Humble Beginnings

In a world where there is a lot of uncertainty, sometimes there are other people that are not so lucky with their lives. But you know when they say that everything does happen for a reason and the reason may not be as obvious at times. We end up questioning why or how and if we’re going to make it in the end. & Chuck Walker

It all comes down to how we handle the situation and what kind of decisions we make in order to create a difference in our lives and in the lives of others we reach. And just like this story, two very different worlds meet but, in the end, come up with a very beautiful thing.


When we imagine babies, we imagine the cutest little humans in the arms of their loving mother. But what happens when it’s the complete opposite? It’s become common nowadays that unprepared mothers, most likely because of the fear of being shamed for having a child out of wedlock or because they’re too young to have kids, leave their children in public places for other people to discover. & Chuck Walker

Some babies are placed in bags, others in boxes, like in the case of Mackenzie Grace Walker. She was left at a train station in the Hunan Province of China. Although nobody saw her mother leaving her there, but thankfully, someone had seen the box thinking it was odd for it to be out in the open. That person then discovered the baby that was inside.

Unconditional Love

Kim and Chuck Walker had been together for such a long time and they knew that they had to take things to another level and finally grow a family of their own. And so they married in 1982. They were both devout Christians and were very tight on making God the center of their relationship and the family they were going to create. & Chuck Walker

Two years after they got married, the couple welcomed a new member into the family – their first son, Brad. He was everything they had hoped for and more and they were so happy that they wanted to give it some time and try again for a second baby. All was going well.

Losing Something Precious

Chuck and Kim were such proud parents to a lovely baby boy and because they wanted a bigger family so their son had someone to grow up with, they tried for another baby. Everything was going according to plan but at the last stretch of Kim’s pregnancy, something terrible happened. & Chuck Walker

Complications arose and they were not able to control what was happening. Unfortunately, the baby Kim had carried died at birth. It was such a traumatic experience for the couple but they knew that somehow God had other plans for them. They were not about to let this unfortunate event dictate how to live their lives moving forward.

Moving Forward

The couple really wanted a big and happy family, but with the loss of their second baby, they were afraid to try again, understandably so. Everyday since then, it had felt like something was missing. Although they had tried to move on and get past the hurt, a part of them had a lot of what ifs in mind. & Chuck Walker

They had initially decided on adopting instead, but didn’t quite get around to it because of their indenial of the whole situation. However, 16 years after the loss, in 2000 they had finally come to the decision of adopting a baby. So they adopted a baby named Caitlyn.

Something Amiss

Kim and Chuck were happy with the new addition to the family. But something still felt amiss. They were glowing but they were not really content. They really wanted a big family to begin with, so their need to adopt another child wasn’t something that was up for discussion.

In a bout of enquiring at one of the orphanages they usually visit, they had heard about a baby that was left at a train station 8,000 miles away in China. When they heard about this, they were immediately drawn to the child. And because they were devout Christians, they felt like it was their mission to rescue the child from this plight.

God Has A Plan

In an interview Chuck did with CBN back in 2015, 2003 was such a pivotal point for them as a family because they learned of Mackenzie’s back story. According to them, they felt like “God had a plan for another daughter in our lives.” They felt they needed to do something.

As Christians, they highly believed that God was listening to all their prayers and their wishes. And this was the sign that they had waited for. So they quickly made arrangements for a wellness check at home in hopes that they will be the one to bring the baby home.

Unfortunate But Common

Back in China, the government has imposed a one-child policy. What this means is that, for every family, there only needs to be one child present. And for most of these families, they believe that by bringing in male heirs, luck will be brought upon them. Unfortunately, this does not leave any room for females. & Chuck Walker

That’s just one of the many reasons why most Chinese families do this. In paving way for a male heir, it’s easier to carry out the family name. Fortunately, Mackenzie was saved from starvation, or worse, death. As soon as that person found her, she was immediately taken to a local orphanage where she spent more than a year under their care.

Where You Gotta Be

So When Chuck and Kim heard about the little girl’s story, they immediately asked the orphanage if they could set up a meeting with the baby. They knew they just had to get to her before anyone else was able to. She was going to be the last piece to the puzzle.

They didn’t waste any time. So as soon as they were given the go signal, the booked a flight and hopped on the plane, anxious to see the little baby. They were only hours away from seeing her and they prayed so hard that the orphanage where she was staying will grant them full custody of her.

Love At First Sight

The couple was on a flight with 13 other parents from the US hoping to get their adoption petitions approved. They knew it wasn’t going to be easy and it will be a couple of days until the orphanage would be able to decide their fate. So they cling on to the hope that God again, will hear them. & Chuck Walker

As soon as the plane landed, they were ushered on to the same vehicle where they would journey to Hunan. They were brought to a receiving area where they all waited to see the children. And as soon as the couple laid eyes on the little girl, they knew she was going to be their world. It was like love at first sight. And the baby seemed to take particular interest in them, too.

New Member Of The Family

They could not believe that they were able to meet the baby and they so badly wanted the orphanage to choose them. And by some miracle of faith, it was only after two days that the orphanage contacted them to let them know that the papers were ready and that they could bring the baby home. & Chuck Walker

Both Kim and Chuck were in tears. God had not failed them, they thought. They prayed so hard for the baby and it was given to them only in a span of two days. They immediately went to the orphanage to process and sign papers and booked a flight back to Texas. Little did they know, that the baby had a more interesting future ahead of her.

New Beginnings

The couple was very excited to bring her home and introduce her to her brother and sister. The kids at home also were very eager to meet her being that she was the only piece of the puzzle left missing. Their family would now be complete and so when they arrived, everybody was drawn to her. & Chuck Walker

You would have thought that the baby would be restless, adjusting to her life with her new family. But according to Kim, everything about the baby was amazing. She did not cry or throw tantrums. She was a happy baby overall and the couple could not ask for anything more.

Grandfather Clock

Mackenzie adjusted well to her new life in the US. She was very playful and responded well to everyone. But what got her attention was not just someone, but something. It was the family’s grandfather clock situated at the far corner of their kitchen area. & Chuck Walker

At first, Mackenzie would just stare at the clock every time it chimed. However, it wasn’t long before she would imitate the sound of the clock as it struck every hour. According to Kim, “She heard the chime, and she walked up to it and looked at it and mimicked the sound exactly on pitch.”


At the time, Kim could not believe just what she was witnessing. It was the first time that Mackenzie had ever tried imitating sounds. And she had not shown any signs prior that she was hiding this talent of hers as she would just laugh and giggle every time they had tried singing to her. & Chuck Walker

Kim was over the moon when she realized that Mackenzie had a talent for singing. She really was heaven sent. Not only did the child get herself a new home, but because of this new home she also discovered her talent for singing. Not everybody is blessed with this kind of talent.

Her True Calling

As soon as Kim heard, she immediately called for Chuck because she could not believe what just happened. Chuck was just as surprised to witness the unfolding of Mackenzie’s talent. And almost every day since then, they would motivate her to sing to make sure she would grow up to love the talent that she was given. & Chuck Walker

Kim believed that singing was a crucial part of Mackenzie’s whole being. So they wanted her to hone in on it and improve, after all, she was going to do wonders with it soon enough. They took her to music classes and helped her slowly come out of her shell. They always spoke of good things to her and encouraged her to find her own voice.

Crowd Favorite

Mackenzie was constantly encouraged to sing and recognize her own talent. Kim and Chuck made sure she realizes even at a young age, the value she brings to the table. And in the process, start opening up to the world and showing what she’s got. And she did just that. & Chuck Walker

Every chance she gets, Mackenzie would sing for her family. At family gatherings and even when she gets a visit from her friends, she would proudly sing for them. She would then become the darling of the crowd and this would make Kim and Chuck’s hearts swell with pride.

Talent With A Cause

As Mackenzie grew older, she slowly realized that she could do so much with her kind of talent. Her parents also constantly reminded her to make sure she was grounded and to tell her that every chance she gets, she should offer it to God because He gave her that precious talent. & Chuck Walker

When Mackenzie was later on interviewed, she said that she could not remember a time when she never sang. Singing was as much a part of her life as breathing in air. It was something she always did everywhere she went. And soon, this talent of hers will pave way to further recognition.

Big Break

Mackenzie was always just so used to singing for a small crowd. But when her talent was discovered by someone who had special contacts, she was then recommended. And this recommendation ended up making her sing the national anthem at a Houston Astros baseball game.


Kim, Chuck and two of their kids were with Mackenzie every step of the way. They were always there to support her. They would sit in with the crowd and be the first to stand and clap for her. They were the epitome of a perfect family and Mackenzie knows this that’s why she’s always thankful for them.

First Album

Growing up, Mackenzie was encouraged by her parents to dream big and to grab opportunities as they come but at the same time, to never forget her roots and her humble beginnings so that when she becomes famous, she will then pay it forward and use her talent for a good cause.

Mackenzie remembered that and put it to heart. When she was five years old, she told Kim that she wanted to be a famous singer. And so, a few years later, she was discovered by a Grammy-nominated producer named Mark Carman and offered her a recording contract.

Inner Power

After Mackenzie received a lot of praises on her debut album, she then on went on to say, “I’m actually here. I’m not in a dream. This is for real.” Parents Kim and Chuck were also amazed and proud of her. But then, they did express that all of this fame and recognition was a bit overwhelming.

One day, they woke up a normal family basking in the bliss that their kids are their own private treasures. But then they wake up the next day and their youngest is already a star that everybody praises so much. It can be a lot to take in but they soon realize that Mackenzie had a goal of her own.

Angel In Disguise

As doting parents that have instilled faith and follow the Christian way of living, they were not aware how much of an impact they were making in Mackenzie’s life. One day, she said to them that she was going to use her voice for one very important thing.

Nashville Music Management

Kim and Chuck were all ears. She told them that she wanted to use her voice to spread the Christian message as much as she can and that she felt like it was her duty to raise awareness and help others in need. She said, “I need to help them because God helped me, and through God, I can help them.”

Passion For Helping

Fame can be a good thing, other times, it may lead to harmful or dangerous habits or even a change in outlook towards life and other people. Thankfully, Mackenzie is goal conscious. Her passion for what she does far exceeds music itself and she uses this platform for the good. & Chuck Walker

Her achievements are not just about herself. She has done so many things that other famous people could not, all because she has her heart set on changing the things that she is able to. She partnered up with an international organization to raise awareness about the harsh realities of some of the children in these orphanages and has raised funds for the construction of additional orphanages.

Heart Of Gold

Mackenzie aims to help orphaned children in China to find their forever home, just like she did. She wants the whole world to know that even though she might not be American in blood, but her heart does not recognize race. And anytime is a good time to help.

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Whatever you go through in life, always remember that there are others much less fortunate than you. And by acknowledging this, you make room within yourself to help out in anyway you can. You do not have to be famous or rich, all it takes is a simple gesture and to the right person, it can make a whole lot of difference.