhat looks good. It is really amazing to see the dedication of the kid to colour every single key differently.

Every parent will tell you that they never have any privacy and, us child-less folks knew that but never did we think it was this bad. This poor parent went to the bathroom and forgot to shut the door


The kid looks like a salesman on the door who uninvitedly tries to enter the home to take a look inside. The kid must be like” excuse me sir, have you tried this new book titled: Let Your Child Do Everything?”

Kids are always portrayed as innocent and at times, they might be but this little boy looks very proud of himself for making such a huge mistake. Apparently, This kid thought that the horse was much like his dog and could sleep in his bed!


We just need to know so much more about this image. How did the kid get the horse inside? Where did he find the horse from? One wonders did the parent told their kid “stop horsing around.” because if they didn’t, they honestly missed a golden opportunity.

We know that a playpen is a great thing to protect kids from crawling away or self-harming. But we didn’t know it could protect the parents from kids as well. This parent found a perfect way to keep his work environment safe from toddlers.


Looks like a big part of parenting is not just keeping your child safe but also keeping yourself safe from a rather playful child. If you are planning on becoming a parent, you might as well try this method.

This one is more a life hack rather than a parenting hack! You find TV remote close to you whenever you are doing some other work and just when you want to watch TV, you can’t find it anymore.


With kids in the house, its more than likely that they have stacked the remote somewhere, rather remote. This parent solved that problem by ” childproofing” the remotes not just from their kids but also from themselves.

6. Little Kids Love Fashion and Junk Food

Any parent can tell you how much little kids love dressing up, especially in their parent’s clothes which happen to be far more expensive and not meant for children. Of course, kids will love this because it is so incredibly impractical.


These parents were out on a camping trip with the daughter and that’s how she woke them up every morning. We have to give this baby girl credit, where credit is due because her choice of snacks is impeccable.

No one can disagree that kids are curious little buggers! Teach them one thing and they will ask fifty questions about it and sometimes even adults don’t even know the answers to them.


This parent decided to keep track of how many times her 3-year-old asked her “Why” in one day. We could’ve asked her “why” did she do it, but we can understand that it happens a lot. And it can’t just be this word; it can be “mom” as well.

When a paint party was hosted at their daycare, they thought “what could go wrong?” It was assumed that the painting would be done, well on paper and not on their childer but oh how they were mistaken.


After a few hours, these children look like a cartoon character when a bomb explodes. We do wonder if this was the result of a paint fight? Or actually, planned for the kids to throw colour at each other? Either way, both options sound fun to us.

When the kid asked his mom to play army guys, he said something that was spot on and it shows us how much kids are smarter these days. The kid said to his mom, “Mommy, let’s play army guys. You can be this guy because he’s vacuuming.”.


This is rather brutal and we really feel for his mom! And we hope this child grows up to appreciate all the hard work his mother has put into giving him a clean and happy home. Or at least help her vacuum from time to time!

Not even Oscar-winning actors have managed to capture this betrayed facial expression as well as this growing baby! Just look at those eyes, they scream sadness, treachery and a touch of vengeance.


The kid made this face when he was fed real food for the first time. He won’t ever trust his mom again. If we make a wild guess, we think that the kid experienced the horror of Brussels sprouts.

This is a prime example of when parents try to their best and their kids end up, throwing their hard work in their face in a way that is both hilarious, ingenious as well kinda pathetic!


One poor parent on the hopes of feeding their child something healthy presented them with this yummy option. And what do they do? Take a big bite out of all the strawberries without finishing any of them.

Every parent out there can relate to this photo and even hear the kid crying as well and while you can clearly see that this probably would be annoying to hear, the parent shows their real anguish by using the decibel meter.


While we feel bad for most, if not all, of the parents and caretakers on this list this one has to be the worst. Just hearing a child “normally” cry is bad enough, we can’t even imagine what a 100 decimal loud wailing child sounds like and neither do we ever want to know!

Kids learn a lot from their parents, the good and the bad. This one smart kid learned something that is rather cute and must’ve saved him from the trouble as well or at least they should have.


This kid wanted to tell something to his lawyer dad, but before doing that he wanted his dad to sign this contract. We love it! Straight to point and protecting the defendant as well! We keep on saying that kids are way smarter now and it is looking to be proven.

These parents got bathroom doors like this one because they were of the opinion that they were trendy. However, their opinion changed when they had a toddler. As you can clearly see from the picture, why.

By the way, we are not big advocates of these doors in general, with or without kids. As anyone can see inside the bathroom. These doors are just plain weird and that is the end of it.

Most mother’s expect breakfast in bed or just a day off from their kids but more often then not, they don’t get it. This picture just shows how much of a dream a relaxing mother’s day is for everyday moms.


This mom was cutting her daughter’s skirt out of a scooter on mother’s day and the look on her face tells the entire story. The mom must be like, “Why don’t you do this? Don’t just stand there taking pictures.”

If you want to look at any picture that encapsulates any parent’s life, this one perfectly fits the description. It’s not a loving family, huddled together around the fireplace on a cold night and sipping hot coca but rather quite different.


We see two kids, brothers in a full-fledged war over probably something completely menial but screaming bloody murder nonetheless. Then there is the poor daughter who seems to be more into staring at their parents rather than the t.v.

When a parent starts talking about permanent markers, you know its gonna be a good story with a very bad yet funny ending. This one focuses on a 4-year-old and his artistic expression… on his face.


We aren’t sure if this an accidental impersonation of Darth Maul or this little kid was trying to recreate his rather unique colouring. Either way, we say it’s pretty close enough and hope those markers aren’t as permanent as they claim to be!

Teaching children responsibly is a task every parent finds hard to do. When do they step in and protect their little ones and when to back off and let them figure it out? Well, one mom let her child make breakfast for herself and well.. it didn’t go to plan.


When the kid told her mom that she is going to boil an egg to have on toast, the mom knew her daughter would create a mess. But she didn’t know how much mess. Just when the mom yelled back from the bathroom “just give me a sec and I’ll show,” there was a “Boom!!!” and this happened.

Ah, these are the joys of parenting that many people are not experiencing. When most people are casually gliding around the grocery store, parents are having a daily battle with their little ones to well.. not be kids.


Like the picture mentions, one toddler thought it was a better use of his time and tongue to lick the entire shopping cart! Some people may say that this is how the kids build their immune system, but we are more in favour of playing outside than licking the cart.

Oh, this is probably one of the most hilarious photos in our list. This book is not baby proof anymore and we can’t stop laughing now. By the way, the parent walked into the bathroom to find her precious child “washing” a book he found.


While many parents would love to get inside the kid’s head to understand their thought process, this situation really warrants many and many and many questions. The most obvious of course is why this little guy was washing his book!

Have you ever as a kid saved your favourite candy for some other time while eating other candies that you didn’t like much? We know we did that. This women’s daughter, however, didn’t have much of a sweet tooth.


So, when her mom gave her 2-year-old a slice of cheese to eat while she was watching some Paw Patrol. She naturally wanted to save it for later, only her hiding place ended up to be their living room’s wall!

This naive parent thinks that she forgot to put up the baby gate and it won’t happen again. We want to tell her that it will happen again and she is going to clean up the mess again. Kids are only “technically” not meant to open baby gates!


In reality, any parent will tell you that their toddler manages to escape from one on a daily and wreak havoc, maybe not on this level but the trouble they will find. Keep in mind everyone, kids look for opportunity and if they don’t get it, they create one.

This is rookie parenting 101. This father left his phone around his playful baby, probably given to calm him down after a meltdown and rather than watching “Baby Shark” 40 times on repeat, he had another idea.


This baby ordered 94 dollar worth of pizza of an app called Slice that doesn’t ask for payment info verification when placing an order. That’s not cool, right? Well, if you are Joey Tribbiani (from TV show Friends), then what this baby did would feel like a blessing in disguise.

This father used to be very careful with items in the house as he knew there is a kid on the loose who would try to get his hands on everything. And while he had all the basics out of the way, he never knew his kid would still manage to find a way to cause complete mayhem.


Even after all that he did, the poor man made the big mistake of leaving the Nesquick out in the open. Fair to say, the kid looks more shocked here to be caught red-handed while he is, partly bathing himself in it.

Most people won’t be surprised to hear that children lose just about everything. From the important to the basic, give a kid anything and you might as well say goodbye to it. But one thing that goes missing far too often is socks!


This parent found 30 pairs of her kid’s socks and not a single one was complete. She doesn’t even remember buying so many socks. Well, the best solution is to start making the kid wear mismatched socks.

Convincing your kid is one of the most difficult things for parents because they’ll cry, roll on the floor, and don’t get us started on the tears and the embarrassment that comes with the public meltdown.


This kid had mastered the art of all three! Why was she upset? Well, because mommy didn’t let her have the corn oil. Well asked why she needed corn oil, she ended up crying even louder!

When parenting is already presenting many challenges, why go shopping with kids. This is what this mother is trying to tell everyone. This parent decided that it was time to stop negotiating with a toddler and see what happened next.


Most of our readers without kids might question the mother here and even criticize her for dragging her child but if our list has shown you one thing it should be that sometimes, kid’s need that little tough love.

Before we laugh and giggle at this story, we do wonder how the kid was able to find and use a shredder without supervision. Well, either way, these parents learnt their lesson in a big way.


Losing money is one thing, but have you noticed the look on that kid’s face? He looks like he has no regrets whatsoever. This kid is one to watch out for because from the looks of it, he has some big plans- and world domination might be one of them.

Being a parent to one child seems hard but having multiple children seems to drive most parents insane. Yes, we know children are a blessing but one look at this picture and you will start to rethink that old saying!


This sleep-deprived father finally got one child to sleep, but the other one seems super stubborn. The one on the dad’s face tells the entire story so we don’t need to tell you more about it.

This parent swears that he doesn’t know how and when his kid learned to eat this way. Maybe the kid thinks there are seeds in banana and doesn’t want to eat them. The truth is that we’ll never know.


What we do know that this is a recurring theme around children. They really seem to dislike eating their food fully and in a way that makes any sense. Well, another reason why we are child-free!

We are sure when these parents decided to treat their child to pancakes, they weren’t expecting exactly this. While yes, who doesn’t douse their waffles and pancakes in maple syrup but this more of a river!


Here is a future chef in the makings. This kid came up a different idea and we have to respect it. The parent decided to let her child pour their own syrup and he came up with an invention called “pancake soup.”

Every movie and sitcom has that one comical incident when the parents are asked to bring their kids to work and it all ends in a complete mess. We thought those scenes were just made for the movies but after seeing this picture, it seems it is inspired by reality.


After this incident, the office came up with an official announcement to end their years of tradition of bringing a child to the workday. By the way, why would you want to let your child ride a scooter in the office? That’s just asking for trouble.

Technology is a great blessing for parents. You can stick an iPad or iPhone or “i” anything in front of them and your once crying baby would instantly be placated by their favourite t.v show.


However, sometimes you don’t want your kids to be stuck to a screen and this is what happens. This photo was taken when the dad realized that the toddler spent 30 minutes trying to unlock his iPad. Instead of going through the trouble of counting 7,810 minutes, we did it for you.

Another side effect of technology and children! We can’t even begin to understand what this mom must be going through when she saw toys of worth $300 getting delivered to her home.


And we have to discuss about the evilest expression on that kid’s face! Always try to keep your electronic devices away from kids because they are getting smarter with each passing day.

While not a cute image of a child throwing a tantrum or screaming at a 100 decimal, this one shows you the future state of your car or at least how your kids will see it. And it looks pretty accurate to even our untrained eyes.


This is a perfect illustration of how kids see your car whenever they look at it. And don’t simply ignore it thinking you will teach your kid to not use the car as a garbage can because they will and you won’t be able to stop them.

With a child comes the thousands of dollars worth of gadgets and gizmos that we are told are essential. This parent, however, didn’t really agree with them and thought of a practical and pocket-friendly way to baby proof the house.


This is what you do when you’ve got glass shower doors and there is a toddler in the house that won’t stay out. Here is a tip for you: install a lock in your glass shower so you can have a much-needed bath without anyone coming inside.

This mom told her son several times to eat his apple. So when he said “done with it,” she thought he must’ve eaten at least half of the apple. As you can assume already, he didn’t eat the apple. Not even close.


This is what she came to find out…just a small bite. If it had been a candy, there would’ve nothing left. This is the perfect example of parent frustration. How are you suppose to feed your kids basic healthy foods, when they do this.. with everything.

As a parent, quietness is a luxury many don’t get but sometimes it comes at a steep price! This mom paid that price while she was driving her little daughter around town, thinking nothing of it.


Her toddler, on the other hand, spent the majority of the ride smothering her face and everything else around her with sticky butt paste. Even now, if anyone is doubting the fact that children are very very very hard to raise, we really have to question their judgement.

When mommy told her 7-year-old to be in charge of dishwasher duty, he said “done with it” in just a minute. The mom soon found out why it took her son just one minute to get the chore done.


Another perfect example of parents paying for trying to teach their kids basic responsibility. We aren’t even sure how most parents get the strength to deal with these sort of situations on a daily basis.

Okay. We promise this is the last example of kids “helping” their parents and ending up creating more of a mess. This one has to be our favourite and the funnies of it all, probably because just how bad it went- sorry!


The mom asked her little angel to help her with laundry and she was more than happy to help. Later, the mom found her pants in the toilet. Be specific whenever you give a kid any task.