With limited entertainment options, many people are becoming interested to explore nature nowadays. Many nature exploration leisure activities like hiking becoming popular among people. Though we are not out of the risk of Coronavirus, people are trying to break their monotonic life by enjoying the natural beauty around them. Still, it is important to maintain physical distance even you are in the great outdoors. Here are some tips for you to keep you and your family safe while enjoying nature.

Credit: Toomas Tartes

During this lockdown period, entertainment options remain quite limited. Many regular forms of entertainment become risky during this pandemic period. So people are trying to go outdoors where they have to face fewer crowds.  But that doesn’t mean you needn’t take precautions. As hiking and other outdoor leisure activities becoming popular so there is a greater chance of interacting with potential spreaders. So you have to maintain some rules for staying safe and healthy in outdoor activities like hiking.

Credit: Neal E. Johnson

The first rule that you should maintain is to wear your mask always. The spread of the virus is indeed reduced in the outdoor environment. But there is still a chance to get close to people on smaller trails. So it is wise to take precautions and wear the mask. Because you never know when the wind blows a rogue cough in your direction. You can take off your mask when there is no one around you and take a quick breath of fresh air.

Credit: Galen Crout

Try to make space for people to pass the narrow paths while hiking. It is safe for you as well as for others when you are going through a difficult trail. During this pandemic period, you can choose less popular trails and hiking routes so that you can avoid the crowd. Additionally, you can avoid rush hour and chose different times and dates when there is comparatively less crowd for that hiking route. Always be careful of what you touch. Clean your hands before touching any parts of your face.

Credit: Brad Barmore

Thus maintaining some precautions you may be able to enjoy the beauty of nature and spend some quality time.