Healthy living is not a minor life adjustment, it requires complete dedication and committing oneself fully to both eating foods high in nutritional value as well as keeping up with a workout regimen. The unlucky individuals that made the final cuts to this list had a very hard (and hilarious) time trying to work on their fitness while at the gym.

01. It Was A Blur
It is amazing what people can do with their smartphones to make them the center of attention in their photos. This woman chose to blur her surroundings in order to make herself stand out. We only have one question to ask: why?

Why do that when you are already the main focus of the photo? You are right in the middle! Maybe she was insecure because nobody at the gym was looking at her. This explains everything.

02. Gym Twins

As if it wasn’t confusing enough that these twins were already identical, hey also had to wear exactly the same gym clothes! What you might not realize is that the twins also have annoyingly similar names.

The one on the left is called Gina, while the one on the right is called Jina. Or is the one on the right called Gina and the left one called Jina? One thing’s for sure: a twin must be the ideal gym buddy.

03. Pink Is The New Black

Why wear virtually all black if you are going to rock some insanely loud, pink running shoes to the gym? It absolutely baffles us. You have two perfectly good options. Either, you can wear all black, or you can wear all pink instead.

The main thing that matters is that this young lady is comfortable in her own skin and is confident in the way she dresses. It seems like all of the criticism she gets actually spurs her on.

04. Planking Out

Doing a plank at the gym is a great way to work out your abs and your arms, with minimal cardio involved. Many people choose to do planks as part of their workout and see how long they can hold it.

It’s unclear if this girl was trying to do a plank and failed, or was going for the weights and just simply gave up. Whatever her intentions, we don’t think to lie down on top of weights will make you stronger through osmosis, sorry girl!

05. Dedicated Athlete

Better safe than sorry, but the man in the picture is taking some extreme safety measures that seem a little redundant considering he’s on a stationary bike. Perhaps the poor guy’s real bike was stolen, which is why he came into the gym dressed like that!

His outfit is more suited to proper mountain riding and not indoor training, but he clearly did not get the memo that this type of session does not require clothes that need a reflection light and a helmet.

06. Who’s Gonna Take The Weight?

When these two friends were asked the question, “who’s gonna take the weight,” they took it literally. Normally it refers to who is going to take the responsibility to make the world a better place.

However, they were only interested in literal weights and were happy to do it together. Because let’s face it; going to the gym can be a difficult thing to do alone. It’s always nice to have someone there for moral support.

07. The Toilet Stance

While squats can be extremely useful for one’s core and legs, this lady is practicing for another reason: she doesn’t know how to sit on the toilet properly. For her entire life, she hasn’t mastered the art of sitting on the seat in order to do her business.

Every time, she would simply fall off and bang her head. Now though, after a whole year of squats, the lady has no issues when going to the bathroom. Jokes aside, this is actually a pretty impressive and low squat!

08. Always Challenge Yourself

We all know the type – those people practically live at the gym and dedicate every waking moment to working out. For some, it is simply a way of life. For others, it is an opportunity to show off their hard work and see others eye them with jealousy and guilty feelings about their lazy ways.

The guy in the picture, however, is taking things a bit far by walking on the treadmill at the same time as knitting a scarf. We are not sure if we should be impressed by his multi-tasking abilities or confused by it all?

09. Music To My Back

Music is like food for the soul – it sets the mood and helps you make a swifter transition into different stages. Those who have a hard time making the shift into workout mode usually have a music list prepared ahead of time, ready to speed up the adrenaline in their bodies and, consequently, their heart rate.

This guy was out of battery on his phone, so he figured the next best thing would be to plug his earphones into his tablet. We are sure the giant tablet in no way what so ever hindered this man’s ability to exercise– that’s sarcasm for you, folks. 

10. Look Ma, No Hands!

Ever wished that you could be the cool skater person in your gang of friends? Well, this young lady was able to kill two birds with one stone! Not only is she an active member at her local gym, but she is also able to sit on a skateboard and move around on it while doing sit-ups!

This is quite a remarkable skill that we have never seen before. Or maybe this photo is cropped and she’s actually sitting on a mat and just pretending to be able to do it all- our money is definitely on the later.

11. New Year Resolution

It is almost that time of the year again, and somehow no matter how many years pass, these resolutions always repeat themselves since we have a hard time following through. It is all good and well to swear that this time it will happen –

We will dedicate two evenings a week to working out – but we know that the New Year’s Resolution crew will most certainly disappear from the gym midway through January, finally freeing up the machines again.

12. The Incredible Hulk

Thankfully, this picture is not a video, since we could not watch what would happen next. The well-built man at the bottom of the machine seems less than concerned about the number of weights and amount of pressure applied onto his lower body,

Of course, despite the visible muscles bulging out of his T-shirt and the trusty sidekick trainer by his side, something tells us the man is not the Incredible Hulk. To push oneself is good, but to exaggerate is precarious.

13. Defeating The Purpose

Escalators are a great solution for malls and other structures that are made of several stories since they take less time than elevators and can fit more people on them at once without having to wait for the next cart to come.

However, placing escalators outside a gym seems to defeat the purpose of the gym – which is to get your heart racing and make your body push itself towards its physical limit. It would be interesting to see what kind of exercise machines this place has.

14. Game Face

When going to the gym, we know there may be moments where we don’t look our best. Whether it’s running or lifting weights, we tend to put on faces that most people don’t normally see.

This guy caught his friend in action and couldn’t resist snapping a photo, with another gym buddy photobombing him in the background. The man on the machine took it in jest, laughing with his friends about the ridiculous fest – but he never thought the whole internet would see this…oops!

15. Baby On Board

While there are exercises that consist of working out with your baby, we are pretty sure this was not one of them. The adorable baby might seem at ease in the picture, but that is because he or she has no idea that their father is endangering their life by holding extremely heavy weights right above both their heads.

We love when parents want to include children into their workout routines and have them stay active but this is one move we beg people do not try at home, there are plenty of safer ones to try with your newborn. Opt for some light Yoga and simple bodyweight exercises, instead.

16. Full Fat, Free Time

Among the many types of individuals that come to the gym on a daily basis are those that arrive simply for the sake of making a joke out of the whole deal. The man in the picture was fed up with his “exhausting” training sessions and decided to treat himself, just a little…

Naturally, He decided to hog this equipment and used it as his personal lounger, complete with an Entertainment Weekly magazine in one hand and a full-fat cupcake in the other. We bet this guy is a real favorite of the other people, who are there to actually work out!

17. Running Like A Rodent

New inventions in the field of athleticism are always an exciting matter, especially for those who practice sports on an everyday level. They change their entire way of living to make sure they make the best out of their body and push their limits constantly to reach to goal and break old records.

This instrument, which highly resembles a hamster running wheel, is the freshest one out there. If you always dreamed of running like a rodent – or at least wondered what it felt like – now it’s possible!

18. The Ultimate Test

Krispy Kreme doughnuts are not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of healthy food that is rich in nutritional value. Additionally, we do not think trainers employed by the gym categorize the delicious treat as a valid way to ‘carb up.’

If anything, this stand could have been put up in order to shame all that approached it to stay away from the fried dough of their dreams, a scare tactic that would have worked on many.

19. Purrr-haps Not?

We hope this guy was kitting – sorry, kidding! – when he put on this questionable leotard. It is a common misconception that those who are physically fit can pull off wearing anything, but the truth of the matter is that it does not matter if one has a purrrfect body or not – some things should be strictly banned from closets.

The only time this sort of getup would be appropriate is the 31st of October aka Halloween and even then, you should expect to get a few odd looks! Certainly, this outfit is not appropriate gym attire and probably scarred his gym mates as well as us!

20. As Fast As You Can

Technology has brought numerous amazing inventions to humanity. More often than not, we found that the innovations offered had one main purpose – to make our lives a lot easier, Be it a smartphone that acts as a camera, personal assistant, and a device for instant communication or even a personalized mobile computer granting us access like never before.

Technology has changed the face of the Earth and this woman used it for a quite particular purpose! She purchased a Segway to help her cut down on unnecessary walking, but using it on a treadmill is out of this world and completely baffling.

21. Picture Perfect Abs

Another type of group highly noticeable in the gym scene is the one that consists of those who show up wearing the latest athletic name brand merchandise solely to snap flattering pictures of themselves and post them on their highly publicized social media accounts.

This guy decided he had enough with these types of girls spending their entire gym sessions posing in front of mirrors to get the perfect angle, so to make a point and poke some fun, he decided to mock them. His female followers weren’t so happy.

22. Relationship Goals

Motivational quotes and constant reassuring messages remind you to stick to your goal and not give up when things get tough. Those who practice physical training rely on those words of wisdom to keep spirits high, but if there’s something that pushes one even further it’s having someone you love by your side.

This couple apparently feels very comfortable around each other and work out together often, but need to keep in mind others might not be as free as they are and don’t care to see them straddling each other, even if it just for ahem.. motivation.

23. Enjoy It While You Can

Bulking up is important for those who want to go up a weight class, but eating a full-fat chocolate cake while lifting weights is probably not the best way to achieve that goal. It is also rude to be stuffing your face with such delicious treats in front of others who are most likely trying to lose weight and avoids baked goods,

To be frank, the guy doesn’t seem to be enjoying that cake anyway and we are not sure what the big joke is behind this picture– or at least we hope there is a joke behind it! Either way, it is just plain weird!

24. Potato Couch

Mr. Potato head could be running on that treadmill for an ad meant to motivate kids to leave their computer games and TV screens in favor of physical exercise, or this could have been someone who could not find the time to balance both work and the gym – so they found a solution that is in between and gets the best of both worlds.

It probably gets pretty hot inside that costume, though, so maybe a better plan would’ve been to maybe actually wear activewear underneath. We are sure this is more or less a still from an advertisement or prank of some sort because no one would actually workout in a full Mr. Potato costume.

25. A Tail Of Two Athletes

Man’s best friend also wanted a piece of the action, and what better way to do it than join their owner during a ferocious workout session? He seems ecstatic to be able to be a part of the exercise, even if it means bench pressing and breaking a sweat.

The exercise is probably a favorite pastime activity for the adorable pooch anyway, so if you top that with quality adoptive father-doggie time, this is pretty much as good as it gets.

26. Weigh Your Options

“You may talk the talk, but you do not walk the walk,” said Maria to the guy in the picture below, who clearly tried to show off his latest workout stunts. Unfortunately for him, it seems as though he probably should have squeezed in a couple more one on one training sessions before lifting the heavyweights in front of his recent crush.

Maybe that way he would not have ended up half lifting those weights dangerously above his head. While extremely unsafe, this picture is strangely comedic with the man’s red face and asymmetrical posture!

27. Sweat Dreams

We hope this picture was taken after an intense workout session, and not a result of attempting to be an early bird and make it to the gym before it becomes overcrowded with other people. Perhaps this picture was taken by the girl’s best friend.

She probably found it hilarious that her pal was too tired to even make the short walk from the parking lot to the gym. Maybe she should consider a couple of shots of espressos before doing any heavy lifting, just to be on the safe side.

28. Dress For The Part You Want

We have to give it up to this girl for having such dedication to her workouts that she will not let something as minor as being not appropriately dressed get in the middle of her daily workout schedule.

Keeping this in mind, that is not to say that one should train while wearing a minidress and thin heels when attempting physical exercise, as it is highly dangerous and the odds of you getting severely hurt are quite high.

29. Stress Less, Princess

At least this young woman is not trying to pull off an “I know it all” face while attempting to swing from the ceiling – if anything, the mortifying expression she is uncontrollably showing is portraying remorse for using something she was not instructed to use.

It seems as though this shot was taken only seconds before something horrible happened, which gets us to thinking that perhaps the person behind the camera should’ve put it away and come to her assistance.

30. Train The Trainer

The gym trainer at this local health club looks a lot like the person it is pointing his finger at, which gets us to think the two might be related. Needless to say, as is evident from the picture, the student has become the master and seems to be in better shape.

If the trainer does not give a personal example of being a healthy individual and one that makes critical, conscious dietary decisions every day, you would probably not want them as your new physical life coach.

31. Big Problems

Gyms are meant to serve everyone, regardless of gender, religion or race. Unfortunately, it is hard to form one space that will suit all types of people, since they vary in shape and size.

The poor guy in the picture below signed up for his local Chicago based gym because he thought the membership deal offered was a good one, but he forgot to check one minor detail – that it was capable of accommodating his tall frame. Needless to say, he found a way around it

32. Say Cheesy

Putting on a fierce face while working out is almost an unspoken rule, much like the one that states that when applying mascara, the person applying it will carry an expression that resembles the painted figure from Expressionist artist Edvard Munch’s 1893 piece, The Scream.

This dynamic duo is clearly more invested in pulling off a flawless duckface pout than breaking a sweat, but if receiving likes on social media is what motivates them to tone up, who are we to judge?

33. Friendly Support

This has to be one of the strangest ways we have seen a group work out together. We would recommend other techniques to strengthen one’s core muscles than pile up to form a human building block as it would not take much to make them all collapse.

This could end in a serious injury, but we have to give these guys extra credit points for being creative. When you don’t have the proper equipment, you have to think outside the box.

34. Come As You Are

Looking at this picture, the first assumption that comes to mind is that this guy attends the gym just so that he could watch his football games in peace, and then treat himself to a pampering visit to the sauna.

However, this could also be his way of unwinding after an extremely tough and demanding workout session, which definitely means he earned some “me” time. Maybe next time, however, he could keep in mind that his “me” time is not necessarily “alone” time.

35. Brain Is A Muscle

You know when you were a little kid in school and were told that you have to do your homework and go over the taught material, because your brain is a muscle and it is in need of training, much like the rest of your body?

Well, it seems that little word of caution deeply affected the man in the picture, who still has not fully grasped the concept of how to use all the machines available at the gym. We hope one of the gym instructors actually helped this man be able to properly use the equipment.

36. Snack Time

Treadmills are not everyone’s favorite machine to hop on at the gym, which is understandable considering technology introduced many new ones that work on other core muscles and do not simulate a mundane activity, like running or power walking.

The boy in the picture, however, does feel strongly about the all-time gym classic, which is highly evident in the picture below. It would probably be better to actually use the machine to work out next time, but turning it into an automated feeding machine is creative thinking, too.

37. Coming To The Rescue

Perhaps the Batmobile was stuck at the garage or Gotham City’s favorite superhero was feeling less athletic than he used to, but one thing is for sure – seeing Batman in the flesh running on a treadmill at your local gym is a sight we would hate to miss.

It is highly evident these girls never expected their workout session would include the hunk behind the mask either, but it is very reassuring to know those who keep us safe at night are still out there.

38. Never Skip Leg Day

There is a reason that those who work out regularly make it a habit to stress the importance of not skipping leg day – if you do, you end up looking severely unbalanced like the guy in the picture below.

A lot of people who start working out have a clear vision in their heads of what body part they want to work on, but it is important not to neglect other body parts as well so that you keep a proportional figure.

39. Step Up

While they may not be a fashion statement or look particularly dazzling, sneakers should be the obvious choice when it comes to workout footwear but our guess is, it’s not all that obvious for this woman who decided to wear stilettos while weight training.

Not only is this one of the worst things you can do to your feet since heels generally misalign your toes and heel but it gets straight up bizarre when one chooses to wear heels while working out.

40. Old Age Goals

To the untrained eye, this poised lady looks out of place, with her salt-rimmed margarita glass and large pearl earrings. However, those who attend this small town gym know her very well.

Despite her age, she insists on staying young at heart, which is why she refuses to move into a retirement home or join her friends’ weekly bingo gatherings. Instead, she would rather spend her time sipping her favorite drink and gazing at well-toned men flexing their biceps.

41. Help Needed

There is a reason gyms employ trainers – so that people do not make mistakes like the guy in the picture is making. Although he has the best intentions at heart, it would be better to ask for advice than use something the wrong way and end up being seriously hurt.

We just hope someone got to him in time to stop him from trying to lift those weights with his feet, as they could have easily fallen onto him and causes quite the damage. This is just one of the few pictures, showcasing people trying to push themselves unnecessarily!

42. Precious Time

This lady decided to multitask rather than wait around while her hair sets. Waiting on the couch is undoubtedly much more comfortable than the exercise machine the lady in pink is situated on, but credit is given where credit is due!

This strong woman should be praised for taking every spare minute she has to tone up her body and stay in shape. At her age, it is even harder not to give in to a life made of pure comfort, so well done.

43. Upward Facing Dog

Putting aside the puppy eyes and the inevitable heart-melting effect that soon follows them, how amazing would it be if all our pets had a natural instinct to copy our every move while we were working out?

The days of putting off exercise on account of feeling alone would be behind us, as we would always have a fluffy, tail-wagging best friend by our side imitating the upward facing dog yoga position in the most precise way.

44. Weigh Your Options

Someone should have taught this boy how to use the equipment found in the gym since it seems dangerous to crouch on weights while trying to lift one that is exceptionally heavy. His friend, the same one who is sitting down and watching him risk getting a knee injury, probably should have gotten up from his seat and helped his idiotic friend.

We are not even sure if balancing on these dumbells would have significantly helped this man’s workout regime. Let’s hope this was all but a simple dare and he sticks to using resistant bands, next time!

45. Balancing It All

As an engineering student at a prestigious university was all this guy ever dreamed of, he was finally able to study the one topic he always felt drawn to and attend lectures held by the most sought-after professors in the industry.

Unfortunately, getting into school did not mean his hard work was going to cease – in fact, he had to study even harder not to lose his grant. In order to keep his mind and body in check, he found the ultimate full-body workout.

46. McSteamy

No, this is not yet another fast-food franchise ad meant to demonstrate that the deep-fried dishes offered at a ridiculous price are actually good for you. As much as a McDonald’s crispy chicken salad sounds like a quick and easy fix that is low on calorie intake, it is unlikely that the menu deal fits a lifestyle that includes getting in shape.

Poor Ronald looks like he’s giving everything he’s got to lift up those weights, but for now, he should stick to what he knows best. Some of these pictures, really make us wonder what is going on inside most of these people’s heads.

47. Force Of Habit

Sometimes, people think they are doing others a favor by nudging them to get their act together. Working out is one way of getting your act together, but those who feel unmotivated – or even depressed – cannot be forced to make a change in their life – they need to decide to do so themselves.

It is unclear if the girl in the photo was pushed to go to the gym against her will or was simply feeling too lazy to actually exercise, but she seems happy with her solution and us completely baffled!