Music Can Synchronize Your Brain


Experts admit that music release powerful emotions. By slowing down or speeding up the rhythm of the music you can resonate in the brain. When you softer and louder the sounds of a song it can affect your enjoyment and emotional response. Here is a simple review of the synchronization process of music in our brains.

Credit: REVOLT

Musical rhythm can directly affect your brain rhythms. This brain rhythm is responsible for how you feel at any given moment. For this reason, when people hear the same music at any gathering place such as in a concert hall, it tends to make their brains synch up in rhythmic ways. Sometimes music works the same way as other languages humans use to communicate. By using a combination of sound and dynamic variations music can impart a certain understanding in the listeners. When a singer sings a song that really moves you, it basically synchronizes your brain rhythm.  

Credit: Jefferson Santos

However, the song usually loses its emotional resonance when it loses its dynamics. Even if the melody is the same. So when you listen to a more dynamic version of the same song it can produce more emotional resonance. Our neurons fired more slowly with slower tempos whereas faster with faster tempos. These mirror neurons may play an important role in processing musical dynamics. It can affect how we experience music.

Credit: Eric Nopanen

Every style of music has its own pattern. Up-tempo songs can create one kind of pattern while slower songs can create another. Similarly, lyrical songs have their own pattern. Whatever is the pattern of the song, it can synchronize your brain. It can also happen even we hear the same basic dynamic differences in music. The difference in music preference mainly depends on the ways our neurons are wired together. Our personal history of listening to or performing music can play an important role to establish these neurons connections. Basically, rhythm is all about predictability. These predictions about music start to form a very early age of our life and completely influenced by our cultural environment.  

Credit: Lorenzo Spoleti

Moreover, music can allow you to associate it with something you like. You can experience a pleasure response by listening to your favorite music.