Experts state that nowadays people have a negativity bias. We are now paying more attention to scary and threatening information than positive news. This negativity increases our feeling of stress and anxiety. Anxiety disorders become a huge problem for many of us. But several ways may help you to practice optimism. These ways will also help you to reduce anxious feeling:

Credit: Allie Smith

Change your thinking process

These are a range of ways to think. Usually, you perform daily activities based on your thinking. Different ways of thinking produce different assumptions and we start to predict our future. We intend to take action based on our predictions. So the ways of thinking are very important to maintain a healthy positive mind. If we can change the way we think, it may create new pathways in front of us. You need to identify which patterns of thinking are problematic. Try to avoid those thinking processes and practice new ways of thinking. Integrate your information from rational and intellectual sources which will encourage you to be more optimistic and less anxious.

Credit: Allie Smith

Break your fears

Overthinking may not bring a good result for you. If you have chronic anxiety, you will get a hard time to relax. You will always in fear that will ultimately drop you in a crisis of confidence. You need to understand your fear and face it with logical information. You need to be mindful and accept the challenge to face it. Try to assess any negative events realistically. It will help you to assess your accurate ability to handle it. Most of the time the critical incidents tend to resolve over time. So don’t overestimate anything. Any event will not affect everything in your life. You may find that the bad incident may not as catastrophic as originally thought.

Credit Fab Lentz

Make connection with optimists

You need to surround yourself with people who make you feel good. Optimist people will make you feel calm, safe and good. You can exchange positive ideas with them that may bring progressive changes in your life. Your social relationships are the key factor to determine the health outcomes of your mind. When you feel anxious, spend more time with positive-minded friends. If you are socially isolated, it may increase your stress level. Hence increase your social connection and try to spend a happy time with your friends and family.

Credit: Sydney Rae

In sum, state a positive intention every day to get a positive mindset. You can step outside for a relaxing or adventurous journey. Live your present life and be mindful. Enjoy your journey of life and with lots of smiles.