During this holiday season, it is important to protect your unvaccinated kids. Because holidays are a time of gathering and fun. It is very difficult to maintain social distancing during this time. Senior medical director Dr. Lisa Doggett said about this situation, “We know that, fortunately, kids, especially younger kids, are at much lower risk of getting sick with COVID-19 than adults. That said, the risk is not zero.”

Credit: todaysparent.com

Children 5 to 11 years old are not vaccinated and it is thought they might not be fully immunized by Thanksgiving. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, more than 1 million child cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed in the last two months in the USA. Though the majority of the kids recovered without any complication, the risk is still existing. Dr. Doggett said, “Where infection rates are low, the risk to kids will be low.”

Credit: activehealthykids.com

That’s why it is very important to follow some ways to protect your child in this holiday spirit. First of all, you need to wear a mask whenever you are in a gathering place. Two other essential points to remember are practicing hygiene and maintaining social distance. Anyone unvaccinated should continue practicing these three strategies.

Credit: 3dwarehouse.com

If possible, make the social gathering outside instead of inside a home of a hall. Dr. Doggett said, “Keep in mind that gatherings outdoors are far safer for all of us, vaccinated or not, than indoor gatherings. So moving parties outside whenever feasible is a good idea.”