Your Home Can Re-Design Your Health Status


Your home can describe many important points about your health. In fact, your home is a good indicator of your healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips for maintaining an organized home that ensure your healthy living.

Credit: Edgar Castrejon

Organize your kitchen counter

First of all, look at your kitchen cabinet. Decide smartly what should be there and what not. Stock up on the good stuff like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. If you are a fan of canned foods then you may need to reshape your preferences. You need to skip additives like salt and sugar. You can stick to whole food as these don’t need labels. Or if you want you can label all the containers of your kitchen self.

Credit: Hannah Busing

Make your dinner table clutter-free

Many times our busy schedule tends us to complete our dinner in a dusty dinner table. But this is not a healthy practice at all. If you want to develop a better eating habit among your kids you need to make the dinner table clean and presentable. It helps your family members to spend more time together. It has lots of positive impacts on your healthy lifestyle.

Credit: Natalia Mok

Maintain the perfect size of dishes

The size of your plate can affect your waist size. Studies show that larger bowls and plates prompt you to consume more foods than you need. You can try a simple switch at mealtime. Try to serve healthy foods on bigger dishes and less healthy foods on smaller plates. It can help you to eat more nutrients and less junk.

Credit: S’well

Store leftovers correctly

Storing leftovers is another important point you can’t avoid. Always refrigerate the leftover foods in an airtight container to keep them bacteria-free. You should reheat the foods in microwave-safe or oven-safe glass or ceramic bowls. Never use plastic pot while reheating refrigerated leftover foods.