Pregnant Single Mother Plans A Solo Vacation Which Takes An Unexpected Turn


When Samantha Snipes was eight months pregnant, she decided to take a spur-of-the-moment trip. Not only had the path that led her to this point been difficult but traveling while heavily pregnant proved no easy task. Nearly at the point of complete emotional and physical exhaustion, she ended up missing her connecting flight on one fateful day.

As chance had it, she was re-booked on a different flight at the last moment. However, what Samantha didn’t know as she boarded the plane was that an unbelievable chain of events had just been set into motion; events that would change the fate of her life and that of her unborn child’s forever.

1. Unforeseen Future

For 24-year-old Samantha Snipes, the current reality of her life was not exactly as she’d wished. A series of difficult and astonishing choices to improve her situation, however, would eventually lead to one particular chance encounter that would change everything.

In September 2016, Snipes was completely unaware of what would unfold after she boarded a Delta flight from where she was living in Arkansas to North Carolina; then again nothing about the past few months of her life had been expected.