A Young Girl Is Surprised By A Cop In Line Behind Her And Runs Off, But Something Amazing Happens


A Memory To Last A Lifetime

Nowadays, for regular people, the cops are becoming such an unpredictable force. They are people of authority that somehow some of us fear because of the stereotyping that most of them are bad apples. But what is it exactly about them that make us fear them and run to the other direction instead of looking up to them and seeking their help?

Kindel Media/Pexels

Not all police are corrupt and have taken for granted the power of authority they hold. A good part of the police community are actually silent heroes. Many of us may not know it, but they are there. Take for example the hero of this story, state trooper Chad Savannah. His intentions were pure when he approached little girl, Brooke Yost. Only this time, he did not expect the little girl to do what she did.