Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Dietary fats are highly controversial. But extra virgin olive oil is the part of the Mediterranean diet and considered as incredibly healthy. Most of the people are consuming this traditional oil as their dietary staple. Many studies state that olive oil is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants which can reduce the risk of heart diseases. It has also some other health benefits. Here is a brief review of the healthiest fats of extra virgin oil.

Credit: Nazar Hrabovyi

The production process of olive oil is very simple. It is extracted from the fruits olive. At first, you need to crush the olives and mix those together. Then you need to separate the oil from the pulp in a centrifuge. After centrifugation little amount of oil can be found in the pomace. You can extract this leftover oil by using chemical solvents which are known as olive pomace oil. This type of oil is available at a cheaper rate than regular olive oil. Olive oil can be found in three main grades – refined, virgin and extra virgin. Extra virgin oil is the least processed oil. It is considered as the healthiest type of olive oil. As it is extracted using natural methods so you can avail the purest oil from nature. You can enjoy the certain sensory qualities like super taste and charming smell from extra virgin oil.

Credit: John Cameron

The nutrient composition of extra virgin oil is very rich. It contains plenty of monounsaturated fats. You will find a modest amount of vitamin E and K in this extra virgin olive oil. It is highly recommended for its super antioxidant value. It contains anti-inflammatory substances. It is believed that chronic inflammation is the leading driver of many diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.

Credit: Mike Kenneally

One study found that substances in olive oil can reduce the expression of genes that mediate inflammation. Extra virgin olive oil can prevent unwanted blood clotting and reduce blood pressure. This oil also seems very safe for cooking at fairly high heat.

Credit: Jessica Lewis

Moreover, extra virgin olive oil is super healthy. If you have heart disease or at the risk of developing it, olive oil can be the most suitable choice for you. You can use it to cook your daily meals and enjoy the super nutrients and taste of this wonderful oil.