How To Choose The Best Travel Camera


If you’re interested in travel photography, a good travel camera can be the most essential equipment for you. A good camera for travel should have some important features. It should be lightweight and waterproof. The image quality should be professional and the price should be reasonable. It should be a well-rounded model that not only well for landscapes and portraits but also can handle videography.

Credit: Emma Dau

Travel camera will help you to explore the world with better images. You will be able to share your epic travel memories and experiences with your families and friends for years to come. Travel photos can be considered as the most trusted souvenirs that you can bring back after your vacation. Here are some simple tips to help you narrow down the overwhelming choices so that you can pick the perfect camera for travel.

Size & Weight

Size and weight are important features while considering for travel camera. As you need to move around with that camera, so it should be small and lightweight. Once upon a time, it is thought that a bigger camera means a better camera. But now technology improved a lot and you can avail of high performed good travel cameras in small sizes.

Credit: Nathan Lindahl

Manual settings

When picking a camera for travel try to select one that has a manual setting option. To take professional photographs you need to have the ability to control all camera settings manually.


Many people think that more megapixels will produce better photographs. But it’s not true always. More megapixels with a larger sensor will give you higher details. Then you can be able to crop your image without reducing the quality of the image. So, while purchasing the travel camera keep these in mind.

Credit: Marco Xu

Aperture and Zoom range

The lower the lens aperture number the better it will perform in low-light situations. Lower numbers also allow you to create a nice blur effect in portraits. On the other hand, a zoom lens lets you get closer to your subject. When you want to take snaps especially for wildlife and people, you may need a better zoom lens camera.

Credit: Kane Reinholdtsen

Interchangeable lenses

High-end mirror-less and DSLR cameras have interchangeable lenses. It will allow you to pick the perfect lens for different situations. If you want to take the perfect shot of different situations then you should consider this option.

However, there is indeed no easy answer to get the best camera for capturing your special moments. Because different people have different requirements and budgets. So you should choose one that perfectly matches your desire and budget. You need to define your needs when picking a travel camera. Just make sure that you are checking the above-mentioned points while purchasing your travel camera.