Tips For Solo Female Travelers


While traveling as a solo woman, you need to be more concerned about your security. Especially when you are traveling in a remote area or some unsecured countries. But, if you take some precautions then solo female travelers also can travel around the world without any hesitation. Here are some top tips for women traveling solo.

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Understand your intent

You need to choose your destination with intent. You may get the first inspiration to travel to a place from a book or a movie. But traveling is more than experiencing a movie or book. You need to dig more down and understand why you want to go where you want to go.

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Make a proper plan for your first night

While traveling as a solo female traveler, it is wise to plan your first night well. Then you can move around and get a good idea about the place. It will help you to plan accordingly. So, try to have a place to rest your head on the first night of every destination. Try to plan to arrive at your destination by mid-afternoon. It will allow you to find your hotel or hostel in daylight. You can change your accommodation if you feel that this is not the place for you.

Credit: Lorri Lang

Be open to opportunities

As a solo female traveler, you may need to plan details. You may require attention to design your steps from departure to accommodation.  But don’t try to make a compact plan. Always be ready for any opportunities or unexpected situations. Try to be open to opportunities as they arise.

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Pack smartly

As a solo female traveler, you need to pack your bag light. Because it will allow you to be more mobile. Try to follow a checklist, so that you don’t miss any important stuff while packing your bag. Don’t forget to carry the most important things like your bank cards, essential medicine, sufficient cash, and other accessories.