What would you do if you bought something random on eBay and, hidden out of sight, a small fortune rested inside? Well, tank enthusiast Nick Mead had this exact situation arise. Just one purchase on eBay changed everything for him and his business. His shocking find rose to international headlines and could even provoke more struggles between two Middle Eastern countries.

Wait, what? You won’t believe just what happened in this amazing tale of one small business owner who miraculously became a millionaire overnight. Once the unthinkable happened, his life would never be the same.

1. A Real Scavenger Hunt

On a day just like any other, Nick Mead was surfing the web looking for another combat-ready vehicle to bolster his growing collection. He was pleased to see a Russian T-54 listed on eBay. As he was a big fan of this kind of tank, he decided to make a sensible investment; after all, he certainly needed this Russian tank for his tank driving experience business, Tanks-A lot.

History Geek

“I saw it advertised and I had this idea of doing a From Russia With Love experience, where people would come and drive three Russian tanks,” Mead reported in an interview with Daily Mail. He wasn’t looking for the treasure hidden inside, but, on this scavenger hunt, there was no way that he could escape from his fate.

2. Russian T-54

This type of tank, the Russian T-54, was part of a series of heavy tanks produced by the USSR right after WWII. Throughout their time in commission, they saw a lot of action. These tanks certainly have some stories to tell.


More than 100,000 Russian T-54s were produced in total until the unit was put out of production in 1979 when it was replaced by newer models. During this long lifespan, these tanks saw combat in the Middle East, Vietnam, and Angola, among others.

3. An Unlucky Guy

The unlucky seller of the tank was Joe Hewes, a 23-year-old with an active eBay account. He was looking for cash for the tank, but, instead, he decided to make a trade with Mead. He received two other armored vehicles, with an estimated value of $42,000, in exchange for his precious Soviet tank.

Ukraine News

He could have never guessed that, hidden deep inside the tank that he was trying to get rid of, was a fortune of inestimable wealth. The buried treasure was worth more than 60 times the value of the tank! Still, that fortune hid a deep and dark secret…

4. Buried Treasure

Nick Mead had been a collector of combat vehicles for many years at this point, and so he understands that there’s often more than meets the eye. Tanks may be tools of death and destruction, but he knows that, when conflicts happen, they also sometimes serve other purposes.

Business Insider

During times of political uncertainty, especially when the entire system could be on the verge of collapse, tanks are sometimes used to safely smuggle passengers and valuable items. Each tank, no matter whether it hauled important people or material treasures, has its own story to tell.

5. This One’s Story

The origin of the Soviet tank Nick Mead bought on eBay is undoubtedly an interesting one. The tank, while Soviet in origin, was manufactured in China and had been used by the Iraqi army under the command of none other than the notorious Saddam Hussain.

Banharmasin Post

Tanks were a common feature on the battlefields of the 8-year-long conflict that was the Iran-Iraq war. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost in this gruesome struggle. Then, not long after the war ended in a stalemate, these tanks were part of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. During this conflict, the Iraqis stole many treasures from the wealthy Gulf nation. Undoubtedly, many of these treasures were put inside of tanks.

6. Mead and His Crew

Once the tank was rightfully his, Mead and his Tanks-A lot crew set to work. They examined every part of the tank and began to replace damaged and eroded parts. They were on a mission to make that tank good as new and return it to a fully operational state.


While doing so, the Tanks-A lot crew scoured every nook and cranny of the combat vehicle. They couldn’t risk leaving even an inch of it unchecked. After all, if anything was wrong, the vehicle could critically malfunction and, potentially, put one of their customers at great risk of injury.

7. Something is Amiss

During their thorough and lengthy investigation and restoration process, the team soon realized that something was amiss. A fuel canister was malfunctioning as if it was disabled on purpose. They knew that something lay waiting inside of it.


Because it was heavier than normal, they knew that there was secret hiding inside that was meant to go unnoticed. They proceeded with caution to take out the canister, as it was mounted inside of the tank, and what they found blew their mind.

8. A Stockpile

With great care, they took out the fuel canister and took a deep breath. They were going to find out the truth. Was it something valuable? Or, even worse, was it potentially dangerous?


Inside of the fuel tank, the Tanks-A lot crew discovered a massive stockpile of ammunition. Ok, that’s strange, but it is a combat vehicle after all. They would have to report their discovery to the proper authorities so that it could be safely removed. Nobody could tell just how old the bullets were, let alone if they could be safely used. Attempting to fire a corroded or faulty bullet is a big mistake, so the team decided to play it safe.

9. Something Else

The team was then put on high alert. They knew that, if the tank was hiding one thing, then it very well could be hiding something else. Of course, they would soon stumble upon an even more shocking secret.

The Sun

Similar to the one that stored the ammo, they soon found another dysfunctional fuel tank. Unlike the one before, however, was the fact that this one was significantly heavier. There was no way that this canister was holding fuel or ammunition.

10. Be Careful

The crew was positive that this canister contained guns, as that is the natural complement to ammo. However, once they removed the canister from the tank, doubts began to grow in their mind. What if it contained something else entirely?


They decided to record a video of themselves finding out just what was inside of the canister. After all, if it contained illegal items, they might need a recording to prove that they weren’t the rightful owners of contraband. It had come with the tank.

11. The Big Reveal

This canister was so heavy that it required two full-grown men with crowbars just to lift it high enough so that someone else could reach into it. They even had to break open the bottom of the canister to reveal the contents. One of Mead’s workers put his hand inside, completely clueless about what he was about to find.


He struggled to lift the heavy object, and everyone waited with bated breath to see what they would find. Then, suddenly, he pulled out a gently gleaming brick. It shone mysteriously—it was a shining bar of gold! They had struck gold.

12. An Amazing Find

Everyone in the room immediately erupted into excitement, and the two men who had previously had a hard time holding up the canister with their crowbars were filled with super-human strength. Todd Chamberlain, a mechanic, put his hand bank in the canister to see if he could find any more gold bullion.

All That’s Interesting

As if he was pulling it out of a magic hat, he just kept reaching in and finding more gold bars! One worker said that this experience was even better than seeing a dog have puppies. They kept pulling out bars until five beautiful hunks of metal were gleaming before their very eyes. But this is far from the end of the story.

13. Can We Keep It?

They thought that they must be dreaming. They were exploding with joy. They could have never guessed that one day, they would discover an amazing fortune, real gold bars, hidden in a tank that they had bought on eBay. Now, all they needed to know was if they would be able to keep their new treasure.

Daily Express

Is this a situation where ‘finders keepers’ applies? Nick Mead, the man in charge, put his foot down. They said that they would go through all of the proper authorities and make sure that they complied with every legal regulation.

14. Calling the Cops

Mead immediately called the cops to tell them what his crew had found inside the tank. Officers soon arrived at his shop. They took the gold and left him with naught but a receipt—talk about trusting the authorities!

The Independent

Now, Mead’s only claim to these gold bars that lie locked away in a British police station is this meagre piece of paper. The police say that they first want to find the rightful owner of the precious metals. But how could they find them?

15. The Internet: An Amazing Place

It sure is amazing that we can buy almost anything online. Really, pretty much anything. This internet, an abyss of sorts, can sometimes seem treacherous or frightening. But we aren’t even going to get into the terrible parts of the internet where criminals engage in all sorts of malicious behaviors.

Daily Express

This isn’t the Silk Road. This is eBay, a multi-million-dollar e-commerce business. It’s a strange place where we can buy lots of things. People have sold everything from imaginary friends, disassembled snowmen, and gum that was once chewed on by Britney Spears. But how does one purchase a tank on eBay? And how much does shipping cost?

16. The Hero

The hero of our story is Nick Mead, a normal guy with a not-so-normal hobby. The man loves tanks. But we’re not talking about minis or models—he’s only down for the real thing. For most of us, buying a tank may seem strange (or illegal), but Mead is a regular when it comes to online tank commerce.

Bravery of Troops

On the fateful day that Nick pressed purchase on the T-54, he already had quite the lineup of tanks at his disposal. Was he a man on a mission? Was he planning a coup? Or did he just have a thing for military equipment? Really, what’s the deal with this guy?

17. Because…

So, why, exactly, does Nick Mead collect military vehicles? Well, for him, it’s all part of the job. His business is a tad unusual, but, at heart, it’s just a normal business that happens to also deal with deadly, heavy weaponry. If you’re a fan of war movies, then you’ve probably already watched some of his tanks in action.


Mead’s business rents out tanks and all sorts of other military-grade vehicles for use on movie and TV sets. Have you ever wondered where they get the tanks that you see on screen? Well, now you have an answer. Still, no matter what you think of Mead, we can all agree that he was truly blindsided by what was about to happen.

18. Tanks-A lot

His company is called Tanks-A lot for good reason: he has A LOT of tanks! Plus, at his location in Helmdon, England, you can test drive one of these bad boys for yourself. He even offers a package where you can crush a car by driving over it with a tank.

Tanks-A lot

Mead’s company also offers a wide variety of other services and activities. It’s even possible to undergo tank driving license training at his location. Then, believe it or not, once you pass the test, you can then buy your very own tank—of course, from Tanks-A lot. They have a large variety if you’re interested in buying one.

19. It’s Not That Hard

You may assume that it’s pretty hard to purchase a tank, or, as it may be, collect a bunch of them. Well, the truth is that it’s not that hard.


In both the US and the UK, these tank businesses are quite common. For most tanks, the main gun is disassembled, but when it comes to buy the tanks, it’s far easier than you might think.

20. An Amazing Assortment

So far, Nick Mead has amassed an amazing assortment of over 150 tanks. That’s a lot of heavy machinery! There are even countries in this world that don’t have close to that many tanks. Mead collects tanks from all over the world, each with its history.

Forces Network

Since he’s been in the industry for so many decades, Mead understands that tanks are used for more than just warfare. Tanks can also be tools for smuggling and stashing. In these massive tanks, it’s not so difficult to find a great hiding spot.

21. Challenger 1

One controversial tank in Mead’s lineup is the Challenger 1. Mead is the only private citizen in the entire world who owns a copy of this British main battle tank.

Tank Encyclopedia

That, however, isn’t the controversial part. It’s more the fact that the Challenger 1 is still used for waging war by the British military. Many people are wondering just how Nick Mead came about acquiring one.

22. Connections in High Places

Nick Mead pulled off the feat of purchasing this rare, still-used tank is crazy awesome, but it’s also no secret. He is well connected in the tank community because of his lucrative business and his tank enthusiasm.

Wikimedia Commons

Imagine trying to hide a tank in a little English village—let alone an entire army! Neighbors often see Mead driving around his massive tanks, and customers come from all over to experience the joy of riding in a tank for themselves.

23. Extraordinary Ride

Even before he made headlines for discovering the treasure hidden inside the Soviet tank, he was getting attention simply for taking his kids to school. Most people think that this is just an ordinary task—but for Nick Mead, it’s always an extraordinary ride.

Caters News Agency

Mead was featured in the news for driving his kids to school in a 17-ton tank. Can you imagine pulling up to class in a freaking tank? According to Mead, his children love riding with him, but they’re probably bored of it by now because they’re surrounded by tanks all the time.

24. Born to Ride

If you’re not surprised how easy it is to buy a tank, you’ll probably still be shocked to find out that it’s legal to drive a tank on the streets as if it was a car.

Bravery of Troops

To absolutely nobody’s surprise, this born to ride man reports getting a lot of funny looks when he’s driving his military vehicles around the block. He explained, “People often do a double-take. They can’t believe it, and when they see the tax disc, which verifies it’s road legal, they’re even more gobsmacked.”

25. A Scenic Drive

Mead often uses and abuses the fact that tanks are street legal, meaning it’s his preferred mode of transportation. He reports that people wave “as if their hands are going to drop off,” when they spot him. He even enjoys toying with the local police officers.

Daily Mail

“The police often grin or look the other way and most of them don’t know what to do, it’s not every day you see a tank rolling into town,” Mead said to The Telegraph. This guy just loves seeing the look on people’s faces when they see him in the tank.

26. Road Safety

Tanks may be legal for street driving, but how safe are they? It’s certainly not easy driving a huge war machine down the block. If he makes one wrong turn, this massive tank could easily demolish anything that stands in its way.

The Telegraph

Mead reports having had some close calls in the past, the worst of which was almost taking the fuel cap off a bus that got a little too close for comfort. Still, he continues, “But in my 20 years driving tanks, I’ve never had one crash. I’m always extremely careful, especially with the kids.”

27. What About the Gold?

But back to what’s important: what about the gold? Many believe that Iraqi soldiers stole the bars form Kuwait during the 1990 war. After all, the Iraqis looted billions of dollars’ worth of valuables during the invasion.

Kuwait Times

Plus, after the conclusion of the war, Iraq returned 3,216 gold bars to Kuwait. They were all individually weighed, and the entire process was overseen by United Nations peacekeepers. It’s also possible that the gold was pilfered from Saddam Hussain’s collection. When the US invaded Iraq, soldiers discovered about a billion dollars’ worth of hoarded treasures, which, of course, included gold.

28. The Great Tempter

Mead may have been tempted to keep all the gold for himself and his team, it really would not have been a good plan. The gold that they found in the Soviet tank holds an estimated value of $2.4 million.


The word that they had uncovered this precious booty got out quickly. If he had kept it, robbers would have gone to any length to get their hands on it, notwithstanding the potential retaliation of a man in a tank.

29. It Goes Viral

The tale of Mead’s incredible discovery soon went viral on social media and was reported by news outlines around the world. Nobody could believe that he pulled real gold bars out of a tank, let alone the fact that anybody can just buy a tank on eBay. Isn’t that crazy?


At least now you know what’s possible, and, as they say, knowing is half of the battle. If you’re ready to begin collecting your tanks, you are free to do so. Reporters also tried to get ahold of the tank’s seller. He says that he’s not upset that he didn’t discover the gold, but still, he laughed, if Mead does get to keep it, then he expects to be treated to a pint of beer.

30. Who Keeps the Gold?

The British police forces are still trying to figure out just who the gold rightfully belongs to. Yet one question is still on everyone’s mind. If they can’t track down the gold’s owners, then who gets to keep it?


Mead explained that to keep it safe and secure, he has left the receipt for the gold in a bank vault. He hopes that, at most, he’ll get a finder’s fee. Still, we know that he’s still holding out hope that he gets to keep all the gold for himself. Maybe his employees will even get a nice bonus.

31. The Internet Reacts

This amazing tale has intrigued many fans on social media. A lot of the commenters were impressed, and a few couldn’t believe that he reported it to the police. Among all of the comments, one even had a word of advice for Mead.


This guy, Jeremy Wetzel, said that he should tell nobody except some criminals, sell the gold at a discount, and then hide the money. Others thought they he’d be in the clear if he melted it down into jewelry.

32. Getting the Gold

Did Nick Mead make a good choice when he decided to report his find to the police? It’s a matter of opinion. One of the commenters, Nicholas Van Pelt, believed in the old maxim: finders keepers.


Something similar happened in San Jose, CA when a man named John purchased a storage unit that contained a hoard of rare gold coins. This lucky man was able to put those coins up for auction and flipped his $1,100 investment into over half a million dollars. What would have happened if he had turned it into the police?

33. Maybe It’s a Good Idea

Even though most of the commenters thought that Mead had made a bad choice to involve the police, one person thought it might be a good idea. It’s not that likely that they find the original owners.


As Nick Rapaport suggests, how could they even trace it back? It was stashed in a tank! If they don’t find who “rightfully” owns the gold, then, so we hope, Nick Mead is next on the list. And, in the meantime, the police can keep it nice and safe for him.