Peter Weber And His Girlfriend Kelley Flanagan Are Riding Off Into The Sunset


Peter Weber has returned to Los Angeles with his new girlfriend to reunite with his family.


The couple duo has been stuck to each other like glue since the beginning of the quarantine. They have prepared countless TikToks videos together. But now they are taking things up to notch. Recently they have been spotted riding a tandem bike together. The romantic couple was riding the bicycle in the street of Los Angeles where Peter typically lives with his parents.


Peter and Kelley have been with Peter’s family for a few days and it is a delight to all of the Webers. Peter’s family has always adored Kelley and Peter’s mom was rooting for her from the beginning of his Bachelor journey. It seems that they are happy Peter is finally with Kelley and has fully welcomed her into the family.


Though Peter and Kelley are staying at home with family, they are doing their best to keep the romance alive. By doing “outdoor dates” and “movie nights” at home this couple is making the most of their first as boyfriend and girlfriend.


Peter is able to return the hospitality she has extended when he stayed with her at her Chicago apartment. Peter is now enjoying showing Kelley around his favorite LA spots and going for long drives to get out of the house.

So, it’s safe to say Peter got his wish!