When they take the dangerous plunge into frigid seas, champion-level swimmers have a lot to think about. Even with so many scary animals lurking in the depths—it is their habitat, you know—that’s not at the top of their minds. Perhaps they are trying to block it out.

When one may made it his goal to swim in Cook Straight, New Zealand, he could have never guessed that he was about to face one of the scariest situations of his life. It happened when he was swimming with a pod of dolphins—he looked down, and, suddenly, the shocking realization of why they had come there struck him like a ton of bricks.

Keep reading to learn what was there!

1. A Young Sportsman

Adam Walker always enjoyed sports, even from his earliest days in Nottingham, UK. When he was a teenager, he couldn’t get enough rugby and cricket, especially when he played with his older brother. His supportive father, Peter, was always there to cheer them on.


Unluckily for him, Adam was forced to sideline his favorite sports because he sustained injuries to his back and knee. Because it was easier on his body, he decided to take up swimming. Due to his drive and natural athleticism, he became a competitive swimmer. Though he could have never predicted it, this sport would end up leading to some crazy adventures. After one of these adventures, his life would never be the same.

2. Building a Career

With his degree in hand, Adam knew the time had come to build a career, so he got into the family business of sales. Between his intelligence and his determination, he quickly rose in the ranks of his company. This earned him a position as national salesman.


Walker was an excellent salesman and, as a result, was beginning to rise in prominence. After all, he had all the competitiveness of an athlete. Still, he felt somewhat dissatisfied, like something was missing. There was a thought that he just couldn’t get rid of.

3. The Moment of Inspiration

This crucial moment of inspiration came for Adam Walker while he was on a plane headed to Australia for a family vacation in 2006. He decided to check out a movie called On a Clear Day You Can See Forever, which tells the tale of a guy who makes it his mission to swim across the English Channel after he loses his job.


Something inside Walker deeply resonated with this story, so he decided to follow suit. He made it his life’s goal to swim the English Channel. To keep himself on track, he set a deadline and began to vigorously train for the daunting feat.

4. Intense Training

Before this moment, Walker’s daily life consisted of working, eating, sleeping, and not much else. But, once he set this new and difficult goal, nothing would ever be the same. He would need to build up his stamina, strength, and endurance, so he embarked on an intense training regimen.


Not only did he need the physical strength and willpower, but he also needed to get used to cold water, swimming in strong currents and waves, and potentially being around dangerous marine wildlife. He certainly needed to figure out a way to cope with this, as out-swimming a shark isn’t so easy.

5. The Swim

Then, on July 14th, 2008, Walker made it all the way across the English Channel. It certainly wasn’t easy, as he felt sick from the waves and current, describing the water as “chopping like a washing machine.” But he couldn’t rest on his laurels. His next task was to take on the Strait of Gibraltar. This crossing, the shortest point between Europe and Africa, is both shorter than the Channel and has warmer water. This enabled him to swim—both there and back again—on July 5th, 2011. This earned him the title of first Brit to swim this stretch of sea.


During this period, an organization created a brand-new long-distant swimming marathon series called Oceans Seven. Of course, the English Channel and the Strait of Gibraltar were already on the list. Since Walker had already surmounted two of these challenges, he was determined to complete all seven. Little did he know what he would soon encounter in the Cook Strait.

6. Crossing the Oceans Seven

On his mission to complete the entire circuit, Walker swam across the Molokai Strait in Hawaii, the Catalina Channel in California, the Tsugaru Strait in Japan, and the North Channel, between Ireland and Britain. He is one of ten people who have ever completed this, and he is still the only British person to have undergone this rigorous challenge.


Overall, he spent six years to complete the Oceans Seven challenge, and you should hear the stories that he can tell. Still, you’re about to learn about the most exciting one, the one with dolphins and danger. Keep reading to learn about his crazy tales leading up to this epic dolphin experience.

7. An Injured Tendon

One frightening time came while he was crossing the English Channel; Walker injured a bicep tendon. Because the water was so choppy, he was already feeling pretty sick. Yet he was determined to finish his first long-distance swim, even with the injured arm.


Poor Walker, though, couldn’t get a break-even after three surgeries in an attempt to re-attach the fibers to the tendons, doctors told him that he should never swim again. But, in his determination, he was ready to overcome any obstacle, so he came up with his own unique swimming style.

8. Portuguese Man O’ War

During his 17 hours and 2-minute crossing of the Molokai Straight,  Walker came across the deadly Portuguese man o’ war. After it stung him, he wasn’t able to feel his spine for a full five minutes. Still, he kept on swimming.


This type of jellyfish is as poisonous as a cobra, and the sting has proved fatal on numerous occasions. He recounts, “I had to pull tentacles off my stomach, I lost feeling in my spine, and I thought I’d been paralyzed. I basically had to go through three and a half hours of agony to complete the swim.” Still, that was almost nothing compared to what was to come…

9. Complete Darkness

During his swim across the Catalina Channel off the California coast, he began having arm issues again. But that was nothing, as he had to swim six of the total twelve hours in complete darkness because he had decided to start the swim at midnight.


Can you imagine being alone in a dark ocean with no idea what’s around you or where you are? He also reported feeling way too cold and sick for comfort during this swim. It’s beginning to be hard to understand why anyone would want to do something like this to themselves, but each to their own.

10. Sea Monsters

Another formidable challenge came to Walker in Japan’s Tsugaru Channel. He was feeling sick for the first four hours at sea, and then a deadly sea monster, a shark, swam right below him. On top of all of that, he was being barraged by heavy waves, and so he was forced to swim faster and faster.


This amounted to Walker swimming for 11 hours straight and through 12-foot-high waves. In addition to getting hit by the surf, his face was also being stung by tiny jellyfish. “I’ve never breathed so hard in my life,” Walked reminisced. “My chest was tight, and my shoulders were really sore from the hours of swimming and being bashed around.” All things told, this swim took him 15 hours and 31 minutes.

11. The Cold White North

One other dangerous and arduous swim took place in the cold waters of the North Channel, between Ireland and Scotland. This crossing is notoriously difficult. In addition to the freezing waves, this channel is also home to tons of jellyfish.


He may have thought that he was ready to take on the jellies, but, after a few stings, he had a new respect for their kind. Still, Walker finished the feat in 10 hours and 45 minutes. With all of these intense swims under his belt, Walker set out of the Cook Strait, the swim that would prove the wildest of them all.

12. The Cook Strait

On April 22, 2014, Adam Walker began his crossing of the Cook Strait, a world-renowned route that is known for its dangerous conditions and unpredictability. This strait connects the north and south islands of New Zealand, and it is the middle ground between the Tasman Sea and the South Pacific Ocean.


Once it came time to get in the water, Walker started feeling pretty anxious and tried to calm himself by listening to recordings of motivational speeches. His personal trainer, Philip Rush, also seems nervous, and yet both of them were determined for Walker to finish the task he had dedicated himself to. Even though Walker started to feel sick when he got in the water, he began to swim; and he was off. But nobody, not Rush or Walker, could have prepared for what was about to happen next.

13. Getting Into the Groove

This swim was the first time Adam Walker ever wore a GPS tracker, allowing his friends, family, and fans to follow his progress. The pressure was on. During the first hour, he was feeling apprehensive and unsure, and, when he came to get his first snack, Phil Rush told him to get over it.


Walker kept going into the second hour and got into the groove, and yet his legs started to get tired. After he finished his second drink, he started to feel like there was no turning back. That is, at least until the unthinkable happened during the third hour.

14. The First Fin

After three hours of swimming,  he was powering along with the current and felt like he didn’t need to stop every hour anymore. On top of that, his stomach was feeling better at this point.


With hopes high and a certain level of determination, everything was looking good! Then, out of the blue, he looked up past his hand and saw a fin go right by him and just like that it was suddenly gone, again. What creature of the deep was circling around him?

15. Dolphins And…

A few moments after he saw that first fin, Adam Walker realized that he was surrounded by a pod of dolphins. He was incredibly happy that these friendly creatures had decided to join him on his journey. However, he would soon realize that they were there for a whole different reason.


Walker was overwhelmed, but, after about 15 minutes, he decided that he needed to stick to the task at hand and keep going. Then, in that very moment, he realized that something terrible was lurking below.

16. Just Don’t Look Down

The animal swimming right underneath Adam Walker was a shark! Sure, he knew that swimming near sharks was a definite possibility, but there was no way he could have been ready for such a close encounter.


Once he realized that a shark was right below him, his anxiety went off the charts. For his own safety and sanity, he tried to keep calm and figure out how to react. He also got the feeling that the dolphins were protecting him. Was this true? What would happen?

17. What Now?

Adam knew that, if he told Phil, he’d be forced to go aboard the boat and that all his efforts would be for naught. If he mentioned the shark, his dream of completing the swim challenge would be dashed.


He had been training for years for this moment, and he just couldn’t give up now. Besides, he was happy to also have the dolphins at his side. Nonetheless, he couldn’t get the dangerous shark below him off his mind.

18. Jaws

Walker had come across sharks in the past, so he knew that he just needed to pretend that it didn’t exist and keep his mind on the prize. Still, he couldn’t resist looking down a few times.


Occasionally, he’d take a peek below to see if the shark was still there or if it was headed any closer to him. He was simultaneously thrilled and terrified; he was swimming in harmony with a shark and with dolphins!

19. Creatures of the Deep

Walker couldn’t be sure if the shark had departed because of the dolphins since this wasn’t the first occasion on which dolphins swim around humans in the presence of sharks. It also made him question what other creatures of the deep surrounded him. He didn’t want to brood on these unpleasant thoughts, and even Phil was starting to get annoyed.


Phil had no clue about the shark’s presence, but he thought that the dolphins were distracting Walker from pushing on to achieve his final goal. Phil may have had a point, but that didn’t stop Walker from being amazed at this unique experience.

20. Friendly Encouragement

The dolphins stayed by Walker’s side. This friendly encouragement gave him the boost to get him through the rest of this challenging swim. Whether or not the shark was around, this was a highlight of Walker’s entire life.


After some time, Walker peeked down and saw that the dark and looming silhouette of the shark had disappeared. In truth, the dolphins stuck by him for over an hour, until the shark was gone. He was stunned. He had to wonder if the shark left because of the presence of the dolphins and if it would come back when they left.

21. Swimming with the Dolphins

The dolphins stayed with Walker for another half an hour, and, during this time, Walker was able to completely set himself straight and focus all of his energy on completing the swim. Swimming with the dolphins had given him all the spirit that he needed to keep at it.


Observers were amazed to see Walker’s graceful strokes alongside the jumping dolphins alongside him. They came so close that they even touched against him at times. He had no idea whether they just wanted to be friends or if they were acting as guardians to him.

22. Saying Goodbye

Walker was so thankful that the dolphins didn’t leave him. If they hadn’t been there, he would have had to go aboard the ship while the shark was around. It was certainly unusual for dolphins to follow a human for so long.


Walker had his eyes set on the finish line, and he would cross it, shark or no shark. He said goodbye to his dolphin friends about 90 minutes after they appeared. But was he in the clear now?

23. Keeping at It

After the dolphins departed, Walker took a water break and ate some yummy homemade soup that his girlfriend, Gemma Clarke, had prepared for him. He felt a lot better, until, after another hour and a half of heavy swimming, he started to feel ill again.


At the five-hour mark, Phil couldn’t contain his excitement, and he kept bidding Adam swim further and faster. He accelerated even despite the intensifying current that was trying to push him against huge rocks. Could it be possible that Adam Walker would finish the crossing without encountering any more danger?

24. Where Were the Sharks?!

Rush mentored Walker both before and during the swim. He was quite qualified for this job, as he was a notable long-distance ocean swimmer from New Zealand. He still holds the world record for the shortest finish of a two and three-way swim of the English Channel.


He had instructed Walker not to concern himself with sharks, as he had crossed over the Cook Straight eight times already. After he finished, Walker decided to tell Phil about the shark. Still, this was far from the first time the Brit had come across some dangerous aquatic beings.

25. The Final Push

Walker made the final push to the finish line, crossing the Cook Strait after 8 hours and 39 minutes. He had to overcome strong currents, exhaustion, and dangerous creatures along the way. And it turns out that it had been the most memorable swim—ever.


Swimming with a pod of wild dolphins was an amazing experience for him. If you think that this wild and dangerous experience was interesting, then you’ll love learning more about Walker’s other long-distance swims. And—you guessed it—there are more sharks!

26. Thankful

After Walker completed the crossing, he logged into Facebook to thank his marine friends. He posted, “Yesterday, I swam the 6th of the Oceans Seven swims ‘Cook Strait’ in 8 hours and 39 minutes.” He continued that he felt that the dolphins were “protecting [him] and guiding [him] home.”


He felt that this was the most challenging thing he had ever accomplished, and he’ll never forget this unique experience with the dolphins. Still, there was definitely some behind-the-scenes drama. He didn’t share the whole story about the waves, currents, and sharks.

27. Ocean Walker Stroke

Once he ruptured his bicep tendon during his crossing of the English Channel, Walker needed to make an adjustment to keep swimming. He could no longer rely on his normal stroke, yet he was hesitant to call it quits entirely.


This led him to invent the Ocean Walker Stroke, a swimming technique that uses the core muscles to propel oneself. This technique got him through the Strait of Gibraltar and proved invaluable for his entire journey. Though he can’t sleep on his left side, he can swim for hours on end—no problem.

28. A Businessman

Another remarkable thing about Adam Walker is that he completed all these incredible swims while also working full time as a national salesman. This career let him fund all his challenging swims. Today, Walker has put this career behind him in favor of a business that he started with his girlfriend, Gemma. They call it Ocean Walker Ltd., and it trains and coaches swimmers of every age, both in pools and in the open seas.


He loves to teach his Ocean Walker Stroke to injured people so that they understand that they don’t have to give up for their passion for swimming as a result of back or shoulder injuries. In truth, this stroke works to prevent injuries. Additionally, Walker hosts swim camps, engages with one-on-one lessons, and even provides web-lessons.

29. Motivational Speaking

In addition to swimming and mentoring, Walker loves sharing his amazing stories and encouraging others to overcome any obstacle. Another crucial element of his business is motivational speaking.


He tells his tales and shows people photos and videos of his swims and travels. Plus, he is an ambassador for the Royal Life Saving Society UK for water safety and drowning preventing, as well as Zoggs UK, an aquatic gear business.

30. His Book

Walker runs two websites. One is for the Ocean Walker brand, and the other is his own personal site that he uses to share news, post blogs, and write accounts of all of his Oceans Seven swims. He is also the author of a book about his transition from salesman to a famous long-distance ocean swimmer.


He published Man vs. Ocean in 2016, and it tells about his amazing swimming story. He shares all the details, from dangerous waters to aquatic life. On Amazon, it is a bestselling sports autobiography.

31. An Age-Old Story

If you can believe it, human swimmers being protected by dolphins is an age-old story. This type of story dates all the way back to Ancient Greece, such as the famous incident in Herodotus’ History. They involve dolphins helping shipwrecked sailors make it back to shore.


Recently, many incidents of dolphins protecting humans and other sea-life have been recorded. Keep reading to hear some of these amazing stories. You’ll be blown away by how awesome these dolphins really are!

32. Dolphins Are True Heroes

In July of 2002, a fisherman named Grant Dickson had an accident that could have proved fatal. When his trawling boat capsized off the coast of Queensland, Australia, he was badly hurt, bleeding out, and holding onto the remains of his boat for dear life.


He then saw that a pack of sharks was zooming in on him. “I was worried I was bleeding too much, and the blood would attract the shark and that would be it,” said Dickson. “But the dolphins came to my rescue and chased away the shark. They saved my life.”

33. Surfer Attack

When Todd Endris was surfing in Monterey, California in August 2007, the 23-year-old was suddenly attacked by a huge great white shark. This 15-foot long monster bit him twice! He was bleeding profusely, losing half of his blood, and nearly died. Thankfully, a group of 15 bottlenose dolphins saved his life.

“The dolphins were going absolutely crazy and really saved my life,” Endris reported in an interview with The Discovery Channel. “I feel like they were jumping over the top of me and swarming around me. They kind of created a wall between me and the shark.” After six months of recovery, he survived the terrifying ordeal and has now devoted his life to animal protection.

34. A Lucky Break

Another harrowing tale comes for New Zealand. In 2004, a young lady and several lifeguards were out at sea, engaged in training, when a 10-foot great white shark began circling around them.


Then, suddenly, some dolphins emerged out of nowhere. They began to distract the shark by making a racket and splashing their tails. It must have worked, since the shark retreated and let the people away in peace.

35. A Miracle in the Red Sea

Another dolphin rescue was in the Red Sea in Eliat, Isreal. During a boat trip in 1996, three tourists jumped into the water to swim with the dolphins they were watching. After two of them had climbed back aboard, another, a British tourist, lingered on.

Wikimedia Commons/Dolphin Reef in Eilat

He may have been having a good time—at least, until a shark bit him! He suddenly realized a ton of sharks were rushing straight towards him. Miraculously, three dolphins swam around the man and scared the sharks by splashing around and hitting the water.

36. Saving the Whales

Dolphins aren’t only saviors to humans, however. In 1983, dolphins saved a group of whales at Tokerau Beach, New Zealand. It happened when a group of 80 whales realized—a moment too late—that they had swam too far towards shore and were stuck in shallow water.


Beachgoers tried to assist them and sponged their skin to keep it moist, and yet the whales didn’t know which way to go. That’s when the dolphins arrived. Apparently, the pod of dolphins risked their lives to swim in the shallows and “herd” the whales back out to the deep blue sea. These heroic dolphins saved the lives of 76 whales.

37. Moko, Our Hero!

Another circumstance was in New Zealand and involved a friendly dolphin named Moko. In 2008, Moko played the hero to some other animals and left everyone amazed.

National Geographic

Rescue workers had tried for hours on end to get a pygmy sperm whale and her calf to go back out to the ocean, yet, over and over, they got caught on a sandbar just a few miles off the shoreline. That was, until Moko got involved. He guided the whales for about 600 feet, off the sandbar, and they swam off into the deep ocean.

38. Lost At Sea

Here’s another story from the Red Sea, only this time it’s on the Egyptian side—sound familiar? This time, dolphins saved the lives of some scuba divers. Twelve divers were lost at sea, taken by the current while exploring the ocean, and they were missing for over 13 hours. Nobody, not rescue planes or boats, could locate them, and people began to anticipate the worst.


At last, a boat found them, but it was far from what they were expecting. “One of the most amazing things was, after we were rescued, the guys on the boat said there were dolphins jumping across the prow in the direction we were actually in,” explained a diver named Richard Hallam after his incredible rescue.

39. Preventing Suicide

Could a dolphin save someone’s life in an entirely different way? According to the president of the Ocean Conservation Society, Maddalena Bearzi, that’s just what happened. She published a story in National Geographic, recalling what happened when her team trailed a pod of bottlenose dolphins. Out of nowhere, one left the group and swam away.


The dolphins and humans followed along for 3 miles, until they realized that the dolphins were crowded around an 18-year-old girl. She had been sitting in the water a long time, was experiencing hypothermia, and was holding a suicide note. They saved her life and she fully recovered.

40. Why Are Dolphins So Heroic?

Many theories exist in an attempt to explain the heroism and altruism of dolphins, especially that they show towards other species. Some scientists think that they expect a reward of food, such as if they save people in a fishing boat.

The Independent

Other think that, as a result of their amazing sense of echolocation, they can listen to other mammals’ heartbeats and detect stress. They always try to help out their fellow dolphins as well.