Causes of Poor Blood Circulation


The blood circulation process is very important for sending oxygen as well as nutrients throughout our body. When you experience poor blood circulation, it may reduce the blood flow to a specific part of your body. Poor blood circulation is not a condition in itself. Rather it is a result of other health issues. Here we are trying to investigate the underlying causes of poor circulation.

Credit: Patrick Hendry

There are several different causes of poor circulation. Some major causes are illustrated below:

Blood clots

A blood clot develops in your arms or legs can lead to poor blood circulation. If a blood clot in your leg breaks away, it can pass through other parts of your body. It may also lead to stroke and create serious health issues for you.

Credit: Mark Zamora

Varicose veins

When the veins of your body become enlarge due to valve failure, it creates poor blood circulation. The damaged veins are unable to circulate blood as efficiently as other veins. Sometimes varicose veins become a cause of blood clot and result in poor circulation.


Diabetes is another cause of poor blood circulation. We often think that diabetes only affects our blood sugar. But it can also be a cause of poor circulation. If you have diabetes, you may suffer poor circulation. You may feel cramping in your legs or pain in your calves. So people with diabetes are at high risk of poor blood circulation.

Credit: Akash Deep


It is another reason for poor circulation. When you are carrying extra pounds, you will put an extra burden on your body. It may lead to a circulation problem. Being overweight will also put you at an increased risk of varicose veins and blood vessel problems.

Credit: Louis Hansel

As poor circulation is symptomatic of numerous conditions, it is important to diagnose the conditions and remove the cause of poor circulation.