4 Simple Healthy New Year Resolutions


A new year always opens a new window. It often signifies a fresh start for you. Some people set different health goals like losing weight, maintaining a healthier diet, and starting an exercise routine. But most of the time we choose highly restrictive and unsustainable health and wellness resolutions. As a result, we have to break the resolutions within a few weeks. This is why most of us have to make the same resolutions year after year. We need to make achievable resolutions that can be followed for life. Here is some example of realistic resolutions you can maintain easily:

Consume more whole foods

By eating more whole foods we can improve our overall health. It is one of the easiest and most sustainable ways that we can maintain. Your body needs a plethora of nutrients to function at an optimal level. Whole foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, and fish are rich in beneficial nutrients that can significantly reduce the risk factors of heart disease. You can add more whole foods to your diet slowly and consistently.

Credit: Elle Morre.

Move more and sit less

Nowadays many people sit more time than they should. Being inactive can be dangerous to your health. This habit can have a negative health effect and may link to some health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure. So this resolution to sit less and be more active can be very beneficial to your health. This resolution is also easy to follow. This attainable resolution can make you more fit and healthy.

Credit: Jacob Hawk

Avoid sweetened beverages

Sugary drinks are linked to an increased risk of obesity, fatty liver, heart disease, insulin resistance, and cavities on teeth. So you can easily make this New Year resolution to cut back on sweetened beverages. This smart idea can help you to avoid many health issues. You can minimize your intake of sugary drinks gradually.

Credit: Martin Sanchez

Enjoy more quality sleep

Sleep is an essential part of our healthy lifestyle. Lack of proper quality sleep can lead to serious health consequences. So it is very important to determine the best ways to improve sleep quantity and quality. You can decrease the screen time before bed, avoid light pollution in your bedroom, and cut back on excessive caffeine and alcohol. This practice may help you to improve the quality of your sleep.

Credit: Bruce Mars

So take some achievable New Year resolution that can truly improve your health and wellness. Try to find a physical activity that you enjoy and spend more “me” time to practice self-care.