Dogs have always been the ideal pets. As long as you treat them well, you can be assured that they will make excellent companions because they are good-natured, easygoing, fiercely loyal, and very protective.

Source: Crafthought

When a small family decided to adopt a dog to grow up along with their son, they expected to give their son a childhood filled with cuddles, playtime, and lots of love. However, this dog did not behave as expected. In fact, this dog gave them quite a fright one night.

Meet Bobby

Bobby is a young cockapoo dog. A cockapoo is a cross between a poodle and an American cocker spaniel. Cockapoos are known to be sweet and friendly, making Bobby a perfect match for the small family that wanted to adopt him.

Source: Crafthought

George and Kyla, a young couple from Sydney, Australia, we’re looking for a puppy that would grow up alongside their young son, Peter. Bobby turned out to be the perfect match since he was about just the same age as Peter was.

Bobby has a history

George and Kyla wanted Peter to have a companion as he grew up and what better companion could there be than a sweet and loyal dog? And it seemed to work out fine. The family was very happy when they welcomed Bobby into their home and we could say that Bobby was equally just as happy.

Source: Crafthought

Truth be told, the chances of Bobby ending up with a nice and caring family were very slim at first. You see, Bobby’s mother was owned by a dog breeder who was a ruthless breeder who forced dogs to breed so that he could sell the puppies.

A cruel reality

The breeder did not really care for the well-being of the dogs he owned. To him, every puppy was just an opportunity to make money. The puppies were often sold to the highest bidder. The sad thing is that not all these bidders are really providing good homes for the dogs so these puppies really had no security for their future.

Source: Pixabay

In fact, for those that are not fit enough to be sold, there have been cases of some dogs who would be sold to an illegal zoo. They end up being food for other animals in the zoo. It was such a cruel fate for those who were unable to find owners who wanted them.

Lucky Bobby

When Bobby was born, he was treated poorly. He was forced to live in a very small cage and was only given enough food to survive. He was not even given walks. The first few weeks of his existence were very tough.

Source: Crafthought

Thankfully, Bobby’s suffering only lasted for a few weeks. The illegal breeding operation of his breeder was discovered and shut down by the Sydney police. His breeder was arrested and all the dogs under the breeder’s care were moved to a local animal shelter where they were put up for adoption.

How Bobby found a new home

George and Kyla found Bobby in the animal shelter. Kyla had just given birth to Peter a few weeks ago. One day, they read an article that said it was excellent for a baby to be around a puppy that they can grow up with.

Source: Crafthought

George and Kyla agreed that it was a good idea and headed to the animal shelter to find the perfect puppy for Peter. George and Kyla had been wanting to get a dog for a long time now but for some reason, never had the chance to get one. The article was a sign and they took it as an opportunity to finally get the pet that they have been longing for. The timing was just perfect.

Love at first sight

When they saw Bobby at the animal shelter, it was love at first sight. They immediately knew that this was the dog they wanted to bring home. They just could not resist his puppy eyes and it was very clear to see that he was a very friendly puppy.

Source: Crafthought

But as they stepped into the adoption office, they realized that adopting a dog was not that easy. You see, animal shelters aim to make sure that families who adopt their dogs are fit enough to raise a dog. They had to deal with a lot of things before they could take Bobby home.

The adoption process

To adopt a rescue dog, a house inspection was required. A brief seminar on the responsibilities of becoming a dog owner needs to take place. And there was a lot of paperwork involved.

Source: Crafthought

It may seem to be overboard at first but it was a necessary procedure to make sure that all animals will go to the right home and be cared for. The point of rescuing an animal was to make sure that they will be able to find their forever homes and end up with people who will truly care for them.

A special case

And Bobby seemed to be a special case. He was one of those dogs that made everyone fall in love with him so a lot of employees in the animal shelter were already fond of him at that point. You see, Bobby was very shy when he was first brought to the animal shelter.

Source: Crafthought

He did not receive any love and care where he came from and it took him a while to get used to being cared for. Soon enough, he realized that it was actually a good thing and started loving every minute of attention everyone in the animal shelter gave him.

They passed the test

In fact, several employees at the animal shelter wanted to adopt Bobby themselves but ironically, there was always something coming up that prevented this from happening. And this turned out to be a good thing for George and Kyla.

Source: Crafthought

When George and Kyla came to the animal shelter and expressed their desire to adopt Bobby, the staff made sure that they would be responsible dog owners and would give Bobby a good home. After a thorough assessment, they believed that George and Kyla are perfect for Bobby and that Bobby would have a forever family with them.

Adjustments had to be made

Since they were a small family, George and Kyla did not exactly have a big house. But since a Cockapoo is a miniature dog, Bobby was just small enough to fit the space of their home. Despite his small size, George and Kyla did not anticipate Bobby’s energy.

Source: Crafthought

Bobby would often run around the house and knock over items. In fact, Bobby had already broken two vases in the house during his first week there. George and Kyla knew that all this chaos needs to stop.

Bobby and Peter

Luckily, George and Kyla realized that all this can be prevented easily because there was one thing that had always calmed Bobby down. And this was when Bobby was around Peter.

Source: Crafthought

When Bobby first met Peter, he had no idea how to react to the tiny and unfamiliar baby. Nevertheless, it was clear to see that the young pup was very curious and instinctively knew that the baby was fragile.

A growing bond

As the days passed, Bobby learned to build up the courage to get closer to Peter. Once Peter started interacting with the pup, there was no turning back. Bobby never left the baby’s side. He would lie next to Peter and react to every movement Peter made.

Source: Crafthought

George and Kyla observed that Bobby never barked or did anything upsetting around Peter. As long as the two were beside each other, peace was restored in the house. And George and Kyla were certainly pleased.


As the days passed, Bobby seemed to be very attached to Peter. It was very clear that Peter and Bobby had formed a strong bond despite their young age. They were inseparable. George and Kyla would take them both outdoors. Bobby would be on a leash and Peter would be on a stroller.

Source: Crafthought

Soon enough, Peter would be walking alongside Bobby as they went to the park. When they are at home, Peter would spend most of his time playing with Bobby. The bond between the two made George and Kyla very happy. That is until Bobby started to act strangely.

A strange behavior

When Peter and Bobby were both three years old, a strange thing happened. George and Kyla woke up to the sound of Bobby barking loudly in the middle night. It was strange behavior for Bobby who barely barked loudly in the house and the couple was alarmed.

Source: Crafthought

The two lied awake in bed trying to gather their wits at first. After a while, they realized that there were faint cries in the background of Bobby’s loud barking as well. It was Peter! They immediately jumped out of bed to see what was going on.

Parents in fear

Was Bobby barking to get their attention because Peter was in trouble? It was unlikely that Bobby would do something to hurt Peter so they could only conclude that something had happened to their only son.

Source: Crafthought

They followed the noises to their living room. Once they reached the doorway, they saw something they did not expect – Bobby and Peter were on their feet, facing each other as if they were having a standoff.

Their son could not pass

When Peter saw his parents, he began to cry louder. But this did not seem to make Bobby back down. Peter then started moving to the table next to the couch but Bobby started to block him from doing so.

Source: Crafthought

With every step Peter took, Bobby, blocked his way, barking loudly. It was clear that Bobby did not want Peter to approach the table. Peter cried very loudly and looking helplessly at his parents.

The plushy

When George and Kyla looked at the table, it was clear to them why Peter wanted to get to it. Peter’s elephant plushy was on the table. The plushy was Peter’s favorite toy and he always slept with it.

Source: Crafthought

It looked like Peter woke up in the middle of the night and realized that his elephant plushy was not with him. He had been playing with it earlier in the living room and it looked like he left his bed to retrieve it.

They tried to be stern

But they still did not know why Bobby was behaving that way. George tried to approach the table but Bobby also blocked him and acted the way he did with Peter. He would not let George get near the toy. Something was not adding up and George was becoming annoyed at all the loud barking Bobby was doing.

Source: Crafthought

George tried to tell Bobby off sternly but Bobby did not budge. At this point, George decided to pick up the small dog. Bobby tried to resist but since he was a small cockapoo, he could not do much. All he could do was to continue barking while being held in George’s arms.

A hidden treat

Now that George has Bobby, Kyla walked to the table to grab the elephant plushy for Peter. Then, she saw something as she was about to grab the toy and screamed. A huge huntsman spider was hiding at the bottom of the elephant plushy.

Source: Crafthought

Although this spider is quite common in Australia, it was their first time to encounter something so big. As Kyla jumped back and started screaming, Bobby started to struggle to get out of George’s arms and began to bark louder than ever. Peter started crying again. It was pure chaos!

The truth is revealed

When George saw the spider, he handed Bobby to Kyla and rushed into the kitchen to grab a frying pan. He came back and used the pan and lid to trap the spider. He knew he had to act fast before the spider moved away to a new hiding spot.

Source: Crafthought

Although huntsman spiders are not really poisonous, they still have venom that can cause several illnesses if they get to bite you. George now understood why Bobby was preventing them from approaching the table. He was only protecting them!

The family is safe

When George came back, Kyla pointed to the spider on the edge of the table. George slowly approached the table and carefully placed the lid over the top of the spider and slid it into the pan. The spider was now trapped in the pan.

Source: Crafthought

Once this happened, Bobby stopped barking and both George and Kyla were relieved. Their hearts were still racing but now that the spider was caught and trapped, they could finally relax.

Peter finally gets his plushy

Peter was oblivious to the danger of the situation and was still crying out for his elephant plushy. George picked the plushy up and inspected it. He wanted to make sure that there were no spider eggs in it before handing back the toy to his son.

Source: Crafthought

After a thorough inspection, George handed the elephant plushy back to Peter. This immediately calmed down Peter and he was able to sleep right away. Looks like their son had been tired from all the crying.

A loyal and faithful dog

Bobby followed Peter in his bedroom and took up his usual place on the floor beside Peter’s bed. He retained his place as Peter’s guardian and best friend. And was also preparing to get his own rest after a long night.

Source: Crafthought

George and Kyla came back to give him a well-deserved dog treat. They were incredibly grateful that Bobby was there to protect their son and knew from that point on that they would never doubt Bobby’s intentions ever again.