Important Tips to Reduce Cholesterol


A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are very important to reduce cholesterol. You need to keep cholesterol levels in check to keep you healthy. High cholesterol levels are associated to increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. So, it is imperative to know about cholesterol is exactly and develop an idea about the key functions of cholesterol. Here we have tried to explain the characteristics and functions of cholesterol as well as the procedure of reducing blood cholesterol in our body.

Credit: Louis Hansel

Cholesterol is a waxy fat. 75% of the cholesterol in our body is made by the liver and the rest of it comes from the food we consume. Previously it was believed that cholesterol is the main cause of heart diseases. However, the latest research found that cholesterol may not be the only reason for heart diseases. As cholesterol is fat so it requires a carrier to be transported in the blood. In our body, a protein complex called lipoproteins performed as a carrier of cholesterol.

Credit: Louis Hansel

Even though we all are grown up to fear cholesterol, it is fundamental to our life. We require a particular amount of cholesterol to play the basic function of our body. Cholesterol is crucial to form our body cell walls. It is also necessary to produce hormones and repair our nerves. It can help to produce bile which can help us to absorb the fats in our diet. Cholesterol also performs some other important function like improving our memory. It can make the mood-boosting hormone serotonin that can help us to feel good.

Credit: Louis Hansel

However, we need to avoid an overdose of cholesterol. It is important to maintain a balanced diet and consume a certain amount of cholesterol. For this reason, we need to know about the right foods that can lower the cholesterol level and keep us healthy. You can include healthy fats and limit saturated fats. Plenty of mono-unsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids are good diets to maintain. You can include dairy foods in modest amounts. Oats can help to manage cholesterol levels. So include oats in your daily diet.

Credit: Louis Hansel

Your daily lifestyle is playing a significant role in reducing harmful cholesterol levels. If you are smoking or being overweight or taking a diet in refined carbs and sugars may contribute to the risk of heart diseases. The excessive stress, inactivity, low intake of fruits and vegetables can be responsible for higher cholesterol. So, it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet to reduce the blood cholesterol of your body.